Happy Birthday Vega and sorry I did not send the PM. I fell asleep. I was going off only 3hrs of sleep.
You seem done or maybe just a little negative. Some people may enjoy this, its epic ;)Lightning__Evillol cool.
If anyone wants to game add me on xbox live.. my ps3 is still broken.. my xboxlive id : King Kremlin
i havent completed any achievements.. I started with a ps3 and on there I never even cared about trophys.. then It broke so I just bought an xbox so i could ply some games i was missing out on, ya know(dattebayo)
If you get the golden egg to double your allowed par time maybe you could ;)
EDIT: not golden egg, I think that was the xp doubler or something like that but their is an item for the time like I said, probably some kind of watch :PÂ
Not if your tired, but if your like me and have nightmares everytime you go to sleep then yes it is.vegamineral
I don't have nightmares, I can actually control my dreams most of the time, my girlfriend said that she read in a study that gamers who have been gaming for a while can actually control their dreams :P I said unfortunately cause I would rather have those hours to do things then sleep, I wish sleep wasn't necessary. Sorry about your nightmares btwÂ
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