I know I probably shouldn't post in this thread because I'm not a CORE member, but I feel that this needs to be brought up.
If the FFE ever wants to be endorsed, then I say we get rid of the "OT on weekends" rule and amend the constitution, as seen here. Here are some highlights that I feel need to be changed:
"c) The rule against Off-Topic Posting is totally relaxed, subject to the limitations set in the OTR."
Pursuant to Article II, Section 5 of the Constitution and Rule 2, Section 2 (a) of the RoB, I, Fantasy Gamer, FFE Administrator, hereby adopts and promulgates the following implementing rules regarding off-topic posting:
Rule 1. These rules shall be known and cited as the Off-Topic Rules (OTR).
Rule 2. Final Fantasy Experience is categorized as a Games - Fan Clubs and Role-playing >> General union. In this regard, FFE shall pursue a general policy of Final Fantasy and RPG-related discussion.
This only means that FFE shall support and endorse 100% all topics, threads and discussions made, which has something to do with Final Fantasy and RPG's, subject to the ToS.
Rule 3. Off-topic posts are allowed as a matter of mere privilege, not as a matter of right to the posters. In this regard, everyone is allowed to continue their off-topic discussions, but with certain limitations. The limitations are:
(a) Definition of terms (as far as FFE is concerned):
Off-topic - ANY topics/threads/discussions not related to Final Fantasy or RPG's.
Threads - a topic or a series of topics.
Weekends - Saturdays and Sundays
(b) General off-topic discussions (where you can talk everything under the sun) will be confined in a single general off-topic thread to be called "FFE General Off-topic Discussions". Other off-topic discussions will be closed or deleted.
(c) The above-stated thread can only be validly made by a duly authorized officer or member of this union, to be assigned by the union leader. All threads of similar nature will be automatically closed or deleted. For now, I'm designating storm1110 as the sole authorized creator of said thread.
(d) There will be an automatic suspension in the implementation of this OTR during weekends, subject to the TOS.
(e) Such suspension of the OTR will be automatically lifted at the start of the new week and all officers present are ordered to close all these off-topic threads.
(f). Closed off-topic threads may be re-opened upon petition of the topic creator or other posters at least 1 day before the next following weekend. The officers who will be assigned for the task of looking and re-opening a closed off-topic thread during weekends will be appointed by the union leader, preferably, from the ranks of the newly appointed officers.
Rule 4. Board Announcements, Rules, News, etc. made by the officers, whether on or off-topic, shall not be under the scope of this OTR, especially if it is stickied.
Rule 5. Amendments and revisions to these rules may be made anytime upon petition by any member, and after consulting the union officers (and members).
Rule 6. This RoB shall take upon posting at the message board.
(Sgd.) Fantasy Gamer
Administrator, Final Fantasy Experience
Also, I think we need to update it in general, because some of the rules/info in it is outdated. Does anyone else feel this way?
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