[QUOTE="Ironre5"]OMG you do realise he was talking abt the art style of the game......get that in your head...now the art style of the game will remain the same, unless they fire their art director, or completely revamp the game....which is not going to happen, since its not financially feasable....now when you put two and two together, you can easily understand that the final game will have the same art direction as the screens/vids we've seen...understand now.....clicketyclick
Tell me something. Have you played MP3: Corruption?
i will tell you seomthing....i have played ever good game on the NES, SNES, N64, GC and Wii....ive been a loyal hardcore gamer since Nes days, and yes i have played all the metroid since Nes, which includes MP3...whats ur point?..
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