- No Trolling, hating, name calling etc
- Both Stealth elements and gameplay mechanics should be considered.
- Games that don't force you to engage in combat should be prioritized.
Back in 90s I played Metal Gear Solid and it blew my mind. It had great story telling, decent gameplay, nice music etc. It was also getting a lot of press coverage and it deserved it. Same year we had another game that I didn't play long after the release of it. I heard about it from people talking on internet. The game didn't receive as much coverage as MGS did but after playing it even long after its initial release, I realized that the game was far ahead of its time and used much better tech than MGS. That game was Thief: The Dark Project.
I've never played a game as immersive as this one. When I played it, I really felt like Master Thief. The game sucks you into its world pretty quickly and has aged incredibly well. Those who haven't played it,,, I strongly recommend you guys to pick up "Gold Edition" of it from,,, you won't regret it. The game also featured one of the best anti heroes I've ever seen in a game.
Sound quality is top of the line. Different surfaces produce different sounds. Walking on metal alerts enemies more than walking on a carpet for example, so you have to watch your steps while approaching someone. You get a lot of gadgets to use and the game features a great storyline. At no point it forces you to fight bosses or kill enemies. And the game never takes control away from you. Cutscenes play at the beginning of every mission then you enter a level and then everything happens in real time; No cutscenes, no scripted events, no markers telling you where to go etc.
The game never leaves its first person view, which takes immersion to a whole new level. Main protagonist "Garrett" doesn't speak much during the mission itself but when he does (during key moments), it sounds so badass. The game also featured light and dark system that later inspired Splinter Cell games (hide in the dark, stay away from the light). Thief: The Dark Project also received two sequels, Thief 2: The Metal Age and Thief 3: Deadly Shadows. Thief 2 improved gameplay mechanics further and introduced bigger environments but it lacked compelling storyline that the first one had.
Deadly Shadows was dumbed down but overall despite its technical shortcomings and glitches, it was still a great game. Deadly shadows concluded the trilogy very well and offered a great story like the first one. While many consider Metal Age the best in the series,,, my own personal favorite is the first one and I crown it as the greatest Stealth game ever created.
What about you guys?
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