Everyone over at Neogaf made the seasonal events sound like a breeze - I've only done the Challenger one so far but it definitely wasn't easy. I managed to scrape into fourth place (almost third) but the way they've limited the vehicle upgrades makes it quite difficult (especially the tires, dear god the tires). I guess I can't complain, I managed to earn about $350k of the total $700k and it only cost me $75 grand for another Challenger.
Which brings me to another gripe I have with the game - why can't I remove upgrades I've purchased? I already owned a Challenger but I couldn't go and remove anything I'd done to give it a horsepower boost and it was ineligible for the seasonal event. I know a lot of the upgrades (like weight or engine tuning) say they're not removable, but what possible game advantage does that bring? What if I want to revert an upgraded car to stock at some point? I can't unless I just buy another.
It's like the tuning version of the paint chip system.
edit - I still think the paint chip system is idiotic. I went to paint my race tuned Subaru yesterday and ended up just using the same metallic blue I got from buying that car from the dealership in the first place. There's no good way to sort colours, and about 70% of my paint chips are all some form of grey/silver courtesy of the cars I've won. I'm going to have to make an effort to buy cars in as bright a colour as possible just so I have some variety to my set of stupid paint chips.
Yeah a lot of the cars you win (and hence the paint chips you own) are either in a black or white variation which sucks. From the start i've been buying cars in a colour which i'd like to paint something else at a later date. Many of the new cars i've purchased have only had a couple of options for colours, but i usually get something in a bright, rarer colour so i can use it on something suitable later. I have a nice orange RX7 and a cool Evo II in a strange metallic green/grey as a result of this. Still one of the most stupid features about the game.
Those seasonal events are pretty challenging. I managed to get about 4000th in the FR/246hp event for now, but i'm looking to try it in an RX8 and shave off a few seconds. How hard is the GTR event though!!!??? I've managed 7th in this r32GTR (the 2nd car i bought in the career mode), which i've had since day one and have finely tuned (suspension settings), and i don't think i could race much better on that course. I don't see myself getting first in that car anyway. Might try buy a spec Nur or NISMO R34 GTR and see if i can place any better.
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