Panzer Dragoon Saga. I'm on the second disc, and I have to say I'm starting to understand why so many people like it. The game doesn't waste your time at all, meaning the battle system is quick and not complicated, and you don't have to grind if you don't want to. All the npc's have voice acting too which is really impressive for a game that came out in 1998. The game feels pretty modern, and as someone that doesn't like jrpgs for the most part, I'm enjoying playing panzer dragoon saga.
It's like the developers took a trip into the future, and tried to build a modern JRPG game on a 5th generation console, with none of the issues that have plagued JRPGs to this day.
Fully 3D, unique, fun battle system, fully voice acted, fully cinematic, a sweet spot of 15 - 20 hours of a length, no grinding needed, intuitive and fluid controls (apart from the walking controls)...
lol, pretty much. Everything is quick and fluid, which is basically what I want from all my games. Walking does kind of suck, but thankfully there aren't too many of those segments.
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