ill give treyarch some credit. It still seems to play like MW, BUT i am still not going to buy this game because its a lazy port. Trayarch could make an amazing looking wii game if they wanted, but its obvious they arent even trying. Im mean seriously look at those textures. I swear they are using .bmp or .jpeg instead of .dds. Its as if they arent even trying. I know for sure the wii is more capable of this. This looks worse than Shenmue on the dreamcast. Seriously WTH!!!!! (btw shenmue looked amazing for its time so im not hating on shenmue, but i am on this game)
Lol what? Bro, this game is the very definition of a non-lazy port. It exemplifies how well any game on any console can run and be made better on the Wii. Saying you're not interested because this is a "lazy port", is like throwing away a box of crayons because you don't like apples.
having programmed for the wii myself (not gonna say what, but i think u can figure that out easly) i know the wii is capable of MUCH more. I believe a while back i wrote a 2 page post detailing the wiis capabilities. Its obvious no one payed attention or didnt understand the termonology i used & thats to bad. Through my eyes MW is a lazy port. It may be more fun than the Conduit, but that doesnt mean it isnt a lazy port. The conduit may have sucked badly, but at least the devs tried. Treyarch isnt trying. Graphics is the hardest thing the program for. Scripting gun functions, trigger sequences, AI, collsion detection etc isnt as hard as developing a graphics engine. Thats one of the hardest parts of develoment especially on a wii with its unussual hardware architecture. If a game on the wii looks good i know the devs put effort because thats the hardest part of development on this console. On the 360 graphics engines are much easier to develop and so i measure a games quality based on gameplay not graphics. Im not saying gameplay doesnt matter. Its the MOST important aspect of videogames, But its called a Videogame for a reason. I want Video & a Game not just video or just a game. If either of these two are missing somethings wrong. The PS3 and 360 have displayed that Game aspect is harder to achieve. the wii has shown the Video aspect is harder to achieve. So i those are my benchmarks in a sense when i judge a game. Do u see what i mean? Im not saying COD MWR isnt fun. It actually is very fun. Ive played it hehe, but it looks horrible. in terms of gamplay it gets a 10/10. teh wiimote rly brings it too life, but the Video is missing BIG time. The conduit had the video, but it didnt have the game, but unlike treyarch, HVS tackled the harder part of development. Do u see what i mean now? on the 360 or PS3 for example Farcry 2 had the video. thats the easy part, but the game ws missing.
Huh. Wow, well said buddy. I see a lot of what you're saying here. I'm really shcked to hear you say that the graphics are so terrible. I didn't know you played it yet. I'm going to stand by the videos I'e seen that show how good it looks. I feel one thing that a lot of people may be subconsciously forming their opinion on, is soley thge comparing of Reflex to the original. They're only making the mental note of "the 360 version looks better" as opposed to "this game just looks good itself". Without comparison, you know? I think as a stand alone title it's visually very appealing. But beyond that I'm right there with ya that the gameplay matters most. And since you've played it and with what you said about the gamepla and your remarks about the Wiimote, then I feel just as god as ever that it will more than live up to expectaions.
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