1. Short Introduction: I'm short.
2. GS Name: Emil_Aya
3. Real Name: Emily
4. Position In FFE: Member?
5. Gender:Female
6. Date of Birth: 12/22
7. Place of Birth: Denver, Colorado
8. Height: 5' 3 1/2'' (that half is important)
9. Weight (jk): Ha. No.
10. Ethnicity: White?
11. Current Location of Residence: USA
12. Religion: Christian
13. Job: Living
14. Personality: Intelligent (at times), opinionated, occasionally hyperactive
15, Habits/Mannerisms; I tend to put question marks where they aren't needed.
16. Girl/Boy Friends: As in friends or BOYFRIENDS? If it's the latter than none. If the former, on here, Vin is my only friend (and the reason i got on)
17. Pets: Three cats; Frisco, Simon, Kame Four dogs; Buster, Roscoe, Roxy, Little Brown And a ton of fish
18. What Do You Look for in a Person: Kindness, and an interesting personality in general. someone who will have a lighthearted fight to tha death as i prove i'm correct.
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person: Mean in general. Controlling,
20. Consoles Owned: Xbox 360, PS2, PS, Gamecube, Wii, Nintendo64, DS, 3DS, Gameboy
21. How Long Have You Played Games: Forever
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played: FF7, FF6, FF9, FF10, FF10-2, FF12, FF13
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be: Kadaj, if he counts. If not, Balthier.
24. How long have you been on Gamespot: umm two weeks?
25. Favorite muscial instrument: Violin (I rock it.)
1. Game(s) in General: Tales of Symphonia, Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed, Pokemon
2. FF Game: Nine, I think.
3. Console(s): Xbox
4. Movie(s): A Knight's Tale, Ever After, Phantom of the Opera
5. TV Show(s): Angel, Raising Hope
6. Food: Chocolate
7. Colour: Purple
8. Music: Jrock
9. Place of Travel: Everywhere but America.
1. Other interests and hobbies: Language. I'm taking Three and teaching myself one. Sleep? If that counts.
2. Random Facts; I'm blond and have and IQ of 210, (That is from the IQ book.) and yet i am still as dumb as a doorknob sometimes. According to my mother it's the blond genes.
Welcome Emil! I like your ToS icon, I also like your new Genesis one Vin.
@Vega- Yes the Twilight Series Eclipse. I've watched it 3 or 4 times already this past week. I watched it Saturday, Sunday, and yesterday so yeah I guess only 3 times, but still I can't seem to get enough...
On another note, my money from work is blowing a hole in my pocket. Tomorrow I'm going to get a 3DS and I already ordered, or plan to do so shortly, 9 games, 3 movies, and anime, and 3 books. I will have plenty to do in addition to school work this semester. Â
[QUOTE="irishdude199210"]IQ of 210 my ass. Do a proper IQ test.
I will, and as i do, I'll tell my grandmother hers is faulty. And thanks. :)
Sarcasm pervades the internet. *sigh*
I'm not new here, but I have returned! Its nice to see that this place has gotten more lively since I left :D
Welcome back Jenson! I missed you and I see you changed your icon again. It reminds me of Chrono from Chrono Crusade even though I know that isn't what it is:PLightning__Evil
Nice to see you as well Lighting :D
I believe he has a 16 bit Vincent icon.vegamineral
Hellz yes
Hello and welcome back and of course I am super glad you have a Vincent icon. I just changed mine from Vincent to Genesis. I wanted a Kratos Aurion(need to make sure he is not mistaken as Kratos from GOW) icon but I ended up with Genesis which I like a lot too. I need to make a new sig.
I did, he just gets under my skin a lot of times with his black and white or airheaded view of the world:P
What you up to Vega?Â
Lightning, are you american?
If so, do americans say the time like you have? E.g "quarter of 5" and "10 after 5"?
Oh nothing. School, seeing friends, about an average humans life.I did, he just gets under my skin a lot of times with his black and white or airheaded view of the world:P
What you up to Vega?
Lightning, are you american?
If so, do americans say the time like you have? E.g "quarter of 5" and "10 after 5"?
I'm american yes. I can't speak necessarily for all americans but speaking the time like that is fairly common. It just seems more fluid in conversation for us than saying 4:45 or 5:10. Is it different where you live?
Oh nothing. School, seeing friends, about an average humans life.vegamineral
Yeah the usual. I should probably get started on my homework sometime soon since I already know I have stuff do when classes start for me next Tuesday. Its hard to believe winter break is almost over:PÂ
Not that. I had AP Calc, which I ended up dropping because I didn't need to take it and it didn't agree with me working almost 30 hours a week on top of school, Statistics which can't remember if it was honors or regular, ecology, economics/law, 2 computer classes and I think that was it in my senior year, and of course gym since that was required. My senior year wasn't really all that exciting or difficult.
Now I'm in the Honors Program at Shippensburg University which is a state school and my next semester that starts next week, I'll be taking Heroines in History as an Honors Seminar, Honors Intro to Women Studies, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, Foundation of Business Administration, Principles of Economics, and Intro to Information Business Systems. That should basically finish off my required amount of gen eds, my second seminar out of 3 that I need to take for honors, and I'll have my freshman courses and one of my sophmore courses for Accounting done since I switched into it. I'm playing a little catch up since I'm in my fourth semester and just starting major courses since I switched to Accoutning. 18 credits in total it will be a busier semester than I'm used to but I think I can manage it;)
Have you chosen a school after high school yet Vin?Â
Hope I did this right. So very new to the whole forum and talking to people I don't know via the internet thing.
1. Short Introduction: I'm new to this forum thing. Take pity on me?
2. GS Name: kida_asumi
3. Real Name: Kida(or at least someday it will be official).
4. Position In FFE: Member
5. Gender:Female6. Date of Birth: 1/11
7. Place of Birth: Indianapolis, Indiana
8. Height: 5' 0 exact
9. Weight (jk): a number
10. Ethnicity: Caucasian
11. Current Location of Residence: USA
12. Religion: good question
13. Job: Running clubs at school
14. Personality: RL: outgoing, crazy, apparently easy to get along with, stubborn, very logical, tend to get very passionate about things I love. Interwebs life: still very logical passionate, shy and hesitant until I can get a feel of the placeÂ
15, Habits/Mannerisms: Loving something too much, then having to buy everything that is of importance to me about it(darn you KH and FFX!)
16. Girl/Boy Friends: Lots of friends that are just friends of both genders. Currently single if we're talking relationships
17. Pets: Five cats, though I only claim my Aro Lin, and a dog(who is fat and dumb)
18. What Do You Look for in a Person: someone with common sense, loyal, smart, and a sense of humor(dry, dark, or regular)Â
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person: Rude, 'Gangsta' characteristics, Snootiness
20. Consoles Owned: PS2, PS, Gamecube, Wii, 3DS, PSP
21. How Long Have You Played Games: Since I was four
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played: FFVI(beat it), FFVII(currently playing), FFVIII(currently playing), FFX(beat it and sequel(100% first time)), FFXII(temporary hiatus)
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be: Celes Chere
24. How long have you been on Gamespot: Not very long. maybe a month?
25. Favorite musical instrument: Violin(play it, live it, love it)
1. Game(s) in General: Mario, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Harvest Moon(the pacifist in me is quite content)
2. FF Game: Ten. Hands down
3. Console(s): Gamecube(gotta love it, everyone, gotta love it)
4. Movie(s): Howl's Moving Castle, Advent Children, anything with Vin Diesel
5. TV Show(s): Raising Hope, Glee, Charmed, CBS soap operas(don't judge, I was raised with them), most FOX reality; Anime: DNAngel(profile pic), Death Note, Beelzebub, Durarara
6. Food: Anything ItalianÂ
7. Colour: Blue
8. Music: Jrock
9. Place of Travel: Asia, Italy, Alaska, and Egypt
1. Other interests and hobbies: As mentioned above, I run clubs at school: the manga division of our book club and our Academic Super & Spell Bowl teams. I am currently organizing an Organization XIII cosplay group for Ikasucon 2012
2. Random Facts: I mainly hate my reality most of the time, so I often escape into either a virtual world or fanfiction. Fanfiction is my main escape and I am obsessed with it. I read and write and edit.Â
A note: Fanfiction; I hate oneshots. They should burn. I try to find the longest ones I can because 9/10, they are the best. Even though they sometimes mess with me head(right now I'm afraid to push the submit button because of Ansem Seeker(Creeper) of Darkness), I love them and am inspired by the people who manage to do alt. realities so beautiful.
That does not mean that I ignore cannon(pairings, events, etc.) and I will not state my personal feelings unless I have cannon to back it up. I have a blog for that. Have no fear, no corruption to this forum will come from me. I am here to step out of my comfort zone and extend my social bubble. Â
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