now say that really fast... :D
anyway... it's been a long time since i bothered to post a blog, and kudos to you if you are actually reading it! you know how it goes, the longer you wait to post, the cooler you think it needs to be, so you wait and wait and wait for something awesome enough to happen... then you realize you're not that cool and you shouldn't have bothered waiting in the first place, but you did so now all your friends deleted you from their friend list and forgot you ever existed?
tee hee.
anyway, i've been really busy since my last blog. i am still at that job, just about 2 years into it. it's fun, my engineering friends saw me a while ago, and they can never quite remember what exactly i do. well, what's cool is that i do so many things at my job, it really has me on my feet. i work for a global property insurance company, but as an engineer. i provide risk assessment and consult about how to mitigate damages from fire, earthquake and flood. what's so cool about it is that i get to go to so many sites and see how things work, that it's kinda like being on that show "how stuff works" or whatever. below is a list of some of the kinds of places i've been:
- rock crushing facility (they make ballast for railroad tracks)
- casinos
- data centers
- high rise office buildings
- rendering plant (EWWWWW nasty place, but good people there)
- warehouses
- large hospitals
- coffee roasting facilities
- large-scale printing operations
- and the coolest one of all...the star wars archives!!!!!
no, i'm not kidding (and my boss said it was OK to tell people i go there, i just can't talk about certain proprietary things). i actually got to see the model of the death star, along with the actual costumes worn in the star wars movies! how awesome is that? kinda takes the edge off having to go to a rendering plant :P
anyway, i've been learning a lot. i visit places that are worth anywhere from $5 million to $1.2 billion dollars. i help these big-leaguers protect their businesses, and help keep property loss events as distractions rather than disasters. it's a fun job (if not frustrating with how much you have to learn, but heck i'm a nerd so that's part of the fun!)...
in OTHER news, well there's not much. times have been economically difficult. i thought it would all be like magic with this new job that pays better than my old job of running the wind tunnel lab at the University of California, Davis, but i've been paying off student loans, and my boyfriend was out of work for a long while (he recently got a job--yay!). so when i got the job, i bought a 360 and a new TV that CAME WITH A PS3 and an additional several hundred off the TV. alas, i had to sell them both.
well, i take that back. we sold the PS3 because we got the YLOD. sony is full of crud. we had it for 1.5 years and barely ever used it, and we kept it well ventilated and everything. design defect, not user error. we tried to repair it once using the heat gun method, but it didn't work. i don't think we were agressive enough, but took the heat gun back. money got tight so we put it up for sale for $75 w/working controller. what was fun was that we got offerred a trade for a working 360 (60GB) with MW2, and 2 wireless controllers. the 360 had a spring missing from the memory card faceplate and they had spilled coke all over the front, but the 360 was working fine and had never RRODed (verified by a local gamestop employee). my bf and i took the trade and spent 2 hours cleaning it, and engineer that i am, i remade the spring and the faceplate worked and looked like new! we ended up turning it over with 2 more controllers we had for $140! what a win for a bit of elbow grease :)
i've also taken it upon myself to start exercising a lot. my job has me climbing some awful ladders to get to the roofs of these buildings, and i didn't like feeling weak and tired especially since i'm somewhat scared of heights (and try going up to a 35 foot ceiling to look at the sprinklers on scissor lifts with your boss walking side to side in it!). so that's been good. haven't lost a lot of weight 'cause i eat too much junk, but my muscles are definitely working better!
that's my long rant. i had hoped to put up my college entrance essay, but i didn't feel like getting the box of old stuff out of my closet just yet. perhaps i'll post it up later.
thanks for stopping by! hope you didn't drool on your keyboard when you nodded off after my rambling :S
later gater ;)
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