(1) Like most people over the age of 4 I like a super sugary cereal with a fun cartoon mascot on the front. So as I pour myself a bowl of Cocoa Pebbles in a white bowl and my counter has little brown specs in it like it's sold kind of rock like Oak or Walrus.
(2) Well I think the specs are Cocoa Pebbles that are ABOVE the bowl from the angle I'm at so I promptly pour milk all over these "Pebbles" and in turn douse my countertop in rich 2% goodness.
(3) I'm also loving the fact that I miss out on the last week these forums are tolerable before each day is like a freaking kick in the shins
1. Whoa!!! I never would of guessed that you like sugary cereal...
2. Heh, I did something like that once. One time, during a day off of school or something, I decided to make myself a nice bowl of clam chowder. So I do the lazy way of making it, open the can, dump it into a large bowl then throw it into the microwave for about 3 minutes.
Alright, it's ready. I go and pick it out of the microwave and start to walk it over to the table so I may partake of it's clam chowdery goodness. On the way there I realize the bowl is burning hot and just drop it on the floor...
Yeah, I look down and see the bowl is somehow still in one piece, but when I look up I see half of the kitchen covered in white and clam... So I start cussing and yelling (the usual fair) and finally decide to start cleaning up. using pretty much 2-3 rolls of paper towels to clean up the mess. About one hour later when half of the mess is cleaned up I start to see that the parts that haven't been cleaned up yet are starting to dry up... So, I'm still beyond angry and obviously can't think straight so I get the bright Idea of taking the spray nozzle of the sink and spray the dry parts with water, but that's not enough. I honestly don't know what was wrong with me at that point because I continually spray the kitchen with water until the floor of the kitchen is filled with about 5 gallons of water...
Yeah, all that did was anger me even more, but eventually I get over it and start drying/cleaning up the place again, so it's good as new before my father comes home from work. So, yeah, that was another one of my fun experiences at home, but yes I eventually did finish cleaning up the mess. (about a full 4-5 hours total of nothing but cleaning...)
3. You really didn't miss much... All you missed, really, was bob and ag's little experiment...
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