Dear Nintendo,
I have been a fan of your products for a few years, my first system of yours being a gamecube, and i have followed you loyaly ever since. Lately, however, I cant help but notice some racism going on within your business, whether it be within your games or during a conference. I hope that you will consider my opinion next time you are doing something that could be construed as some sort of racism. Lets start with racism inside games.
Several games that i have noticed with racial/sexist messages/innuendos, are The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and Yes, even Super Mario Brothers. Let me elaborate:
In The Legend of Zelda, you play as a blond-haired, blue eyed, or arian, hero, who has to overcome impossible obstacles, despite his young age, and ultimately defeat the black-skinned, red-haired pig man. I don't believe that much explanation is needed here to say why this would be construed as offensive. Red hair is the clear mark of an irishmen, with the features and complexion of a black man, one of the ONLY black men in any of your series, and he plays the ultimate evil. The message that i recieve from this is, is that Black people are evil, ad irish people are evil, but combined they create an incredible evil. i would appreciate it if changes were made to this character to avoid offense anymore.
Second up, is the Metroid series. Now some of you may think, "Why would anything in Metroid be considered offensive? Samus is a girl!" but this is what i have to say to that: Who knew? the only female hero you have only has power because of a very MASCULINE suit of futuristic armor. The game was clearly suited towards men, and alot of men had to be specifically informed that the hero of metroid was a girl. I would reccomend not hiding Samus ( which is a pretty manish name) behind her armor all of the time, to not offend the women.
Lastly (in games), but not-in-any case least, is your infamous Mario, who has single handedly been pumping racism and sex into childrens minds since you have started your little business. Lets start with the basics of the game. Your ultimate goal in every game is to get Peach, a blonde-haired, blue eyed (arian) beauty, whos name coincidentally happens to be a slang term for a private part of female anatomy, subconciously telling every little boy who plays this game that his ultimate goal, much like Mario's, is to get Peach. Mario, for second, is a very steriotypical Italian plumber. He is quite often pointed out in his games for his mustache, as Italians are stereotypically hairy beings, you could see how this could be offensive. Yoshi is a mockery of dinosaurs everywhere. No dinosaur would allow itself to be ridiculed by being ridden by a man, being punched in the back of the head to the point where its tongue would fly out of its mouth, without retaliation. Wario is clearly portraited as your sterotypical American, being lazy and cheap and crude, and i would like to inform you that as a caucasion U.S. male, I find this quite offensive, and would greatly appreciate it if you would change the characters characteristics in these games.
During your GDC event, you showed a picture of an asian man, dressed up in a ten-gallon hat and other cowboy apparel, looking ridiculous. I would like for you to personally apologize for this image, as it is making a mockery of a race of true pioneers that worked their keesters off to provide the U.S. with a better tomorrow. Without them and thier trailbblazing ways, we might not have had such a liveable america, and i for one, am gratedul that the cowboys existed, and i am quite appaled at the lack of respect you showed towards them.
I truly hope you consider my points, altough i have no power to take any actions, i would hope you just care enough for the consumer to peruse his words. thank you.
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