About 3-4 hours in so far and absolutely loving the experience. Took the day off work to play it and I plan on doing the same tomorrow. I'm amazed by the enemy A.I. I was making my way through an area filled with potential enemies and I choked one out silently and made my way into an office on the far end of the floor only to be spotted by an enemy who fires a bullet into my back. As I scramble to figure out where the the enemy is at I notice another door in the office so I leave and hide behind some furniture down the hall. The enemy did not see me leave through this doorway and yells out to the other two telling them I was in the office with such accuracy. Two of them then enter the office through different doors and tell eachother that I'm gone and to keep looking, after a short while they meet back up and exchange some words.
"Did you find him?"
"No, he must be here somewhere though"
"Go search over there"
And then they seperate again. I slowly came up behind one of them but made a bit too much noise and ended up beating the guy down with a 2x4 and as his friend went to open fire on me I grabbed the guy I had just knocked to the ground as a human shield and the enemy aiming at me hesitated to open fire but to my surprise his buddy ran around the room to attack me from a different angle. I found myself in a situation I could not win with such little health so I decided to pull out my pistol to dispatch of the two unarmed enemies and flanked the one who shot me earlier and beat him to death with a brick. Joel then staggered back, tired and vulnerable, showing his age and what he had been through.
This is honestly the first time in a video game where I felt like I was in a real situation, where the enemy would hesitate, where they would communicate, where they would beg and plea for their life when I had them in my grasp. This is honestly the first game where I forgot it was exactly that... a game.
I posted this in the other thread initially, had no idea a new one had been created. My bad and sorry for the bold Solid.
This is exactly why I will be playing this game over and over again. Amazing enemy AI and reactions. Everything seems so realistic. If you play on hard, it's perfect. Everything feels so real.
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