1.Short Introduction: Hi everyone!I hope we get along
2.GS Name: random991
3.Real Name: Giorge
4.Position In FFE: Recruit
5.Gender: Male
6.Date Of Birth: 2 September 1995
7.Place Of Birth: Athina,i do not remember anything else...
9.Weight: 65kgs
10.Ethnicity: Greek
11.Current Location And Residence: Greece
12.Religion: Christian
13.Job: None (yet)
14.Personality: Easy Going
15.Habits/Mannerisms/Vices:Listening music with earphones while sleeping
16.Girl/Boy Friends:None
17.Pets: Dog and Cat
18.What Do You Look For In A Person:Everything...
19.What Do You Look Away From In A Person:Liars
20.Consoles Owned:Nintendo Entertainment System,Nintendo 64,Nintendo Gameboy,Dreamcast,Playstation 2,PSP,PC and XBOX360
21.How Long Have You Played Games: Since I can remember...
22.Which Final Fantasy Have You Played: FFVII Crisis Core,FFX,FFx2,FF Tactics,FFXII,Dissidia FF,FFXIII and FFVII Dirge Of Cerberus
23.If You Could Be Any FF Character,Which Character Would You Be:TidusÂ
1.Game(s) In General: Final Fantasy: X,XII,VII Crisis Core,Pesona 3 and 4,Tales Of Vesperia,The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time,Okami,Dark Souls and Dragon Quest VIII
2.FF Game:Final Fantasy X
3.Console(s): Playstation 2
4.Movies: A lot Which I can not remember right now :D
5.TV Shows: Friends
6.Food: Everything...exept eggplant
7.Color: Blue,Green,White and Black
8.Music: Videogame OST and Anime Openings
9.Place Of Travel: Around The World
1.Other Interests And Hobbies: Reading manga,watching anime and hanging out with friends
2.Contact Information: PM on GS
3.Random Facts: It"s so hot here that i am dying :DÂ
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