[QUOTE="Chojuto"] [QUOTE="freebie2k8"]Hey everyone I was just wondering how those of you who decided to participate in the "design your own controls" contest were doing. Well here are mine:freebie2k8
Okay I read the rest of your post, but for space purposes I'm only gonna quote that part so people know what I'm talking about.
First of all, using + and - for strafing sounds like a really stupid idea if you ask me, sorry. Why would you assign strafe to those two buttons when you could just use the nunchuck analog stick right/left? Seriously. But it's an interesting thought, unfortunately I don't think it'd work well with a fast paced action fps.
The other thing I noticed, there are too many specific waggle motions in your control scheme, which is gonna disrupt the gameplay a lot. Sure maybe a few waggle actions wouldn't be so bad, but from what I read, you have seperate actions for shaking the Wii-remote side to side, up, down, nunchuck shake, AND a Wii-remote+nunchuck simultaneous shake. That's a little too much if you ask me.
And one last thing. You don't need 2 buttons for zooming, as Halo only has one and it's fine, and The Conduit shouldn't need two seperate buttons for zooming in/out. In the standard control scheme they showed in a video, there was only one zoom button, and I believe it'll work just fine. Having 2 buttons to switch between grenades is a pretty good idea though, since from the screen shots, it looks like you can carry like 6 or 7 grenades, and accidentally switching over the one you want and not being able to switch back would be very frustrating. But having two switch buttons for switching weapons carried is dumb though, cause you can only carry 2 weapons.
So, here's what I would do:
A = Jump/Activate
B = Shoot
D-pad right/left = switch grenades
D-pad up = Switch weapon carried with weapon on ground
D-pad down = reload
- = Switch between weapons carried
+ = Zoom
1 = Equip All-Seeing-Eye/Special
2 = Pause
C = Crouch
Z = Lock-On
Wii-remote shake (any direction) = Melee attack
*note: I chose to assign melee attack to Wii-remote shake because: 1. I've ALWAYS wanted to shake the remote to whack somebody in an fps game for Wii. And 2: Because providing you hit someone with your melee attack, it'll give you enough time to re-center your cursor. But if you're nervous about that, switch the reload button with the melee attack, and assign reloading to Wii-remote shake, which shouldn't give you as problems because you shouldn't be reloading at a dangerous time, and you can't shoot while you reload anyways.
And finally:
Nunchuck shake: Throw grenade
Since you can aim with the Wii-remote, and shaking the nunchuck shouldn't off your aim too much, if at all.
Well there's what I think.
I understand what you're saying Chojuto, but I'll explain my choices in the order in which you questioned them.
1. Strafing: I chose to have this assigned to + and - simply because pressing a button is faster than using an analog stick, so say if you were strafing left at a full tilt you would have to move the stick the full opposite direction in order to change strafing direction as well as to strafe at a run's pace. When you use buttons to activate a strafe you end up being able to change direction quicker and more frequently, its kinda like an adaptation of the dash strafe button used during lock-on in Metroid Prime. Since + and - are on left and right respectively they would be the best buttons to use for a strafe. The way I like to play FPS' is to change direction frequently left to right, so imagine being able just to tap a button to start right then tap a button to immediately begin changing direction.
2. Waggle choices: Now I'll admit I thought it'd be a bad idea to have too much waggle but I didn't want to waste the little button real estate that the wiimote already has, (a few I chose because I was just about out of buttons) especially for things such as reloading when a mere waggle side to side could accomplish that. Of the ones that I did like, I liked being able to pick up a weapon on the fly just by flicking the remote up a little as you walk over a weapon for a few reasons. One I always hated in halo how you would have to hold x as you walked over a weapon, sometimes you would have to stop walking entirely to make sure you'd be able to pick it up. Secondly, x was doing double duty in that game and the xbox has more buttons than the wii so using a quick flick of the wrist saves buttons and even the most crappy gamer in the world wouldn't for get how to pick up a weapon off the ground. Finally, I also said within the post and the email that if auto centering is used it shouldn't disrupt the gameplay, mostly because if the waggle moves the cursor it'll move back to center anyway, plus the accelerometers can distinguish when a person is trying to aim at someone's head or is trying to waggle to reload or pickup a weapon, and wiimotion plus wouldn't hurt. Other than that most of the motions are kinda stand fare, the type of common sense motions that would be easy to remember.
Zoom buttons: I agree with most of what you're saying but I always hated how in Halo for a sniper rifle in lowest zoom in order to get out of scope you would have to click the analog stick multiple times, including clicking higher up in magnification before you could zoom out again. If I'm in 5x I don't want to have to go to 10x just to get out of zoom, with 1 and 2 used for zoom in/zoom out I can be in lowest setting or highest setting than instantly go back to normal instead of all that clicking or tapping of a button multiple times.
Finally I didn't know how many weapons could be carried, but I'm pretty sure I only had some of the d-pad covering it anyway so there shouldn't be any problems there. Sorry for the really long post but just wanted to clear things up.
Uh-oh here comes the big ass quotes XD
Alright I get what you're saying, and here's what I'd change about yours without really ruining the unique feel of it.
Since you want your strafe on - and +, then I'd suggest that you make use of the nunchuck analog stick's left and right, since as you said, the lack of buttons. Since you can carry a handful of grenades, I'd put switch grenades to nunchuck right and left. And then that frees d-pad up and down.
Oh and since you don't need two buttons to switch weapons, that also frees up either d-pad right or left. I'd keep switch weapons for d-pad right.
But for ASE instead of moving both the nunchuck and remote down, I think it'd be easier to just assign it to d-pad up. And flicking the remote up for picking up a weapon is actually a really cool idea, so I think that's fine too. But assigning 3 different actions to different remote directions seems a little much, maybe 2 would be alright? Up for switching weapons from the ground, and then any other direction besides up could be either reload, or melee, whichever one you prefer. Personally I'd prefer melee, but maybe setting it as reload would be safer. Either way, either reload or melee would be d-pad down. And then that leaves d-pad left for a pause button, which then utilizes all the buttons perfectly.
So, after thinking about it, here's what I think your new control scheme should be:
A = Jump/activate
B = Shoot
- / + = strafe left/right
d-pad up = ASE
d-pad left = pause
d-pad down = melee or reload, depending on what you pick for remote shake
1 and 2 = zoom in and out
Shake remote up = Pick-up weapon/ switch weapon carried with weapon on ground
Shake remote left/right/down = melee or reload, depending on what you set for d-pad down
Shake nunchuck = chuck grenade
Z = lock-on
C = crouch
Analog stick up/down = move forward/backward
Analog stick right/left = Switch grenades
So, tell me what you think. That's fine if you like your original one better though, but the most flaws that I found that would help you improve it would be: not using nunchuck analog stick's left and right, and having two buttons for switching weapons (two buttons for switching grenades is fine though). But besides those 2 things, everything else is mostly fine, even though I made a few tweaks to the shake controls.
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