Latest Episodes of Reality Check
Reality Check - Are Photorealistic Video Games Possible?
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter uses photogrammetry to achieve a near-perfect game world. How does it work, and can we ever get a photorealistic video game? Reality Check has the answers!
Reality Check - Hoverbikes, Climbing Gloves and Drone Swarms - COD Advanced Warfare Tech IRL?
Cam examines the future tech of Call of Duty Advanced Warfare investigating hoverbikes, climbing gloves and swarms of drones. You guys like swarms of things right?
Reality Check - Can FIFA 15 Predict Real Life Game Results?
Cam checks out the power of FIFA 15 as a prediction engine and sees if it can predict real life results better than chance, bookies, or even pundits.
Reality Check - Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Super Soldiers in Real Life?
Cam investigates the science fiction of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and finds out if real life soldiers could soon be kitting up with jetpacks and badass exoskeletons.
Reality Check - Best and Worst Hacking In Games
Cam enlists hacking expert Chris Boyd once more for an investigation into the best (and worst) hacking video games have to offer.
Reality Check - Can You Live on Destiny's Planets?
Cam investigates how close Destiny comes to recreating Mars, Venus, and the Moon. Could we ever colonise these planets, or are they totally inhospitable?
Reality Check - Do Gamers Play Better or Worse With a Crowd? (Feat. League of Legends Team Fnatic)
Cam heads to League of Legends competition LCS, and chats to pro team Fnatic to find out if a live audience can help or hinder player performance.
Reality Check - Why Do We Watch Twitch?
Reality Check delves into the psychology behind why 55 million people log on to Twitch every month to watch other people play League of Legends and Hearthstone.
Reality Check - Why is Collecting Loot So Much Fun?
To mark the release of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition Cam investigates why we find gathering loot so damn enjoyable.
Reality Check - Yet More PC GFX Explained! Motion Blur, HDR, Physx, and More
Cam takes on the final chapter of his quest to solve the mysteries of PC graphics terms. Find out about Post Processing, Motion Blur, HDR and Physx on this week's Reality Check.
Reality Check - Is Quantum Computing the Future of Gaming?
Does quantum computing hold to keys to the future of gaming? Find out what it is, and why you should care, in this week's Reality Check.
Reality Check - More PC GFX Explained! SSAO, Texture Filtering, Depth Of Field, and More!
Cam continues his quest to learn and understand ALL of the PC graphics terms. On the menu this week, ambient occlusion, anisotropic filtering, field of view, and depth of field.
Reality Check - PC GFX Explained! Antialiasing, Vsync, Tessellation and More!
Cam dives head first into the confusing waters of PC graphics settings on Reality Check. What exactly do they mean, and how do they result in sexy graphics?
Reality Check - Why Do Steam Sales Take All My Money?!
This week on Reality Check, Cam and Lucy investigate the psychology of steam sales and why they make us part with so much cash.
Reality Check - How Does No Man's Sky Actually Work!?
Cam investigates the question we've all been wondering: how does the procedurally generated world of No Man's Sky actually work?
Reality Check - The Witcher 3 and Taking Drugs Before Battle!
The Witcher Geralt of Rivia is no stranger to drugs, mainly because he uses them to give him an advantage in combat. But have we puny human beings ever done the same?
Reality Check - Weaponising Animals in Far Cry 4
In Far Cry 4 elephants sure seem great for causing mayhem, but what other animals have been weaponised throughout history? Cam investigates in Reality Check.
Reality Check - Amazing E3 Secrets Revealed Through Reverse Speech!
Cam embraces pseudoscience this week in a bid to discover E3's biggest secrets.
Reality Check - Surprising Facts About Video Games You Probably Didn't Know.
How many people play video games? What is the average gamer like? And exactly how big is this industry? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this weeks Reality Check.
Reality Check - Could Watch Dogs Be Real?
This week on Reality Check, Cam investigates the sci-fi surveillance and hacking of Watch Dogs to see if it could actually be real.
Reality Check - What is the Biggest Game in the World?
What is the biggest game in the world? Minecraft? League Of Legends? Super Mario Bros? Cam tries to find an answer in this weeks Reality Check.
Reality Check - Space Travel: How NOT to Die
Cam consults genuine science experts, including Elite: Dangerous creator David Braben, to find out how to travel at near light speed without, you know, dying.
Reality Check - What Makes Hardcore Fans So Hardcore?
Reality Check takes a trip to Fanfest to study the psychology of hardcore video game fans. Just what is going on inside their loyal brains?
Reality Check - Real Superhuman Strength?
The Amazing Spider-Man may be crazy strong, but what would it take for regular humans to exhibit superhuman strength? The answer is lots of stress, adrenaline, and just a touch of PCP.
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