[QUOTE="Ironre5"][QUOTE="lucidflux"] Maybe people just want a good FPS on the Wii. Personally, I'm not hyping it, nor do I really hype anything...
As for looks, it seems that they have the guns and aliens pretty well in place, but the people and environs could use a good bit of work.
I get the feeling that we'll never get a clear picture of how the game works from videos until right before it comes out. More than other games, these videos show a work in progress. Go back to the old videos and take a look.
To reiterate, I don't want any games to fail. Don't know why anyone would want that. Insight on that one?
i want this game to Phail cos its getting recognition it doesnt deserve from the wii community....the art style is so BAD, yet everyone thinks the graphics are good, just cos some PR dude from HVS said its good....who cares abt spcular lighting, normal and bump mapping etc, when your game has bad art to begin with....art is the foundation for graphics..and when you dont have that, you dont have good graphics.......also being a veteran FPS player, i can easily say that this game isnt near the standards games like half life, halo 1, COD, Doom, Quake, Unreal, etc are, and yet its getting as good of a recognition as those games.......i would gladly pay 60 bucks for those games, but the conduit is charging 50 bucks for something that isnt worth even 30 bucks.....lame...if the conduit were 20 bucks i would have bought it........
i guess wii owners havent played enough FPS games to know what a quality FPS should be like.....its like the conduit is their first FPS game, so naturally they dont know how much better it needs to be......go play Half life 2 and then tell me the conduit looks amazin (gameplay and graphics wise)
ok...YES HL2 IS much better than this...but it isn't on the wii is it? NO this is the best wii owners got for now....that's why i like it and that's why i'm going to pick it up for the wiijust because its the only thing the wii has, doesnt make it good....its like saying if theres no food to eat, eating wood to survive is enjoyable.....itll be tolerable, but not enjoyable
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