Myst. There wasn't one, lol.
As for 360? Assassin's Creed. The whole story was ridiculous, but it only got dumber as it went on. For 360 exclusives, Crackdown. What a lame ending.
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Myst. There wasn't one, lol.
As for 360? Assassin's Creed. The whole story was ridiculous, but it only got dumber as it went on. For 360 exclusives, Crackdown. What a lame ending.
I kind of liked Halo 2's ending because I typically enjoy cliffhangers if I at least have somthing to look forward to and I was kind of bored with H2's campaign anyway and I knew Bungie could do a whole lot better so I really wanted there to be one more so that the series went out with a bang.
(Although with the ending to Halo 3 (on legendary) something tells me that planet in the back just might be Onyx and that they are truly going to follow up on one of the books down the road :))
25 To Life
50 Cent: Bulletproof
Some of the endings for Haunting Ground
Most fighting games I've played
MGS3, well I wouldn't say worst but it's so confusing, it's like ok so she's good he's bad, they're all evil, then, oh no shes evil theyre good hes good...but no theyre bad hes fine and shes evil, what the hell my brain hurts! I love all the twists though.
Oh and also SMG, woo you saved the Princess, here's nothing...
I agree with you on Metal Gear Solid 3, ending tries to be smart but ends up convoluted and annoying
MGS3, well I wouldn't say worst but it's so confusing, it's like ok so she's good he's bad, they're all evil, then, oh no shes evil theyre good hes good...but no theyre bad hes fine and shes evil, what the hell my brain hurts! I love all the twists though.
Oh and also SMG, woo you saved the Princess, here's nothing...
MGS3, well I wouldn't say worst but it's so confusing, it's like ok so she's good he's bad, they're all evil, then, oh no shes evil theyre good hes good...but no theyre bad hes fine and shes evil, what the hell my brain hurts! I love all the twists though.
Oh and also SMG, woo you saved the Princess, here's nothing...
If you thought then end to MGS3 was confusing, then I hope to God you never even try to comprehend the ending of MGS2
[QUOTE="bobbetybob"]MGS3, well I wouldn't say worst but it's so confusing, it's like ok so she's good he's bad, they're all evil, then, oh no shes evil theyre good hes good...but no theyre bad hes fine and shes evil, what the hell my brain hurts! I love all the twists though.
Oh and also SMG, woo you saved the Princess, here's nothing...
If you thought then end to MGS3 was confusing, then I hope to God you never even try to comprehend the ending of MGS2
I know, had the game for 2 years... still dont get it
Crackdown. I can't remember it exactly... but I think after all the trouble you went through, in the end the narrator does this evil laugh and tells you it was all a test of your skills or something, and none of it was real. It's like watching a movie, and in the end the guy wakes up, "it was all a dream." ag1002
Thats one horrible ending :(
Even though it wasn't terrible, I disliked Second Sight's ending.
OK, so the mutant children kill the bad guy, but what happened to the children afterwards? It's never explained, and what's worse, after the bad guy dies, there's no more dialouge to explain what happened next.
And it had the worst "boss fight" ever, you don't even fight the main villian, it's just a bunch of soliders, but it doesn't help when you have allies who can't be killed, and they manage to kick everyone's @ss if you leave them alone.
Crackdown. I can't remember it exactly... but I think after all the trouble you went through, in the end the narrator does this evil laugh and tells you it was all a test of your skills or something, and none of it was real. It's like watching a movie, and in the end the guy wakes up, "it was all a dream." ag1002Yeah, that sucked. The game didn't have a real story anyway. It was just "go here and kill this guy, then go kill this guy, then kill this guy, then this one, then kill this guy"
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