Copied from another post of mine since I'm too lazy to essentially retype the same thing (probably some spoilers in terms of mission structure):
I finished Devil Hunter this weekend. I don't know if I'd say it's easier than DMC3:SE exactly, and the game is fresh on my mind as I just played it for the first time a week or two ago. But it was the new character aspect. 20 missions, with Nero getting the majority of them, I had to get used to the Devil Bringer and using it well (I didn't figure out how to work Buster - can't hold down R1 - until about mission 5 or so, which would have been rather helpful on Berial). But, 13 missions with a brand new character, with you essentially stop using him once things start to ramp up a bit, and it felt like things were over before you really got to know him.
I did struggle with Nero, but flew through the same bosses with Dante. Partially because I had more health and maybe devil trigger and stuff, partially because I knew how they worked, partially because I was familiar with Dante. Even with the serpent boss basically being ready-made for Nero, I still did extremely well on those fights with Dante - my C rankings would jump up to A or S. And it wasn't just that boss, but the Angelos that were certainly simpler with Nero.
The one subtle change I noticed is that while DMC3 was more about defense, this game is more about offense. Normal enemies often have a windup that you can disrupt, so the best defense was just pure offense. While I used Trickster exclusively in DMC3, I pretty much always used Swordmaster in DMC4 (especially since Dante didn't have any aerial combos that isn't that silly downward slash which is wasteful on various enemies, and the high-powered combos are only really there with Swordmaster Level 4 which takes the place of the Buster you'd use on a stunned boss for big damage).
Pandora is just silly crazy, and my only regret is that I only got to use it for pretty much three missions. Gatling guns, bowguns, bazookas, giant laser beams, rocket launchers, riccocheting bladed boomerangs, and so forth, it was just great and finally a reason to use Gunslinger. Plus, they actually took visible damage off of a boss' life!
One thing I disliked was that if you failed a enemy a couple of times in a row, the game would handicap the enemy so you can get by it without giving you an option not to. Ugh. It was so frustrating to work on a boss strategy, almost take him down... and on the next fight just breeze through him since he was gimped when you wanted the satisfaction of beating him at full power. I liked how you had the option not to use Gold Orbs, I wish the same option was present here.
Some characters are just underdeveloped, especially Kyrie. She's the damsel in distress, yet when the villain dangles her in front of Nero, she just glances at you in silence. This was just so... odd. It's good they didn't really try to force Lady in as she didn't really have a purpose (and she was in two scenes, go and get the bonus epilogue!), but they tried to cram too much into too little. It's like a 10-mission game with 2 characters with a decent dose of repetition on Dante. I didn't mind refighting the bosses with Dante since you had to go about a few of them differently with your different moves. The third fight against them that was tossed in very late was just unnecessary, though.
Dante's final mission was awesome, though. Reminded me of a more interactive GoW2 opening. Unfortunately the story was essentially halted during his backtracking back to the start, which disrupted the pacing.
Overall I enjoyed it. It was a step down from DMC3, but it wasn't that far down, they just tried to add too much in too few stages. I think I still like it better than the original and... do I even need to comment about the second game?
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