Ironre5 seriously if you don't like the game don't buy, but don't come here ranting that the Conduit is crap as if you played and that you're opinion is fact. At least these guys played the game before writting an opinion on it, which is pretty dam positive and not worth anyware near the bashing this game is getting on this topic.
Please read the E3 previews and know that they are positive impression of a game that's not finished, and if the graphics and gameplay where good then why do expect them to be worse now or by the time its released.
first of all, get ur facts straight....i HAVE played the game, and have explained this on numerous occasions...i dont feel like saying it again, look through this thread and youll see how....secondly most previews dont talk abt the negatives in a game....and if ppl can really think that the graphics look good, they are blind, cos the enviornments look crappy, the textures are horrible up close, the artstile (didnt spell it properly cos it gets censored) i pretty much non existant, the enemies dont even look formidable, the human weapons are alright, and that other alien weapon (not the one with the homing grenade, that looks awful) looks good too.....the story seems generic at best, the all seeing eye is a rip off of something from zelda (cant remember the name), and the devs have openly said that they are proud to have ripped off of other games...if theyve ripped off of other games, that means if youve played those other popular games, which most of us have, youve already experienced this whats the point in buying a downgraded version of your favorite titles.....
only people who have only a wii, will ever get excited for this....for ppl that want a tru FPS, play Half life 2, Halo 1, Call of duty 4, Crysis, Stalker, duke nukem, rainbow six vegas, bioshock etc.......try comparing the every aspect of the conduit (other than the graphics) with those games, and youll see that the conduit is severly lacking
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