[QUOTE="gamingqueen"] As I said before, because we bought a friggin expensive console and they didn't so it's unfair for them to play the game. Another reason which is, MS vague policy if it's not only about stealing Sony's exlusive is hurting the consumer's pocket. Consumers don't like to own a console with possible games because I know alot of users who sold their faulty 360 and bought ps3 because it's a secured system and certain games will be available on the ps3. Buying a 360 again after selling their 360 and buying a ps3 sure hurts their pockets.
I pray that they cancel the port. Not sounding mean but just as we bought a $600 system they should do it to if they wanna play the damn game.
Also, I've heard that it will only be availble for US.
So what you're basically saying is that there is not ONE other decent game that made your ps3 investment worthwhile? And are you really so selfish as to say that millions of gamers with very limited budgets should also have to spend 600 bucks that they don't have, just so you can feel better about yourself?
Hey UT, ever feel like we're too old to be here anymore ...?
ok yeah see if this is factual that microsoft paid SE off to hold the game back so they could release a 360 version i am furious. it is such bs and while ive supported SE mostly, even when they rip us off on ports, this just takes the cake.
i dont blame MS at all actually. SE was the one with the choice and they blew smoke up our behinds for a while now. they had to have known this for at least the last year or so but continued the facade that it was exclusive. tbh i probably wouldnt have bought a ps3 without FFXIII being exclusive (not yet anyway, i could have waited out a price drop). i didnt buy the system FOR FFXIII, but was a major factor in the justification (along with the fact that i got the best model at an insane price). im so mad right now i could spit. it's not even the money at this point, its the principle.dont tell me its an exclusive if you are open to it being multiplatform, and dont screw over ps3 owners so that 360 owners can get the game the same day.
we would probably be playing it by now if it wasnt for this trash.
There are so many things being mentioned here as fact that simply cannot be sourced that its ridiculous. That's why so many comments here sound like crying over spilt milk.
In interviews I've read with ... you know, forget that. Here's a link and quotes:
1UP: Will the development of FFXIII for Xbox 360 result in a delay for the PS3 version in Japan?
Shinji Hashimoto: No, the development of a 360 version won't necessarily affect the PS3 version, purely because the PS3 game will be completed first. That's been in development for some time and is still on schedule. And, really, since we haven't ever announced any sort of release date...then it couldn't really be "delayed," right?
1UP: With the gap between the Japanese and North American versions of FFXIII, will you use that extra time to create additional material for the North American versions -- which usually ends up back in Japan as an "International Edition"?
Yoshinori Kitase: Until now, the Japanese versions of Final Fantasy would release in Japan, and then six months later, the North American version would be released, and then another three to six months later, the European versions would ship -- so there was usually a gap of almost a year by the time every territory got their version of the latest Final Fantasy. That's why we'd include new features or elements. But with FFXIII, we're aiming to decrease that gap and lessen the window, so there are no particular additions planned for the U.S. version.
The company's in the dark even on technical considerations. "The content will be the same on both platforms," said Kitase. "However, we have yet to determine how many discs will be required for the 360 version. We'll have to consider the differences between formats. Currently the game is being built on PC, where it's actually functional. We're still focusing on making it work on PS3, so it's difficult to know how long the process of taking it to 360 will take."
But don't despair, Final Fantasy fans; the conference wasn't all cautious no-comments and bad news. The move to Crystal Tools seems to be serving a dual purpose; not only will FFXIII be appearing on 360, but the development process has reportedly sped up. "Now that we're developing on a PC base, the pace is going a bit faster," Kitase said. "We haven't introduced new footage of the game, but we should be able to show something new in the near future."
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