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[QUOTE="jigie"]can you please give us an example of your "perfect" none racial kinda game? Tip: make sure the bad guy is "good" or else that might be interpreted as something racial on how he looks.garrett_duffmanlol this was never about racist games, its about subliminal messaging being fed to our children!
So if were to ignorant to realize the the subliminal racism/sexism in these games what makes you think CHILDREN are going to pick up on it. I can understand not wanting to offend someone. But you're out looking for this stuff just to be controversial, your seeing this stuff where we don't because you want to see it.
[QUOTE="garrett_duffman"][QUOTE="black_ice23"]your just reading to much into things but really metroid was just a sales tactic, cuz young boys at the time and society at the time didnt wanna buy a game with a strong female leade, so not revealing her gender til the end was a way to trick boys to be like "HOLY CRAP, meh. shes still cool" Link? really u are really reading into things and i hardly think Gannon could be considered black, and this coming from a black man Mario dude of all things you could have picked you chose that? i figured you would go after the Shrooms drug connection, but even those are not intentional, Now Square Enix on the other hand,....jigiethe fact with samus, is that she sells games by hiding behind a masculine suit. look at super princess peach if you want nintendos view on female heroes, or better, cooking mama. honestly im suprised you people are understanding this by now... Really? samus' suit is masculine? Isnt that kinda sexist ... just because its big and has guns... you're assuming its "masculine" why, don't you think girls can handle those kinda suit... now thats sexist LOL well the was the thinking before samus enter the fray but characters like her have change the way we look at games, girls are no longer the damsel ... all the time anyways but often have a co starring rol or lead role and can hold their own, all because of the big bad suit she had on , and all the little boys were like omfg its a girl, hmm maybe girls arent so ickie after all, so saying nintendo is sexist is far off, nintendo just played to our beliefs then flipped it on us
still waiting for a reply from nintendo... how long does something like this usually take? then again i guess they have to handle this type of thing pretty delicately huh?garrett_duffmanyeah as to not offend internet defenders of truth like you if you have such issue with them why dont you call them and see how far that takes you
[QUOTE="jigie"][QUOTE="garrett_duffman"] the fact with samus, is that she sells games by hiding behind a masculine suit. look at super princess peach if you want nintendos view on female heroes, or better, cooking mama. honestly im suprised you people are understanding this by now...black_ice23Really? samus' suit is masculine? Isnt that kinda sexist ... just because its big and has guns... you're assuming its "masculine" why, don't you think girls can handle those kinda suit... now thats sexist LOL well the was the thinking before samus enter the fray but characters like her have change the way we look at games, girls are no longer the damsel ... all the time anyways but often have a co starring rol or lead role and can hold their own, all because of the big bad suit she had on , and all the little boys were like omfg its a girl, hmm maybe girls arent so ickie after all, so saying nintendo is sexist is far off, nintendo just played to our beliefs then flipped it on us true
[QUOTE="garrett_duffman"]still waiting for a reply from nintendo... how long does something like this usually take? then again i guess they have to handle this type of thing pretty delicately huh?black_ice23yeah as to not offend internet defenders of truth like you if you have such issue with them why dont you call them and see how far that takes you ...did you even READ the original post all the way through?
[QUOTE="garrett_duffman"]still waiting for a reply from nintendo... how long does something like this usually take? then again i guess they have to handle this type of thing pretty delicately huh?black_ice23yeah as to not offend internet defenders of truth like you if you have such issue with them why dont you call them and see how far that takes you Yeah, jasonguy has their number on his sig.. I think
[QUOTE="black_ice23"][QUOTE="garrett_duffman"]still waiting for a reply from nintendo... how long does something like this usually take? then again i guess they have to handle this type of thing pretty delicately huh?jigieyeah as to not offend internet defenders of truth like you if you have such issue with them why dont you call them and see how far that takes you Yeah, jasonguy has their number on his sig.. I think yea he does i just saw it in another thread, hes also got sony and microsoft sogarrett can take up arms against them too with any beefs you have with them
[QUOTE="black_ice23"][QUOTE="garrett_duffman"]still waiting for a reply from nintendo... how long does something like this usually take? then again i guess they have to handle this type of thing pretty delicately huh?garrett_duffmanyeah as to not offend internet defenders of truth like you if you have such issue with them why dont you call them and see how far that takes you ...did you even READ the original post all the way through? uhhhh..... no i just come in and attack certain points of your topic, of course i did, im not you who see certain aspects of tings and creates a thread about it and misses the point of it all , and i commented on each part of it, did you read my original repsonse to your original post?
This isn't supposed to be taken seriously...Is it? Let me get this straight, you are saying because Mario has a mustache that Nintendo is being Racist? You sound like the Racist one, saying "Hairy beings". Is there any reason you couldn't say people? And are you seriously trying to say that a Dinosaur wouldn't want to be dislayed as Yoshi?Dear Nintendo,
I have been a fan of your products for a few years, my first system of yours being a gamecube, and i have followed you loyaly ever since. Lately, however, I cant help but notice some racism going on within your business, whether it be within your games or during a conference. I hope that you will consider my opinion next time you are doing something that could be construed as some sort of racism. Lets start with racism inside games.
Several games that i have noticed with racial/sexist messages/innuendos, are The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and Yes, even Super Mario Brothers. Let me elaborate:
In The Legend of Zelda, you play as a blond-haired, blue eyed, or arian, hero, who has to overcome impossible obstacles, despite his young age, and ultimately defeat the black-skinned, red-haired pig man. I don't believe that much explanation is needed here to say why this would be construed as offensive. Red hair is the clear mark of an irishmen, with the features and complexion of a black man, one of the ONLY black men in any of your series, and he plays the ultimate evil. The message that i recieve from this is, is that Black people are evil, ad irish people are evil, but combined they create an incredible evil. i would appreciate it if changes were made to this character to avoid offense anymore.
Second up, is the Metroid series. Now some of you may think, "Why would anything in Metroid be considered offensive? Samus is a girl!" but this is what i have to say to that: Who knew? the only female hero you have only has power because of a very MASCULINE suit of futuristic armor. The game was clearly suited towards men, and alot of men had to be specifically informed that the hero of metroid was a girl. I would reccomend not hiding Samus ( which is a pretty manish name) behind her armor all of the time, to not offend the women.
Lastly (in games), but not-in-any case least, is your infamous Mario, who has single handedly been pumping racism and sex into childrens minds since you have started your little business. Lets start with the basics of the game. Your ultimate goal in every game is to get Peach, a blonde-haired, blue eyed (arian) beauty, whos name coincidentally happens to be a slang term for a private part of female anatomy, subconciously telling every little boy who plays this game that his ultimate goal, much like Mario's, is to get Peach. Mario, for second, is a very steriotypical Italian plumber. He is quite often pointed out in his games for his mustache, as Italians are stereotypically hairy beings, you could see how this could be offensive. Yoshi is a mockery of dinosaurs everywhere. No dinosaur would allow itself to be ridiculed by being ridden by a man, being punched in the back of the head to the point where its tongue would fly out of its mouth, without retaliation. Wario is clearly portraited as your sterotypical American, being lazy and cheap and crude, and i would like to inform you that as a caucasion U.S. male, I find this quite offensive, and would greatly appreciate it if you would change the characters characteristics in these games.
During your GDC event, you showed a picture of an asian man, dressed up in a ten-gallon hat and other cowboy apparel, looking ridiculous. I would like for you to personally apologize for this image, as it is making a mockery of a race of true pioneers that worked their keesters off to provide the U.S. with a better tomorrow. Without them and thier trailbblazing ways, we might not have had such a liveable america, and i for one, am gratedul that the cowboys existed, and i am quite appaled at the lack of respect you showed towards them.
I truly hope you consider my points, altough i have no power to take any actions, i would hope you just care enough for the consumer to peruse his words. thank you.
People: If you go looking for racism, sex, innuendos, you will find it. You can find it in a children's program. You can find it in Schools. You will find it anywhere. It's not because there is sex, racism, etc. within it. It's because Everything possible has been taken and made into something that it is not. Such as your example Peach. Guess what: Peach is a type of FRUIT before it is any kind of sexual innuendo, and children wont see it that way. They see it as the fruit.
I wish people would stop looking for anything and everything to try and make games sound bad for kids.
This isn't supposed to be taken seriously...Is it? Let me get this straight, you are saying because Mario has a mustache that Nintendo is being Racist? You sound like the Racist one, saying "Hairy beings". Is there any reason you couldn't say people? And are you seriously trying to say that a Dinosaur wouldn't want to be dislayed as Yoshi?[QUOTE="garrett_duffman"]
Dear Nintendo,
I have been a fan of your products for a few years, my first system of yours being a gamecube, and i have followed you loyaly ever since. Lately, however, I cant help but notice some racism going on within your business, whether it be within your games or during a conference. I hope that you will consider my opinion next time you are doing something that could be construed as some sort of racism. Lets start with racism inside games.
Several games that i have noticed with racial/sexist messages/innuendos, are The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and Yes, even Super Mario Brothers. Let me elaborate:
In The Legend of Zelda, you play as a blond-haired, blue eyed, or arian, hero, who has to overcome impossible obstacles, despite his young age, and ultimately defeat the black-skinned, red-haired pig man. I don't believe that much explanation is needed here to say why this would be construed as offensive. Red hair is the clear mark of an irishmen, with the features and complexion of a black man, one of the ONLY black men in any of your series, and he plays the ultimate evil. The message that i recieve from this is, is that Black people are evil, ad irish people are evil, but combined they create an incredible evil. i would appreciate it if changes were made to this character to avoid offense anymore.
Second up, is the Metroid series. Now some of you may think, "Why would anything in Metroid be considered offensive? Samus is a girl!" but this is what i have to say to that: Who knew? the only female hero you have only has power because of a very MASCULINE suit of futuristic armor. The game was clearly suited towards men, and alot of men had to be specifically informed that the hero of metroid was a girl. I would reccomend not hiding Samus ( which is a pretty manish name) behind her armor all of the time, to not offend the women.
Lastly (in games), but not-in-any case least, is your infamous Mario, who has single handedly been pumping racism and sex into childrens minds since you have started your little business. Lets start with the basics of the game. Your ultimate goal in every game is to get Peach, a blonde-haired, blue eyed (arian) beauty, whos name coincidentally happens to be a slang term for a private part of female anatomy, subconciously telling every little boy who plays this game that his ultimate goal, much like Mario's, is to get Peach. Mario, for second, is a very steriotypical Italian plumber. He is quite often pointed out in his games for his mustache, as Italians are stereotypically hairy beings, you could see how this could be offensive. Yoshi is a mockery of dinosaurs everywhere. No dinosaur would allow itself to be ridiculed by being ridden by a man, being punched in the back of the head to the point where its tongue would fly out of its mouth, without retaliation. Wario is clearly portraited as your sterotypical American, being lazy and cheap and crude, and i would like to inform you that as a caucasion U.S. male, I find this quite offensive, and would greatly appreciate it if you would change the characters characteristics in these games.
During your GDC event, you showed a picture of an asian man, dressed up in a ten-gallon hat and other cowboy apparel, looking ridiculous. I would like for you to personally apologize for this image, as it is making a mockery of a race of true pioneers that worked their keesters off to provide the U.S. with a better tomorrow. Without them and thier trailbblazing ways, we might not have had such a liveable america, and i for one, am gratedul that the cowboys existed, and i am quite appaled at the lack of respect you showed towards them.
I truly hope you consider my points, altough i have no power to take any actions, i would hope you just care enough for the consumer to peruse his words. thank you.
People: If you go looking for racism, sex, innuendos, you will find it. You can find it in a children's program. You can find it in Schools. You will find it anywhere. It's not because there is sex, racism, etc. within it. It's because Everything possible has been taken and made into something that it is not. Such as your example Peach. Guess what: Peach is a type of FRUIT before it is any kind of sexual innuendo, and children wont see it that way. They see it as the fruit.
I wish people would stop looking for anything and everything to try and make games sound bad for kids.
**sigh** it wasnt supposed to be taken seriously. i grow so weay of arguing this now... ive created a monster!I love how people keep replying and abusing you thinking you mean this it's great. Some people love to fight on here and defend things.
Let me guess...You were one of those people who petitioned for the ban of RE5 right? C'mon give it a rest. I could say sony is racist, because all of their consoles are black....see where I'm going with this? TechGuru89
PSX was white and PS1 was grey.
agreed 100% lolI love how people keep replying and abusing you thinking you mean this it's great. Some people love to fight on here and defend things.
Not capable of colour besides black ey... yup.. that's right, just like a black person is not capable of colour besides black right? They're born black, and remain black (unless you're Michael Jackson ofcourse.) Discrimination against something real - You do realise this whole thread is about fictional characters? Mr Game & Watch is still man-shaped, and very capable of being an icon of racism or discrimination. trugs26Im loling so hard with this thread man!
lol EXACTLY!this thread is proof of Poe's Law ( )
You forgot one big one--Punch-Out!! Every character is a racial stereotype. It doesn't really bother me because it's all for fun (and there's a stereotype of every race so at least they're not being selective).
I was always a bit confused as to why there has never been a black character in any Zelda game--or really any Nintendo game--ever. I did notice, though, that in Phantom Hourglass the ship fixer-upper guy is black, and he's a pretty cool dude. I was also concerned about Animal Crossing. Nomatter what, you're going to be a white boy or a white girl--no different options for skin color.
You have a good point, but I think if you're actually going to write a letter you might want to add a few more examples or racism and/or stereotyping. I think if they really are looking to expand their audience they should consider things like that.
Samus' gender isn't a race problem.>_> (Yes,I know this thread is satire,but the problem is still there.:P )
eh, whats the fun in satire if there arent people who take themselves too seriouslygarrett_duffman
Now I feel like an effing idiot. I was sort of hoping you were being satiracle--especially with the Mario Bros. thing--but I thought I'd back you up anyway. There. Now I feel better about myself.
Are you trying to find new things to b**** about? I mean wow your going out of your way to point out all of these things that no normal person thinks about. I am 18 and have been playing Zelda games for a while now and not once have i taken anything racist. Wario is offending you? well maybe you should cry about it somemore i mean nintendo isnt going to change all of there characters all of a sudden because you think everything is racist. The problem with racistism is that people are just looking and finding new things to complain about and label racist. Being racist is human nature and everyone is a little bit no matter who you are and dont even try to tell me your not because thats just false.
Lastly (in games), but not-in-any case least, is your infamous Mario, who has single handedly been pumping racism and sex into childrens minds since you have started your little business. Lets start with the basics of the game. Your ultimate goal in every game is to get Peach, a blonde-haired, blue eyed (arian) beauty, whos name coincidentally happens to be a slang term for a private part of female anatomy, subconciously telling every little boy who plays this game that his ultimate goal, much like Mario's, is to get Peach. Mario, for second, is a very steriotypical Italian plumber. He is quite often pointed out in his games for his mustache, as Italians are stereotypically hairy beings, you could see how this could be offensive. Yoshi is a mockery of dinosaurs everywhere. No dinosaur would allow itself to be ridiculed by being ridden by a man, being punched in the back of the head to the point where its tongue would fly out of its mouth, without retaliation. Wario is clearly portraited as your sterotypical American, being lazy and cheap and crude, and i would like to inform you that as a caucasion U.S. male, I find this quite offensive, and would greatly appreciate it if you would change the characters characteristics in these games.
During your GDC event, you showed a picture of an asian man, dressed up in a ten-gallon hat and other cowboy apparel, looking ridiculous. I would like for you to personally apologize for this image, as it is making a mockery of a race of true pioneers that worked their keesters off to provide the U.S. with a better tomorrow. Without them and thier trailbblazing ways, we might not have had such a liveable america, and i for one, am gratedul that the cowboys existed, and i am quite appaled at the lack of respect you showed towards them.
first of all: you are reading way too much into games. you could basically do this with every topic and assume sth is racist. e.g. the wii is white, is that racist too? the playstation is black so does sony hate white people? in LOTR legolas has blond hair, blue eyes and kills foreign people - racist?
the thing with mario: mario is ofc steriotypical! the graphics were so bad back then u need to design a chracter in that way to make him sth special - thats the reason why he even got a mustache.
the gdc thing: are u kidding me? u want an aopolgy for that? have u even been to a carnival where people masquerade themselves? u also want an apology from every person in the world who has ever masqueraded himself as a cowboy?
if you are really trying to look for sth u will always find something. take a deep breath and dont assume that everything has a special meaning
Lastly (in games), but not-in-any case least, is your infamous Mario, who has single handedly been pumping racism and sex into childrens minds since you have started your little business. Lets start with the basics of the game. Your ultimate goal in every game is to get Peach, a blonde-haired, blue eyed (arian) beauty, whos name coincidentally happens to be a slang term for a private part of female anatomy, subconciously telling every little boy who plays this game that his ultimate goal, much like Mario's, is to get Peach. Mario, for second, is a very steriotypical Italian plumber. He is quite often pointed out in his games for his mustache, as Italians are stereotypically hairy beings, you could see how this could be offensive. Yoshi is a mockery of dinosaurs everywhere. No dinosaur would allow itself to be ridiculed by being ridden by a man, being punched in the back of the head to the point where its tongue would fly out of its mouth, without retaliation. Wario is clearly portraited as your sterotypical American, being lazy and cheap and crude, and i would like to inform you that as a caucasion U.S. male, I find this quite offensive, and would greatly appreciate it if you would change the characters characteristics in these games.
During your GDC event, you showed a picture of an asian man, dressed up in a ten-gallon hat and other cowboy apparel, looking ridiculous. I would like for you to personally apologize for this image, as it is making a mockery of a race of true pioneers that worked their keesters off to provide the U.S. with a better tomorrow. Without them and thier trailbblazing ways, we might not have had such a liveable america, and i for one, am gratedul that the cowboys existed, and i am quite appaled at the lack of respect you showed towards them.
first of all: you are reading way too much into games. you could basically do this with every topic and assume sth is racist. e.g. the wii is white, is that racist too? the playstation is black so does sony hate white people? in LOTR legolas has blond hair, blue eyes and kills foreign people - racist?
the thing with mario: mario is ofc steriotypical! the graphics were so bad back then u need to design a chracter in that way to make him sth special - thats the reason why he even got a mustache.
the gdc thing: are u kidding me? u want an aopolgy for that? have u even been to a carnival where people masquerade themselves? u also want an apology from every person in the world who has ever masqueraded himself as a cowboy?
if you are really trying to look for sth u will always find something. take a deep breath and dont assume that everything has a special meaning
he wasn't serious.I actually found it quite funny, more so some peoples raections that continue to consider it as serious and dont read anything but the first post before replying, it's true when they say people shoot first ask questions later even when the answer is right in front of them. It is interesting how people chose to have to defend something that could of simply been an opinion no matter how completely insane it may have been like this one. Although based on expierience if some one were to think a simillar way to this there would be no way of changing their mind since they would want you wasting your time trying to begin with, I actually quite like people proving a point though with something as amusing as this though.
i actually found it quite funny, that so many people have the time to read through 13 pages before they answer to a topic. if u have so much spare time im happy for u, i dont. i read the first two pages and then i decided that i read enough to answer.I actually found it quite funny, more so some peoples raections that continue to consider it as serious and dont read anything but the first post before replying, it's true when they say people shoot first ask questions later even when the answer is right in front of them. It is interesting how people chose to have to defend something that could of simply been an opinion no matter how completely insane it may have been like this one. Although based on expierience if some one were to think a simillar way to this there would be no way of changing their mind since they would want you wasting your time trying to begin with, I actually quite like people proving a point though with something as amusing as this though.
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