lol you are a year late on the shitstorm. They really truly f*cked up the aiming in Uncharted 3. They did fix it btw. Did you turn on the 'High Precision' aiming by any chance? It's ridiculous that they didnt make that the default aiming option.
The worst thing about Uncharted 3 were the encounters. They went back to respawning enemies in arena enviornment and my god that made for some frustrasting fire fights with enemies literally spawning behind you. Uncharted 3 SP remains to this day one of the biggest f*ck ups by Sony this gen.
MP saved it though. They really outdid themselves with the competitive mp.
I completetly disagree with the encounters being terrible. They were easily improved over Uncharted 2. With UC2 you have the same problem the most recent Tomb Raider had which was enemies pouring in from a single direction and no reason to utilize the space provided. In UC3 they do a much better job of pushing the player out of cover to use their environment which in turn also motivates the player to mix and match elements like fisticuffs, traversal, takedowns as well as gunplay.
I find that UC2 abandoned its strengths in favor of an almost pure TPS design which completetly neglects what makes this series stand out and that is the variety in mechanics and space to utilize them. I'd also argue that the enemy A.I in UC2 was built for a pure cover shooter and toned down for UC3 to help alleviate any problems for the player when trying to utilize all of its mechanics.
And to end this off, UC3's multiplayer is a case of quantity over quality. It's got more bells and whistles but breaks the fundemental gameplay with latency issues as well as less accurate movement and mechanics as well as plenty of glitches.
Well I suppose you and I differ on what makes Uncharted a good shooter. It is and always will be a shooter. They can try and shove the melee down our throats all they want but shooting is the core aspect of the combat in the game. If you want them to force a clunky melee system on us then U3 is your game. I personally believe that if you are making a shooter, you dont purposefully GIMP the shooting mechanics just so you utilize all the gaming mechanics.
Even if they wanted us to use all the mechanics, they could've done it without respawning enemies BEHIND you. Or respawning enemies period. Or suicidal enemies who charge straight at you trying to make you leave cover when an RPG guy, a sniper AND a armored guy has you in their sights. That;s just poor design.
Uncharted 2 embraced what it was. A TPS with puzzles. It gave you relatively large enviornments to play in with lots of room to flank your enemies and for them to flank you. See it had an enemy A.I that didnt just charge straight at you. Or sit there waiting for you to leave cover. They worked together to flank you. The RPG guys did NOT spawn behind you. And there were never more than one. You entered an area and you knew who was carry an RPG. IT wasnt some guy who spawned on the third enemy respawn. U1 was like this and everyone hated it. They got rid of it and U2 became one of the best reviewed games of all time. So why bring it back?
And lol at you saying U2's combat completely negates what this series is all about. The sequel is the highest rated PS exclusive ever. U2 IS what this series is and should be about.
I agree with you on the mp. They went a bit too overboard with the perks, but the full health alone makes it a million times better than post 1.05 Patch U2.
If you watch the initial target video for what ND had envisioned UC as then you would know that UC3 was the closest the series had come to realising it. They had planned a more fluid hand to hand system where you could combat multiple enemies at once and with UC3 they pulled it off. It's easily an improvement over UC2 in this regard wether you agree or not.
They never meant to "GIMP" the shooting aspects. They had no idea that their was a problem with them and actually asked players to drop by the studio and show them what went wrong. But then again you believe that UC3 has aim assist outside of multiplayer, which it doesn't.
Please, tell me all of these areas where they spawn enemies with RPG's, Sniper Rifles as well as Armored enemies behind you? I can only think of a single area and that is the Ballroom in the Cruise Ship but not one enemy had an RPG in that section. But you also bring up that enemies are suicidal yet completely neglect to bring up that those EXACT same enemies make an appearance in UC2 as well. I literally just played through all 3 Uncharted titles in the past 2 months so don't tell me that this isn't found in UC2. Don't even try to tell me that enemies worked together as EVERYTHING the enemies do in Uncharted 3 is also present in Uncharted 2.
I'd also like to point out that they spawn multiple waves of enemies in the 2nd entry as well during many sections of the game... yes, even behind the player at some points. I can think of one in Nepal right now. A very open space where they spawn a truck of enemies with a Turret after you mow down a small army and then once you kill those enemies they spawn another wave behind the player yet again. They even do this in the falling building, they do this many times throughout the game. This has been done in every Uncharted entry. I also remember an area in Uncharted 2 where they tossed you up against two massive enemies with Gatling guns and smaller armored enemies as well. While fighting these guys they spawn two enemies on the far side that start shooting you with RPG's, you want to talk about overkill huh.
They do have waves in UC2 as well. Obviously you need to go back and play the game again. Also don't twist my words. I said that UC2 neglects what makes this series stand out, the variety in its gameplay mechanics. It is what makes it unique. Max Payne 3 is a superior TPS at the end of the day. But what makes Uncharted special is that it's not a pure shooter, it has other elements and can offer the player variety in mechanics and scenarios. Uncharted 3 does this best.
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