Golden Abyss & Escape Plan have my attention but I don't think I'll be getting the Vita for 2 reasons Already have my hands full with the PS3 & Don't have the money to throw down on it.
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Golden Abyss & Escape Plan have my attention but I don't think I'll be getting the Vita for 2 reasons Already have my hands full with the PS3 & Don't have the money to throw down on it.
Does any game have online play via 3g?[QUOTE="BranKetra"][QUOTE="CarnageHeart"] I misspoke. There's online play via wifi but not via 3G.CarnageHeart
Not that I've heard of.
Well, that settles it. I don't really need the chat features which I'm guessing is skype. I've heard good things about that program and I've done cam-to-cam with someone in Japan, but I don't use it regularly. I have alternatives. However, I'm sure that a mobile version would be great for people who do. Thanks.[QUOTE="CarnageHeart"]
[QUOTE="BranKetra"] Does any game have online play via 3g? BranKetra
Not that I've heard of.
Well, that settles it. I don't really need the chat features which I'm guessing is skype. I've heard good things about that program and I've done cam-to-cam with someone in Japan, but I don't use it regularly. I have alternatives. However, I'm sure that a mobile version would be great for people who do. should be able to skype without 3G.
3G is basically internet for times where you dont have access to Wifi. Like while driving, trains, etc. The only apps it affects are ones that involve GPS tracking.
Well, that settles it. I don't really need the chat features which I'm guessing is skype. I've heard good things about that program and I've done cam-to-cam with someone in Japan, but I don't use it regularly. I have alternatives. However, I'm sure that a mobile version would be great for people who do. Thanks.[QUOTE="BranKetra"]
Not that I've heard of.
you should be able to skype without 3G.
3G is basically internet for times where you dont have access to Wifi. Like while driving, trains, etc. The only apps it affects are ones that involve GPS tracking.
I could be wrong, but that makes it sound like a smartphone with the good features. The big difference is that it's mainly for video games instead. Not a bad deal if that's what you're looking for.Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attacks is a sequel to Tales from Space: About a Blob (a platformer/puzzler starring a blob with lots of crazy abilities). Never played the original, but this PSN only game looks interesting (nice trailer at the link below) and for what its worth, outside of Gamespot, the original was well reviewed. I'll give the demo a shot though I doubt I will pick this up over Escape Plan (though I might pick it up once I beat Escape Plan).
I crunched numbers and ended up justifying getting the First Edition Bundle. Next Wednesday I'll have the Vita, a 32gb card and Wipeout. Lumines didn't have release day delivery, so I'll buy it off of PSN along with Persona 3 and maybe Jeanne D'Arc. That should keep me busy for a really really long time.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus is an enhanced port of the PS3's enhanced port of the old Xbox game. The enhancements are thankfully optional touchscreen and tiltsensing nonsense and...
The most significant addition to NGS+ is the new Ninja Challenge mode, a series of snack-sized trials can be completed in just a couple of minutes – geared toward gamers on the go. Each of these 76 missions provides a straightforward goal, such as clearing a certain amount of enemies, taking on a boss character, or engaging in a weapon-specific objective. This is also where you can use use alternate character Rachel, and try out new costumes and weapons that you might not have earned yet in the story mode.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma arrived on PS3 before the advent of PSN Trophies, so NGS+ is the first to incorporate the addictive baubles. I took a look at the Trophy list, and most of the rewards involve killing lots of dudes with each weapon, or by mastering techniques such as the powerful Izuna drop.
At 40 bucks this is a little too rich for my blood, but as a big fan of the original NG who skipped Sigma, I might pick this up after a pricecut.
Some Vita games are up on PSN right now. Uncharted isn't getting any digital discount, but everything else seems to be 10% off of MSRP. There are some stupid things going on like Amazon selling the retail versions of Wipeout and HSG for cheaper than the digital version.
How is that stupid?Some Vita games are up on PSN right now. Uncharted isn't getting any digital discount, but everything else seems to be 10% off of MSRP. There are some stupid things going on like Amazon selling the retail versions of Wipeout and HSG for cheaper than the digital version.
How is that stupid?[QUOTE="rragnaar"]
Some Vita games are up on PSN right now. Uncharted isn't getting any digital discount, but everything else seems to be 10% off of MSRP. There are some stupid things going on like Amazon selling the retail versions of Wipeout and HSG for cheaper than the digital version.
PSN/Digital are supposed to be cheaper....
How is that stupid?[QUOTE="BranKetra"]
Some Vita games are up on PSN right now. Uncharted isn't getting any digital discount, but everything else seems to be 10% off of MSRP. There are some stupid things going on like Amazon selling the retail versions of Wipeout and HSG for cheaper than the digital version.
PSN/Digital are supposed to be cheaper....
I know. It could just be an accident. Still, their loss.How is that stupid? I'd prefer to go all digital since I want the system to be super portable and not have to worry about carrying carts around, but if retail beats digital, I'll probably go retail.[QUOTE="rragnaar"]
Some Vita games are up on PSN right now. Uncharted isn't getting any digital discount, but everything else seems to be 10% off of MSRP. There are some stupid things going on like Amazon selling the retail versions of Wipeout and HSG for cheaper than the digital version.
[QUOTE="BranKetra"]How is that stupid? I'd prefer to go all digital since I want the system to be super portable and not have to worry about carrying carts around, but if retail beats digital, I'll probably go retail. It's certainly more convienient than carrying around a cd case.[QUOTE="rragnaar"]
Some Vita games are up on PSN right now. Uncharted isn't getting any digital discount, but everything else seems to be 10% off of MSRP. There are some stupid things going on like Amazon selling the retail versions of Wipeout and HSG for cheaper than the digital version.
Sony has shown off all three free augmented reality minigames (a diving game, a fireworks game and a table soccer game) that PS Vita userswill be able todownload. As one would expect, they are more tech demos than anything, but the price is right.
Here's a playthrough of a co-op mission in Unit 13. Given Zipper's track record of late, I am skeptical about this, but so far, so good.
Uncharted is now showing as having the 10% digital discount as well. It being $45 moves it into 'might buy' status for me. I just figure it won't be too long of a game.rragnaar
its got two hours of cutscenes alone. so it's at least two hours long. :P
I'd prefer to go all digital since I want the system to be super portable and not have to worry about carrying carts around, but if retail beats digital, I'll probably go retail. rragnaar
That is ass backwards in pricing terms but if you really want all portable why not get a GO?
[QUOTE="rragnaar"]I'd prefer to go all digital since I want the system to be super portable and not have to worry about carrying carts around, but if retail beats digital, I'll probably go retail. Dracula68
That is ass backwards in pricing terms but if you really want all portable why not get a GO?
Because a GO doesn't play Vita games.Eurogamer has posted their UMK3 review (based on the Japanese version). Their two complaints(aside from a lack of accessibility)are that the (optional) touchscreen controls suck and that the backgrounds and hyper combos aren't quite as complex as those of the console game (though the characters look just as good and animate at 60 fps). They single out the online play for praise (they only rarely ran into slowdown and they were playing Japanese players half a world away, so they expect that online play will be even better when the Vita is released in Europe). Video and full review at the link.
This focus comes at the expense of accessibility, though, as well partly excusing a lack of anything for the solo player to indulge in. Few concessions are made to the novice; a training mode introduces the basic move-sets, but does little to explain the more complex mechanics at the heart of UMVC3.
It threatens to make UMVC3 bewildering for the upstart, but for those already in tune with Capcom's sugar-coated fighter, the effect is enthralling. This is the most hardcore of games arriving intact on what's shaping up to be the most hardcore of handhelds and right now, it's one of the best testaments to the power and potential of the Vita.
This looks cool, but I'm going to wait for SF X Tekken, which looks phenomenal.
This week sees the limited launch of the Vita (in which you only get a Vita if you are willing to get Little Deviants).
Also, there is a new developer interview (with gameplay footage) of the makers of Escape Plan.'
Last but not least, the maker of the excellent looking Gravity Rush (which still has no US release date) has announced that DLC is planned and that a sequel is hoped for. Nice Japanese box art.
I'll have mine setup soon and will start posting impressions. The initial setup was frustrating because you can't use your existing PSN account until you are on the latest firmware, so you have to cancel out of the setup and update the firmware before you can do much of anything.
All of the Text below the line chopped from a post by a System Wars user named Shadowriver who for some strange reason felt compelled to post real news in System Wars (he got the reaction one would expect). Lots of interesting stuff. As I've noted before, the development team is working closely with some of the community's most powerful creators (and trying to give them everything they want). Clearly the level development tools are vastlymore powerful than those of LBP2, which should result in an even wider variety of levels.
As I've said before, the release of LBP Vita will probably push me to get a second Vita (so my kids can play together during long trips).
As representetive of LBP community in SW it's my duty to inform you about something that happen.... not much hear about in rest of gaming community
This weekend there was LBP Community GameJam, what is it? It's Sony sponsored event that that happensu sally every year when there new LBP game or bigger DLC incoming, where choosen level creators, that are normal gamers are invited to game developer studios and they get oppertunity to play with new LBP stuff that is under development, they are requested to create something using it in 24 hours. Everything that created are usally turned in to promotional material, for example in GameJam 2 years ago levels created there was been demoed in E3 and footage from the Jam was shown in Sony Conference (you may remeber that :>) as a promo of LBP2, last year there was Move Pack DLC GameJam that material been used for an offical trailer. This year ofcorse is LBP Vita, so creators was been invited to Tasier studios in Sweden that work on the game, how material gonna be use is still unknown. Ofcorse as this when this happens lof of information about the game is getting out So here raport from event by StevenI (which is offical community curator):
New Tools, Features, Tweaks and Even More Goodies!
Over the last few days you've been keeping close to the forums to hear from our talented GameJam attendees as they got a chance to play the game first-hand and have had the chance to post about their experiences with the amazing new tools and features coming with LittleBigPlanet Vita.
Now that the weekend is over and that I'm back at home after having a lovely trip to Sweden, I thought that I would take the time to provide everyone with details of the more important features and aspects of LittleBigPlanet Vita and will open up the forum for any questions that you may still have about the game.
LittleBigPlanet 2 and Beyond!
As you may already be aware by now, LittleBigPlanet Vita isn't just a stripped down version of LittleBigPlanet 2 that's been shifted over to the PlayStation Vita just for the sake of it.
LittleBigPlanet Vita itself is a definite evolution from LittleBigPlanet and you will discover that practically anything you can do in LittleBigPlanet 2 is possible in LittleBigPlanet Vita.
Infact the only things truly absent from the game are a few additions from the recent LittleBigPlanet 2 DLC packs.
Although in the place of the PlayStation Move controls, you will find that the PlayStation Vita Touch Controls are more than enough to keep you satisfied when creating unique and fun gameplay that simply isn't possible on a home console.
Similarly a few other small items have been removed, simply because they have become redundant as the series has progressed, Dark Matter being the most obvious example thanks to the inclusion of Anti-Gravity Tweaker in LittleBigPlanet 2 and the Static Properties previously seen in LittleBigPlanet PSP!
Your New Popit Goodies!
Now that you've skimmed straight past my introduction to this thread and jumped to the most fun looking heading on the page, its time to tell you all about the wonderful new goodies that you've all been looking forward to hearing all about!
New Touch Controls!
TheControlinatoris once again your starting point for any control customisation that you may wish to add to your game, which has been lovingly adapted from the DualShock layout that you're used to, to fully utilise the PlayStation Vita and the unique control aspects now available to any PlayStation Vita owner.
The newTouch SensorandTouch Tweakertools will enable a creator to specifically allow objects to react to the Touchscreen and Rear Touch Pad controls of the PlayStation Vita.
With theMotion Recorder, you can record your object's movements in the same way that you could with the Move Recorder in the Move Pack, except that this time you will be using the PlayStation Vita's touch controls to move and record your object.
Meanwhile theTouch Cursortool will allow you to set your own custom cursors to use whilst a player is playing your brand new handheld creation.
Layerscan now be adjusted using the Touchscreen controls and you can easily select exactly how many thick and thin layers you want your object to have, whilst the handy new layer user interface will show you which layers are currently being occupied by your object.
New Tools!
Our first new tool detail in the Popit is theUnphysicalisetool.
This tool will allow you to set an object to have no physical properties meaning that Sackboy or any other objects can pass straight through the object.
This allows you to create brand new hazards, one primary example on show at the GameJam is that it can be applied to particularly nasty looking opaque materials which can be placed at the bottom of a pit with some gas behind it to cause Sackboy to perish.
Imagine poor Sackboy falling down a pit into some rather toxic-looking jelly and disappearing into the jelly, before respawning at the previous Checkpoint at the cost of one of his lives.
It's also perfect for creating those secret passages that retro platforming fans will be all too familiar with, as they used to pass through a wall to find some nice goodies and treats for their efforts!
The other new tool to keep an eye out for is theSticker Scrubber.
Now at the press of a button, you can use the Sticker Scrubber to remove all Stickers and Decorations from an object, without the need to remove them all individually!
So now Sackboy can clean his objects, just as quickly as he can clean himself!
Finally theUV Toolwill allow a creator to zoom and rotate the pattern of any material to suit their creations as they see fit!
New Materials!
The game will come with a whole host of new Materials, Stickers, Decorations and other assets that will help any creator with their level designs, however there's two Materials that I feel deserve special mention.
Have you ever wanted a simple way to be able to add weather effects to your level with no fuss at all?
Well, the newRain Materialwill allow you to do just that!
This new material is transparent and has a dynamic animation of constantly falling rain, which can be adjusted with the UV Tool to set your rain drops size and decoration however you see fit.
You will also be able to adjust the rain animation speed, much like you can with other dynamic animation materials and your rain drops will certainly react to the general colouring of your level to ensure consistancy throughout your level designs.
Next up! We have theInvisible Material!
This material does pretty much what it says on the tin, it's invisible that's for certain but it also prevents Sackboy from passing through it, which is perfect for anyone who wishes to set invisible boundaries on their level or wishes to prevent Sackboy from changing layers.
Oh and of course, it's quite visible in Create Mode.
So you won't have to remember where you left the darn thing when you're busy creating!
New Logic!
The Memoriser! So awesome that I felt that it deserves its own exclamation mark!
With the Memoriser, a creator will be able to allow a player to save their progress in their level, so that they can come back to where they left off!
Possibilities include allowing a player to keep their collected inventory in the level or perhaps a currency of the creator's own design or maybe they just want to pop out of a certain Checkpoint that the player has previously passed! All of this and so much more is now possible with the Memoriser!
TheNoteobject has also been expanded more than you can possibly imagine!
You remember the Note object, right?
That small bit of scrap paper that you could stick into your level with a few hastily written words on it...
It's about to become so much more popular now though!
With the Note object a creator now has aFully Established Text Toolthat can be used to finally put proper text into their levels without the need to use speech bubbles or stickers!
Using a range of fonts, colours and backgrounds, this text tool will enable a creator to write anything they want in a range of **** to suit their level!
It's also logic enabled, to really allow a creator to use the Note's functionality to its fullest!
New Tweaks!
There's a bunch of brand new Tweaks available in the game and here's a summary of the most jaw-droppingly amazing changes to the game!
LittleBigPlanet Vita isn't the first portable LittleBigPlanet game.
Before it, we had LittleBigPlanet PSP and in that game there was the option to set Materials to be eitherStaticorDynamic, which meant that respectively your selected Material would either stay exactly where it is, as though it had Dark Matter attached to it or it could obey the physics laws within LittleBigPlanet and can move freely in the game if given the appropriate amount of force. An invaluable tool to all creators that any player of LittleBigPlanet PSP will be glad to see making a return!
Another returning feature from LittleBigPlanet PSP isMultiple Corner Selecting!
Now a creator can select multiple corners at a time and adjust them together, rather than having to select them all individually!
Moving onto Emitters!
We now have a brand newClean Up When Destroyedtweak!
When this is enabled, if an Emitter is destroyed, it will also remove everything that the emitter emitted during gameplay! Which can be handy for the swift removal of anything that a creator doesn't wish to exist in their game upon the emitter being destroyed!
This will also work on any emitters that emit a new emitter which emits further objects!
A simple tweak is now all it takes to clean up everything object that is emitted by an emitter, provided that Sackboy can find a way to destroy it, of course!
Colours and Shading!With LittleBigPlanet Vita, a great selection of the game's Materials and Decorations can be tweaked to change their colour and shading using LittleBigPlanet's recognisable colour palette that should be familiar to all creators.
Bounce Padscan now be tweaked to remove the bounce sound from them when activated.
They also have an output now to allow you to do new things such as adding a custom sound to the bounce or activating something else altogether. Bouncepads now accept analogue signals with 100% providing the maximum bounce height, whilst 0% will turn off the Bouncepad completely.
You can alsoJump Between Tweak Pageson objects by simply touching a new object, whilst the tweak menu of another object is currently open!
New Gameplay Kit Item!
In the Gameplay Kits category of your Popit, there is a newDecoration Spinneritem!
It's simple enough, just stick your decoration on the spinner and watch it spin!
Perfect for rotors, cogs or any other decoration that you feel needs to spin again and again!
Download Community Levels!
Just as you could do in LittleBigPlanet PSP...
You canDownload All Those Wonderful Community Levelsthat you love so much and will be able to play them whilst you and your PlayStation Vita are on the go without needing to connect to the LittleBigPlanet server!
Level Achievements!
There will be a brand new selection of Pins and Trophies to earn but each level now has specificLevel Achievementsto earn too!
During the main Story Mode, somes levels have a specific set of three Level Achievements to earn during the level.
This can range anywhere between completing the level in a certain time, to collecting a full set of hidden items during a playthrough or even finishing the level above a certain score.
Best of all though! This feature is available on Community Levels too!
Creators will be able to set up to three Level Achievements on their own levels for players to complete!
So if you're a fan of side-quests or giving players additional tasks to complete, then you will love coming up with a selection of unique Level Achievements for players to complete in your level!
Popit Changes
Just a quick note on a couple of noticeable Popit changes for everybody!
You may open your Popit to discover that there's two brand new icons on the very first page of your Popit...
These are the Global Settings and Player Settings categories from within your Popit, which have now been moved to the front and given their own sections for ease-of-access.
Back Home Again!
That pretty much wraps up everything that I wanted to get across to the community!
There's still plenty more to discover in LittleBigPlanet Vita though and we've got a whole bunch of awesome creators who attended the LittleBigPlanet Vita GameJam, who will be able to tell you their experiences with the game and can answer any questions that you may have about the game!
You're free to ask almost anything you want!
The only things that myself and the other GameJam attendees cannot answer are questions relating to Story Mode, Music and the Vita Hardware itself beyond the Touch Controls utilised by LittleBigPlanet Vita during gameplay!
Otherwise though, I'm sure you'll agree that LittleBigPlanet Vita is a massive evolution for LittleBigPlanet is most certainly not just a simple port of LittleBigPlanet 2 onto the PlayStation Vita!
We've had 15 awesome creators check out the game now and show us just what can be done with the game and I certainly cannot wait to see the rest of the community get their hands onto LittleBigPlanet Vita to begin creating and sharing a whole range of new and exciting games that simply cannot be achieved on LittleBigPlanet 2!
Also you may not know bout Tasier hired many peoeple from community (even more then MM which they hired only few), which work in story levels, QA testing and one even got postion of Technical Lead, which reaulted to bring most requested feature to the game
Presonally as a LBP level creator (that got one MMPicked level btw ;]) biggest thing is Memorizer which allows to save data that can be used in any way you want, which is revolution for those who work on RPGs on LBP... lack of that was huge problem in the game for RPG. Also some minor things that you guys probably won't understand :p most feature i as said was suggested many times and oyu can in LBPCentral and disscused with people who ended up working on the game.
After event disscusion started in community about fact that those feature would be als useful for LBP2.... it's no douth that they will be there too, but quastion is in which form: free update, DLC or whole new game ;]
You done goofed. I think you meant to put that in your LBP thread.:P
edit: I've got to leave soon, so this'll be my last update. Lumines is awesome. It has Aphex Twin and LCD Soundsystem and it looks and sounds amazing.
Its about the Vita version of LBP, so I figure it belongs in both threads.
Anyway, glad you like Luminees. Luminees, Rayman and Escape Plan are on my to-buy list. I'm also leaning towards Blazblue (the only thing mitigating against Blazblue is SF X Tekken who release Vita release date is still TBA).
I've got a bit more playtime under my belt. This system is great. The online integration is much smoother than on the PS3. On any game's livespace I can just scroll down to see the trophies I've unlocked for it as well as the trophies anyone on my friend's list has unlocked. The system has enough RAM to run really smooth even with a bunch of apps, including the music player, and a game open. I was able to patch Wipeout just by tapping an update button on the game's livespace and the download happened in the background. You can see the orange update button on the top left
Moving content over from my PS3 was really easy too. Once I transfered these games over, they were good to go. No more install bubbles.:)
I've had a fair chunk of playtime with Wipeout. Even after the patch, the loadtimes are still pretty bad. That being said, the game is awesome. Zone Mode is as pretty as ever and it gets really interesting at the higher speeds since the tracks have so many branching paths in them. I'm about to play some Rayman.
Lumines and Wipepout really have their hooks in me now. I'm #1 on the daily leaderboards for Lumines and I'm halfway through the 2049 season in Wipeout. Really fun stuff. My last purchase until Gravity Daze hits was Persona 3 Portable. PSP games don't look great on the Vita, but they look a lot better than they did on the PSP. I was sorta surprised to see that there are 8 people in within 7km of my house with a Vita. Near is an interesting app. I'm not sure that I'd use it for anything besides stalking people with Vitas. I wouldn't have guessed that more people in my neighborhood were buying the Vita than people on Gamespot.:Prragnaar
For some of us, Little Deviants was too high a price to pay :P.
But I already have the car charger, screen protector and 32 GB memory card and am looking forward to getting my prepurchased 3G Vita (along with Luminees, Super Stardust Delta, Rayman, Escape Plan and possibly Blazblue) next week.
I am going to wait a few months before I fork over that kind of money for a PSP Vita.HadronVultureI may consider it when we finally get the inevitable third party memory cards so they will be cheaper. Also, wonder if I may as well wait for newer versions too. How many PSP version have they had total? 4? If it played my PSP games it would have been a no brainer to upgrade.
[QUOTE="HadronVulture"]I am going to wait a few months before I fork over that kind of money for a PSP Vita.Dracula68I may consider it when we finally get the inevitable third party memory cards so they will be cheaper. Also, wonder if I may as well wait for newer versions too. How many PSP version have they had total? 4? If it played my PSP games it would have been a no brainer to upgrade. With the PSP, I never got the impression Sony was holding back features to create demand for a new model. The jump from the 1000 to the 2000 was pretty small, though the 3000 (which came out 4 years after the 1000) had a significantly crisper screen than the 1000. The Go was just kind of a bizarre dead end, though perhaps it served a purpose by convincing Sony A) download only is unfeasible B) in order to create demand for downloadable full priced games, one has to price them a little lower.
Next Tuesday (the day before the Vita's official launch) a demo of Unit 13 will hit PSN.
If you can't make it to one of the club dates you might miss out on the prize opportunities but you can still get an early taste of Unit 13 by checking out the downloadable demo via the PlayStation Store on Tuesday, February 21st. The demo gives you access to one of the game's Direct Action missions and includes all six operatives and online leaderboard support. Perhaps best of all is that your scores and level progress earned in the demo will carry over to the full game once it's released on March 6th!
You know whats disappointing about Unit 13? Zipper not trying anything new.
After MAG, i had high hopes for them, but then they tried emulating CoD with the next Socom and now Unit 13 which looks like Socom. Zipper is Sony's only AAA team working on the Vita and they produce this generic looking game. Sony should've forced them to do something completely original. Something like MAG, just different.
Speaking of AAA Sony studios working on Vita, Geoff Keighley interviewed the new head of marketing at SCEA and asked weather CoD was coming out this year for the Vita. He basically confirmed it. Also, the big Sony developers like Naughty Dog, Guerrilla Games, Media Molecules and Sony Santa Monica are also working on the Vita.
i have decided. I'm buying the Vita from Amazon. Cant decide b/w the 3G which is only $20 more than the Wifi Vita+8GB card. I'll most likely never get the 3G data package but since it's only $20 more, what the heck. Carnage, I know you are buying the 3G version, anything cool included in the handheld other than the 3G upgrade?
I'm too weak.
Jbul, yes the PSP games will be upscaled just like the PS2 games on the original 60GB PS3. One awesome thing Sony is doing is that they are updating some games to take advantage of the dual analog sticks so the great Resistance PSP games will now play even better with the dual analog sticks. Same with Peace Walker. That said, since there is no UMD slot, you can only play the PSP games you bought digitally from the PSN store.
As for the PS3/Vita crossplay functionality, it's still unclear how much the games will retail for. Unless the PS3 version of Rayman came with a code for the Vita Rayman, you wont be able to do any crossplay. I dont think Rayman supports that at all. I bought the MGS HD Collection on the PS3 and while they are releasing a MGS HD Collection for the Vita, I think it's being sold seperatly. TBH, I dont think many games will take advantage of this. I mean who really wants to charge $80+ for a Vita/PS3 game combo? And I doubt they will include the Vita version for free.
The coolest feature is being able to play PS3 games on your Vita using Remote Play. But again, that needs to be patched in and so far the only game that is being patched is KZ3 and I know how much you hated that game.
Target offering Buy 2 Get 1 free on all Vita games.
Aside from Uncahrted and Escape Plan, nothing really interests me unfortunately. Sucks that MLB The Show and Gravity Daze aren't out yet. It would've been the best launch lineup ever.
You know whats disappointing about Unit 13? Zipper not trying anything new.
After MAG, i had high hopes for them, but then they tried emulating CoD with the next Socom and now Unit 13 which looks like Socom. Zipper is Sony's only AAA team working on the Vita and they produce this generic looking game. Sony should've forced them to do something completely original. Something like MAG, just different.
I hear you. MAG just didn't take off like they'd hoped. I got it at launch and loved playing it until my clan started branching off into other games. I'm still excited to try the demo of Unit 13 when it goes up though.
i have decided. I'm buying the Vita from Amazon. Cant decide b/w the 3G which is only $20 more than the Wifi Vita+8GB card. I'll most likely never get the 3G data package but since it's only $20 more, what the heck. Carnage, I know you are buying the 3G version, anything cool included in the handheld other than the 3G upgrade?
I'm too weak.
Jbul, yes the PSP games will be upscaled just like the PS2 games on the original 60GB PS3. One awesome thing Sony is doing is that they are updating some games to take advantage of the dual analog sticks so the great Resistance PSP games will now play even better with the dual analog sticks. Same with Peace Walker. That said, since there is no UMD slot, you can only play the PSP games you bought digitally from the PSN store.
As for the PS3/Vita crossplay functionality, it's still unclear how much the games will retail for. Unless the PS3 version of Rayman came with a code for the Vita Rayman, you wont be able to do any crossplay. I dont think Rayman supports that at all. I bought the MGS HD Collection on the PS3 and while they are releasing a MGS HD Collection for the Vita, I think it's being sold seperatly. TBH, I dont think many games will take advantage of this. I mean who really wants to charge $80+ for a Vita/PS3 game combo? And I doubt they will include the Vita version for free.
The coolest feature is being able to play PS3 games on your Vita using Remote Play. But again, that needs to be patched in and so far the only game that is being patched is KZ3 and I know how much you hated that game.
Not that I'm aware of. I'm picking up the 3G model for Sony's sweeteners and because I figure 3G will come in handy on long trips (there's no way I'm subscribing every month though).
. Near is an interesting app. I'm not sure that I'd use it for anything besides stalking people with Vitas. rragnaar
I htink that was the primary purpose, Thanks to xbox live, Twitter and facebook, the culture of oversharing is the IN thing right now, Sony is just following the trend.
m aware of. I'm picking up the 3G model for Sony's sweeteners and because I figure 3G will come in handy on long trips (there's no way I'm subscribing every month though).CarnageHeart
Just a warning... Sony might be looking to phase out the 3G version. They were offering one free game to anyone who buys (or bought) a 3G version in Japan. I wouldn't be surprised if they discontinue the 3G version outright.
BTW, CAG is reporting that Gamestop will also be holding a Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale starting 1/19. I might pick up Uncharted and Rayman, and see if I can preorder MLB The Show as the free game.
As medicore as Uncharted looks, it's the one game I am still interested in. Everything else i have zero interest in. lol
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