hey! hello! im new at this thread.. so first of all i will introduce myself :D i read a lot of introductioins in the first pages of these thread they are preatty cool.. i also read the christmas list thing you where talking about a long time ago..
well- im Fernando Villegas and unlike most of you here.. im Mexican :D and i live in Monterrey(thats why my grammar SOME TIMES isnt very good:P) im 15 years old turning 16 on july.. i'v been a member of gamespot for like 2-3 months now.. hehe im preatty new, and 100% of my posts have been in the wii forums!! (with exception of the blog posts).. ok now some courious info: I hate Mexican History, World history or any other kind of history. I suck at geography. I hate sea food. I like to play video games, i specially enjoy nintendo games, i suck at any FIFA game, NBA game, or MADDEN game.. but i enjoy playing FIFA with my friends.. im VERY competitive in SSBM(future brawl), halo, ping pong, tennis, and in almost everything in my life.. - I have a ping pong table (got it for chrismas) and i really enjoy beating my cousin.. he is living in my house for know, hes staying for 3 years, and he is 15 years old turining 16 on april.. so we get very, very, VERY competitive playing ping pong almos every day. i like to be with my friends just fooling around, playing videogames, going to parties, going to the movies, and most of all i love spending time with my girlfriend, im allways thinking about her.. bad thing my grades started dropping scince im with her (i just can't help it!! :cry:)..
im almost allways looking into the future on the gaming part of my life.. so i allready have my very detailed 2008 wishlist for wii games!! (you can see it in my blog 8)) other random facts: i usually use a lot of emotions when i write in msn or sometimes even here.. i love chili candy, or any other type of candy. im more of a console videogame player.. the only PC game i really got into was WAR CRAFT 3, and i really enjoyed it, mostly playing online, but i dont play it anymore-- im a tall, skinny guy.. im 1.85 meters high.. the tallest in my whole school.. including teachers :P i have dark brown eyes, very dark brown hair.. it always seem to be black but with the sun it turns a little brown-ish.. hehe :D ok thats enough of stupid information you dont really have to know..
well it was good introducing myself, i guess :roll: -- oh and if you want to know any word or frase in spanish feel free to ask- --
P.S.: and im a MALE.. as you might allready guesed scince i told i had a GIRLfriend-- just clearing that out becasue there have been 2 people that tought i was a girl just because of my profile pic..:| -- and also feel free to correct me, or let me know, if i have any grammar mistakes, i wont feel insulted or anything, i will actually be gratefull becuse that way i can improve my english°! :D
EDIT: wow!.. this is the longest post i'v made so far!!! i dont blame you if you were to lazy to read it all :P
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