I wanna know more about all of you and we should become better friends, also this thread needed some loving considering its stickied and it seems like one that we can all easily get into.
Like that, Ezio's outfit from Assassin's Creed Revelations is going to be offered as DLC for Noel in XIII-2. I know I probably should have put this into a news update but in all honestly doing all the formatting and stuff for that, I find to be overly frustrating and I had no other news and this didn't seem big enough for its own news thing. Regardless of that, I'd like your thoughts on this and maybe some other friendship building stuff such as interests or something :DÂ
The dlc costume for Noel is awesome and I love Assassins Creed...
Here is a start...
1. Short Introduction:Hey
2. GS Name: call me Vincent
3. Real Name:John Grose
4. Position In FFE: Officer....specifically Forum Supervisor
5. Gender: Male
6. Date of Birth: December 10 1993
7. Place of Birth: Indiana
8. Height: 6'4
9. Weight (jk):Yeah this is not going up...
10. Ethnicity: Caucasion
11. Current Location of Residence:Indiana
12. Religion: Undecided but I guess Christian
13. Job: School
14. Personality: I do not really know..
15, Habits/Mannerisms;Ummmmm.
16. Girl/Boy Friends:None...never had one.
17. Pets: None...
18. What Do You Look for in a Person: I do not know I guess a person being nice would be a start.
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person:
20. Consoles Owned: PS3,3DS,PS2,PSP
21. How Long Have You Played Games:Since I was about 3...
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played:A lot...
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be: Obviously Vincent or if a girl which would be Lightning
24. How long have you been on Gamespot:2008 I think
25. Favorite muscial instrument: A guitar
1. Game(s) in General: RE,SH,MGS,KH,FF,AC,ME,DA
2. FF Game: It is between FFVII and FFX
3. Console(s):PS2
4. Movie(s):Batman under the red hood,FFVII Advent Children, Gladiator, Troy...there is more.
5. TV Show(s):I do not know.
6. Food:I do not know.
7. Colour:Red and Pink
8. Music: Rock...stuff like Papa Roach,Linkin Park,and Three Days Grace
9. Place of Travel: Florida,Ohio, Illinois,Mississippi,Michigan,NY
1. Other interests and hobbies: Writing I guess..and reading
2. Contact Information: I think to PM me would be more effective because I check this everyday..I do not my email.
3. Random Facts: later...
I meant more like a conversation but now that you started a biography I'll roll with it jk. It also seems like we have a lot in common :D
1. Short Introduction:Hello everyone
2. GS Name: Lightning or Light
3. Identity: Claire/ Real Name: Matt
4. Position In FFE: Officer
5. Gender: Its complicated
6. Date of Birth: October 6 1991
7. Place of Birth: PA
8. Height: 5'11
9. Weight: prob somewhere in the 170s but I'd like to lower that number
10. Ethnicity: Caucasion
11. Current Location of Residence:PA
12. Religion: Raised Christian but now either atheist or darwinistÂ
13. Job: School and Subway Manager
14. Personality: Excited, distant, depressed, emo, and overly friendly either all at once or in random spurts
15, Habits/Mannerisms: idk
16. Girl/Boy Friends:Had 3 Gfs but unsure which gender is right for me
17. Pets: None, yet
18. What Do You Look for in a Person: Similar interest, funny, smart, accepts me for who I am, and someone that likes to cuddle without it being oncomfortable.
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person:I try to accept someone for who they are so I guess this would depend on the severity or magnitude of the situation.
20. Consoles Owned: Previously- Genesis and GB/Currently- GBA,DS,GC,Wii,PSP,PS2,PS3,xbox,360, and PC
21. How Long Have You Played Games:Since I was 5
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played:Dissidias, VII, IX, X, X-2, XIII
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be: Lightning/Yuna/Tifa/Vincent probably in that order
24. How long have you been on Gamespot:either 6 or 7 years on various accounts
25. Favorite muscial instrument: I don't play but prob the guitar or keyboard
1. Game(s) in General: RE,FF,ME,KH,AC,DS,MEdge,Naruto,P.N.03,Bayonetta,Halo,FE,Poke,PE,TR,Sonic,Mario
2. FF Game: X
3. Console: 360
4. Movie(s): Milla Jovovich,Aeon Flux,Underworld,Aliens,Avatar,Never Back Down,Lost in Space
5. TV Show(s):Claymore, Requiem for the Phantom, Naruto, Black Cat, Alias, South Park, Avtar the Last Airbender, Digimon, Terra Nova, Fringe, Big Bang Theory, 2 Broke Girls, Heroes.
6. Food:Various
7. Colour:Black, Blue, Orange
8. Music:Three Days Grcae, Papa Roach, Linkin Park, Skillet, Flyleaf, Valora, Breaking Benjamin, Britney Spears, Avenged Sevenfold, Lady Gaga, Korn, Rihanna, Disturbed, Ke$ha, Lady Antebellum, Tokio Hotel, Adema, Shakira, Evanescence, Red, a lot of others too.
9. Place of Travel: idc, not a big traveler
1. Other interests and hobbies: Writing, Reading, Gaming, Collecting, Hanging with friends
2. Contact Information: PM Gamertag:Mastexphenx742
3. Random Details:By requestÂ
I answered its complicated for gender right and it kinda is. To answer it more correctly I have a male body but I'm believe that I was meant to be or am a female trapped in a male body which has created a great number of identity and orientation problems for me. I'm not sure and never have been on whether I prefer guys or girls and whether or not I would be gay or straight due to the difference between the gender of my body and my actual gender so its complicated and that may be too personal for the threads so if you want more information on that I think a pm would be better and like I said it is rather complicated.
For college I was majoring in Biotechnology but that didn't really suit me so I switched to an accounting major but haven't had any classes in it yet so we'll see if thats the right major. I'd also like to minor in creative or fiction writing but our school hasn't been approved for a fiction writing minor as of yet but I've already had to fiction writing courses now I just need the minor to get approved so I can put those classes towards more than free electives. I know that is really diverse, science, business, then english but like I said in the gender question, very confused on identity and with many interests.
Favorite manga and anime: For manga I've read some bleach, and I have a good amount of Naruto and Claymore manga. For anime I like Naruto, Bleach, Black Cat, Claymore, Aria the Scarlet Ammo, Shikabane Hime, Requiem for the Phantom, Devil May Cry, and Highschool of the Dead. I'm currently watching Black Cat for the first time, I'm about halfway through the series and I'm really enjoying it. I've also seen some FMA:B but only a few episodes.
Questions for you...Religion as undecided but Christian? and what bands are you currently listening too? I'm currently listening to Sick Puppies.
I d not consider myself with any belief yet I am pressed to be Christian and I want to believe it because I fear that after death is nothingness. I fear this...I am confused and I am pretty much undecided but I am taught to be Christian. If that all made sense
Gosh now I'm really confused, should I refer to you with a "he" or you prefer a "she"?
I love to keep everything about me as a secret, no body know my actual name nor a lot of things, my about me section only tell that I'm a male and that's all, only 3 GS members know a little about me, though I'm not sure if they still remember, anyway I'll add another bit of info, I'm religious, and heavily, I believe in God, he has created us for a purpose, how this life is even possible without someone superior creating it? How we do exist, don't tell me it's happened by an accident, you need millions of accidents to create something doesn't even has a soul, could a ruler exist by itself? If there's no creator that measured the length and did the marking and measured and calculated everything, the materials, the weight, the shape, the color, the price, the packaging and a lot of things, he has to do a lot of things and do a lot of calculation to create something very basic, something isn't even that creative, something without a soul, now do you know how much details the human beings involve? Scientist haven't found everything about our own body, they still doing researches to find out, but they will never find everything, think about how many details our body have and then imagine how many simultaneous accident you need to actually create a human being without any interference from anyone, this is a small example as God say that creating the universe is a much greater thing, how could the universe with all the planets and living creatures have existed? Why would you believe we existed from nothing with billions of accidents and not believing that God has created us, created us to build the earth and take care of our self and our family, there's another life after this one, after this one we gonna live for eternity though, but we will be either in Heaven or in Hell based on what we did in this life and based on our believes, I'm afraid of what might happen to you and Vinc after this life, I recommend you to read a lot of books about this exact thing, this is the most important thing in life, this explain why we are here at first place and what should we do, all of us should decide this before anything else, cause believe it or not there is a God and there's a Heaven and a Hell after this life, our life is a big test to see if we will seek the truth or if we'll believe nothing, both of you like reading so why not reading a lot of books about religions, you have to find the best religion in earth, whether it's Islam, Christianity, Bodice or others, reading might not give you faith but it'll give insights, read the Holy Qur'an, read the Bible then think and think deeply, I once been a non-believer I stayed a year thinking whether God does or doesn't exist, this thinking lead me to be almost crazy but then finally managed to find evidences of our God, evidences are everywhere but we don't actually realize cause we are blind, yes we are, starting of our self and the universe, the universe hold millions of evidences that God does exist, this is a serious thing guys, it's not a joke at all, one day you all gonna be believers but then it's gonna be too late :?.Hello Balmane or Justin:)
I am John (just call me Vincent)
and I welcome you to the union with smiles:)
#johngrose77 - It's an open world, and almost anyone can know and read a lot of books about all the religions available so he can choose, we have brains and we have to use them, science is not something against religion, the two conclude each other, only those who are living in isolated places will not know a religion, those God will decide about them but most likely will be forgiven.
#Lightning__Evil - Of course every one of us has the rights to choose his religion and his believe, I'm btw a Muslim and as Muslims we do respect all believes and religions, actually one of our main highlights is that the well of choice is very important, even if a religion is clearly the best people should choose it if they are convinced, but sticking to something forever without constantly reading is so wrong, have you tried all the religions then decided to choose nothing? I'm certain it's not the case, do you still think about whether a God do exist or not? Or have you already settled your mind? I'm keen to know more about this :).Welcome Balmane! Hopefully you'll enjoy it here and we can resolve any lingering disputes between the FF unions!
@Squall20xx- I've done a basic level of research into various religions and I simply haven't chosen one. I'm not sure if it stems from my gender or identity issues or if it simply stems from a rebellion against my parent's religion, humanity, or religion altogether. I think that we are all simply organisms that evolved over millenia and when we die there is simply nothing and I've acceptted that. I think the institution of religion is one that provides humans with the comfort in a higher being or purpose that is meant to bring meaning or comfort to one's life but due to my beliefs I see it more as a weakness or blindness from the hard truth of reality. That is my reality and I'm not saying that anyone else's ways are wrong but that is simply what I believe. This is what I have decided.Â
Do I question whether or not God exists? In truth I no longer question that. To me the belief in a higher being that created everything even though we have no proof or identifiable connection with him as well as science being able to explain everything in creation, so I believe that there is no God. With the hardships and confusion found in life I find it hard to believe as well as no proof with me being a more of a I'll believe it when I see it kind of person. I don't believe that there is one and if there is I wouldn't want to end up believing in the incorrect one if there is such a thing so I've decided not to worry about it and if it turns out there is a god then I'm resolved that he will reveal himself to me when he so chooses or I may see him when I die. Thats about all on that subject.Â
Have I already settled my mind on this? I have already settled my mind on this but at the same time I'm still alive. One of the great things in life is that we are free to make our own decisions and I'm not closed off on discussing my beliefs and I'm not closed off to others beliefs and in that the possibility that my own beliefs may change.Â
Any other questions on that or anything else, feel free to ask. I tend to be somewhat of an open book and I haven't quite decided yet whether to view that as a positive or a negative so ask away ;)Â
I've really only played the first three series in that list but I agree with the order you have them in. I guess even though it is only one game I would add the World Ends With You either above Final Fantasy or between that and Kingdom Hearts. That game is absolutely amazing in my opinion.Lightning__Evil
Agreed. I was hooked immediatly. I somehow hope for a good sequel.Â
#Lightning__Evil - Well I've to say this at least, if I said to you that I'm travelling cross the ocean from Japan to America to meet you in person but didn't find any ship to carry me, I waited and waited for hours but no ship appeared, then after 10 hours of waiting and suddenly a big piece of wood came from the ocean and is surfing towards me, then another one did the same, then a lot of wood pieces did the same and started to group themselves without any interference, they did it to construct the bottom of a ship, then out of the water a big box of pins suddenly appeared along with a hammer, the box opened slowly and one pin float in the air then many pins followed it, then the hammer followed them and started to hit them to fix all the pieces together, they kept working for an entire hour, after they finished a ship was standing in front of me, and I've managed to ride it and sailed across the oceans and traveled to America, would you believe my story or you gonna say it's just a fairy tale? Could a ship be built without anyone interfering? I think you gonna answer with a no, then how is this whole universe do exist without a creator, it's impossible, who has even created science and created our minds to think? Science tells me that there was a small cell that multiplied into many cells and evolved into the universe with all its details, then again how a cell can exist without interfering, it also can't evolve at its own, there has to be someone setting a rule on how the cell going to evolve, it's will not evolve on its own, there has to be someone letting it to evolve and created a perfect environment to let it evolve, science can't explain everything, it can't explain how we are here, religion can explain things the science can't, as I told you they conclude each other, believing in nothing is what I consider blindness and weakness, I've managed to prove that God exist by only thinking, I haven't used any religion, I used my brain and science to prove it, but it took me 1 year to be sure, though if I followed a religion from the beginning it would had been much faster, all I'm asking you is keep thinking nothing more.
Sorry guys but I am kind of sick about talking about religions so I am going to talk about my top 5 Square Enix franchises in order of greatest to less great 1-5.. 1. Final Fantasy 2. Kingdom Hearts 3. Parasite Eve 4. Chrono series 5. Star Ocean There it is.johngrose77
Yeah enough talking about religions :) I said what I felt needing to say, but I haven't played many SE games, played FFs, a little of DQVIII, a little of KH1&2 but never finished these games, oh and I've completed Paraside Eve 2 :) can't be compared to FFs but still nice game :), I wish to play Star Ocean some day.
[QUOTE="SQUALL20XX"]Ah and also completed Chrono Cross :) though people telling me that Chrono Trigger is the best RPG from SE, so I'll have to play this game too, but doubt it's better than the best FFs.Balmane
I find Chrono Trigger to be better than most FF's.
Really? :| at least you said most not all, I really can't see how this game is better than most FFs or all, well I'm open minded and have to try it myself.Â
The only question that remains then is when will you try it? :DLightning__Evil
I hope you have read my post above, and about CT I'm not sure, have you played it too? :?.
Chrono Trigger is a very good game and compared to the FFs in the same era I would consider maybe equal. I would maybe consider IV and VI better. Why? Because Kefka from VI was way more of a memorable antagonist versus Lavos or even Magus. As well as Golbez being more memorable. Also, Cecil and Terra were way more memorable than Chrono as well. It is really hard to say.. It is hard to say but I prefer Final Fantasy. I will say that Chrono Trigger had the best combat turn based battles of them. The story's would be equel. Chrono was a silent protagonist which is fine but one that has a voice has more character in my opinion.
Yeah I loved FFIV and yeah the combat was better in Chrono Trigger but nothing beats the characters sacrificing themselves in FFIV even though there is a couple in Chrono but to the killing of General Leo to the Opera house to the Phantom Train to the Kain's Betrayell to the relationship between Golbez and Cecil. FInal Fantasy was just so much more memorable in terms of the story in my opinion.
I did read your post but I didn't respond due to the fact that you then said lets move away from religion so I simply let it drop and no I have yet to play any of the Chrono titles.Lightning__Evil
Good I only wanted you to read it, then why you asked me when I'm going to play it? :) Do you have the game now?
Chrono Trigger is a very good game and compared to the FFs in the same era I would consider maybe equal. I would maybe consider IV and VI better. Why? Because Kefka from VI was way more of a memorable antagonist versus Lavos or even Magus. As well as Golbez being more memorable. Also, Cecil and Terra were way more memorable than Chrono as well. It is really hard to say.. It is hard to say but I prefer Final Fantasy. I will say that Chrono Trigger had the best combat turn based battles of them. The story's would be equel. Chrono was a silent protagonist which is fine but one that has a voice has more character in my opinion.
Oh really :? I guess I've no choice but to play this game, then why SE haven't continued this series?
Yeah I loved FFIV and yeah the combat was better in Chrono Trigger but nothing beats the characters sacrificing themselves in FFIV even though there is a couple in Chrono but to the killing of General Leo to the Opera house to the Phantom Train to the Kain's Betrayell to the relationship between Golbez and Cecil. FInal Fantasy was just so much more memorable in terms of the story in my opinion.johngrose77
Oh thanks for spoiling all of these events to us :).
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