Nobody's demanding anything of the market? I mean look at the sales of PC's and computers in general it's massive!! It's obviously not that much of a roadblock because it is simplified enough that people can understand that something like i7 is better than i5 or just simple enough in general that most people can understand these things intuitively.
I'm talking about PCs being bought with gaming (also) in mind. i7 being better than i5 is an oversimplification that hardly reflects on how a casual consumer might react to a Videogame Sys Req. text dump on the back of a game box. C'mon.
And PC sales are massive because ALL PCs are built to perform all basic work tasks and run low end games. I'm talking about mid to high end gaming here, where suddenly a specific combination of components and an understanding of PC hardware language is necessary to be able to know how to run things.
@jereb31 said:
I'm sure there are plenty of people who have purchased a console only to find out that the game they really wanted to play wasn't on that particular console or maybe they thought it would play 4k video or something. You seem to be making it a bigger deal than it is.
Proof that I'm not making a bigger deal out of this is that home consoles are still super popular despite the claim that PCs do exactly what they do but better in every way by PC enthusiasts. Clearly it doesnt or else these dedicated game boxes would be getting destroyed by the versatility of PCs in the mainstream market.
Not only that but the only thing affecting console sales are tablets.... that surprise! also happen to exist in a more closed and easier to understand ecosystem with iOS, and to some extent android and their app stores built to run almost everything it sells on all mid to high range tablets.
Its no coincidence that home systems and portable's biggest threat is another group of super acessible devices, and not PC.
@jereb31 said:
I'm quite certain that PC gaming language and culture is hardly a "MASSIVE" roadblock to anybody. I doubt that nearly anyone outside of tech culture follows the updates of what RAM, GPU, CPU, etc. is being produced and released regularly or at all. But that still hasn't stopped PC sales from being more than the consoles combined or at least more than any individual console. That as you said yourself is the accessibility of the PC making it successful/favourable in the market. Having choice in what you need is quite an attractive offer as opposed to having 1 choice or 3 choices in consoles.
PC's are the most important modern tool for business, social interaction to an extent and access to information. Of course it outsells consoles lol
Why ignore the biggest reason why PCs sell and how everyone knows every PC can perform these basic tasks? You cant just lump in high end gaming as if it has any meaninfull impact whatsoever in these numbers. What a bizarre comparison.
@jereb31 said:
As far as the language and culture goes like anything if you dive into how something works, you will inevitably start getting into more and more complex jargon. No different to how consoles attract developers or people who are semi tech savy. Just look at PS4 and it's GDDR4, that was splashed all over the place, or the PS3's Cell processor. Those made regular news headlines, but do you think most people actually realised the impact of these pieces of gear? Of course not.
The difference is that no one needs to know that the PS4 has GDDR4 RAM, or what the hell that even is (and most dont). Its a standard component across all PS4 machines and everyone who buys one will take advantage of it when they buy ANY PS4 game. A game that is guaranteed to run the same across the entire userbase because its a closed system with software built specifically for it, thus requiring no knowledge of what does what or any concern that component X might not be good enough to run game Y.
If I'm buying or building a PC though...
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