Latest Episodes of Reality Check
Reality Check - You Can Play XCOM 2 Forever
Lucy speaks to the guys from Firaxis to find out how they've implemented procedural generation into XCOM 2 to make it never ending.
Reality Check - The Problem With PC Ports
After Arkham Knight's tumultuous turn on PC, Lucy investigates why PC ports are trickier to develop than their console counterparts.
Reality Check - The Magic Of Middleware (Part 2): Game Physics
This week on Reality Check, Lucy investigates how developers use physics engines to create collision, destruction and death in games.
Reality Check - The Magic of Middleware (Part 1)
This week on Reality Check, Lucy investigates how developers use middleware like SpeedTree and Umbra to create video games.
Reality Check - How Is The Witcher 3 So Huge?
Impressed by the minimal number of loading screens in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Lucy investigates how games developers use tech and brain smarts to make open-world games.
Reality Check - Why do we feel sad when we finish games?
In Cam's final episode of Reality Check, he investigates why we get sad when we complete games with characters we like.
Reality Check - Why Do We Love Skylanders?
This week on Reality check, Cam investigates the psychology behind the immense popularity of the Skylanders franchise.
Reality Check - Are Spoilers Really Bad?
Cam investigates the psychology of spoilers to find out if we should love them, or hate them.
Reality Check - 64% of People CAN'T Tell the Difference Between PS4, PC, and XONE
Cam reveals the results of his graphics test, and it appears that we might not be so great at identifying PC, PS4, and Xbox One based on looks alone.
Reality Check - 3 Scientific Ways To Become a Video Game Superhero! (Sort Of)
Sick of your non-superpowered life? Perhaps science can help you achieve the capabilities of your favourite video game superheroes! Cam investigates on Reality Check.
Reality Check - Can You Tell The Difference Between PS4, XONE and PC?
Cam undertakes the mother of all console war experiments: Can people REALLY tell the difference between PS4, XONE and PC based on graphics alone? Link to vote on the clips - Link to download the video file -
Reality Check - HoloLens VS Oculus RIft and the Future of Gaming
Cam brings you an augmented Reality Check this week, delving into the technology and gaming promise of Microsoft's brand new AR headset, HoloLens.
Reality Check - Why The Martian Should Be A Video Game!
Reality Check returns with a new look and a new type of episode. This week Cam investigates whether or not hit sci-fi survival adventure The Martian should be a video game.
Reality Check - How Science Can Make VR Better
Lucy takes over Reality Check to look at some of 2014's top scientific findings and ponder how they could improve the Virtual Reality experience.
Reality Check - Elite Dangerous Has So Much Science It will Blow Your Mind!
Cam chats with Elite: Dangerous co-writer David Braben about the crazy, detailed science of this epic space sim. It will probably blow your mind!
Reality Check - The Fight Against Cheat Bots
Reality Check returns to the topic of cheat bots as Cam explores how much of a problem they pose, and how developers fight the good fight against them.
Reality Check - Real Tesla vs. Fictional Tesla in The Order: 1886
Cam goes back in time to investigate Nikola Tesla and how the real man's inventions compare to those of his fictional namesake in The Order: 1886.
Reality Check - How Do Cheat Bots Work?
Cam blames his gaming woes on cheat bots before investigating how they work and why people use them.
Reality Check - Why Do We Change Gender? Character Creation Psychology! (Part.2)
Reality Check takes a second journey into the psychology of character creation, focusing this time on why people play as different genders, and what impact your character could be having on your real life.
Reality Check - What Are We Hiding? Character Creation Psychology! (Part.1)
Cam explores the psychology of why we make the characters that we do, and what these decisions reveal about ourselves.
Reality Check - How to Build A Real Game World
Cam travels to Paris and chats to the team behind Assassin's Creed Unity to find out how they went about re-creating revolutionary Paris.
Reality Check - Real Time Global Illumination - What Is It And Is It Possible on PS4 & XONE?
Cam charges into the world of lighting tech this week and tries to wrap his head around Global Illumination. Fortunately he gets help from developers at Unity, Epic and Massive Entertainment.
Realty Check - History of Virtual Reality
Cam begins his journey into virtual reality with a look back at the history of this fascinating technology, from Original Retro to Oculus Rift.
Reality Check - 3 Ways Games Are Good For You!
Cam scours the latest scientific research for positive news stories about playing video games, and comes back with three fascinating results for us.
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