My dog ate my SD cardag1052
That's the best thing I've heard all day.
...I mean, I'm sorry to hear it, but that's really funny.
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My dog ate my SD cardag1052
That's the best thing I've heard all day.
...I mean, I'm sorry to hear it, but that's really funny.
When the card makes it's "exit" it's still going to work (unless it chewed it all to pieces)
Those cards are simply amazing, really all solid state memory is amazing. We're right on the cusp of having the ability to have solid state memory that you can write to forever and it'll never degrade. The memory we have these days is right on the edge of that but it's going to revolutionize the computer industry and cause a massive change throughout the entire industry.
Companies plan on a hard drive failing and you buying more drives. That money goes into the R&D for new drives. Once that chain is broken no one is quite sure about the direction of it all.
What? Don't many people go off talking about memory?
This is kinda random, but I guess that's what this thread is all about. How do you do a double quote? You know, when you have quotes from two different people in one message.
Here's how I do it:
First, press "quote" after the first person's post that you want to quote, then once you're taken to the page where you write your comments you have to copy (Ctrl+C) his or her post in full (including the beginning and end where is says "QUOTE"). Then, go back one page and press "quote" on the 2nd person's post that you want to quote. From there, just paste (Ctrl+V) the first post where you wanted to put it in your post.
So, I'll give you an example:
When the card makes it's "exit" it's still going to work (unless it chewed it all to pieces)
Those cards are simply amazing, really all solid state memory is amazing. We're right on the cusp of having the ability to have solid state memory that you can write to forever and it'll never degrade. The memory we have these days is right on the edge of that but it's going to revolutionize the computer industry and cause a massive change throughout the entire industry.
Companies plan on a hard drive failing and you buying more drives. That money goes into the R&D for new drives. Once that chain is broken no one is quite sure about the direction of it all.
What? Don't many people go off talking about memory?
This is kinda random, but I guess that's what this thread is all about. How do you do a double quote? You know, when you have quotes from two different people in one message.
If you press "quote" on me, you can actually see exactly how I did that. That's all there is to it.
[QUOTE="JordanElek"][QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]Nah lol I think most people that talk to you on here know that you have to moderate them just as much as everyone else but I was wondering if you ever got that one person who really complained like "I thought we were friends"
Never happened.
Well I guess then kudos for associating with people who understand that.
Wait, you can see who moderated you? I don't remember seeing that in my last moderation... Maybe I just missed it...
[QUOTE="ag1052"]If any of you are in the Central Texas area... my band is playing at Midnight Rodeo in San Antonio tomorrow... its a battle of the bands thing, the winner gets to open for Mark Chestnutt in a week or so...epayps2That's cool. What kind of music do you play?
[QUOTE="Jaysonguy"][QUOTE="JordanElek"][QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]Nah lol I think most people that talk to you on here know that you have to moderate them just as much as everyone else but I was wondering if you ever got that one person who really complained like "I thought we were friends"
Never happened.
Well I guess then kudos for associating with people who understand that.
Wait, you can see who moderated you? I don't remember seeing that in my last moderation... Maybe I just missed it...
No, you can't see which Mod moderated you but if I'm in here and Jordan's in here and I get modded I'm like...
For most cases on the forum overall you have to go to "Ask The Mods" and even then it's not a given you'll ever find out. Plus you have to have an issue with the moderation, not like "who did it?"
But Jordan's got a job to do here even though he's friends with members so if one of his friends does something that doesn't follow the rules he has to act on it. He can't be called to the carpet and asked why he didn't moderate someone for saying "I don't know why you spend so much time with your head up your posterior" and reply with "well we're friends and I just beat him 8 out of ten rounds in Smash Bros so........."
[QUOTE="Niff_T"][QUOTE="Jaysonguy"][QUOTE="JordanElek"][QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]Nah lol I think most people that talk to you on here know that you have to moderate them just as much as everyone else but I was wondering if you ever got that one person who really complained like "I thought we were friends"
Never happened.
Well I guess then kudos for associating with people who understand that.
Wait, you can see who moderated you? I don't remember seeing that in my last moderation... Maybe I just missed it...
No, you can't see which Mod moderated you but if I'm in here and Jordan's in here and I get modded I'm like...
For most cases on the forum overall you have to go to "Ask The Mods" and even then it's not a given you'll ever find out. Plus you have to have an issue with the moderation, not like "who did it?"
But Jordan's got a job to do here even though he's friends with members so if one of his friends does something that doesn't follow the rules he has to act on it. He can't be called to the carpet and asked why he didn't moderate someone for saying "I don't know why you spend so much time with your head up your posterior" and reply with "well we're friends and I just beat him 8 out of ten rounds in Smash Bros so........."
I remember getting banned in TeamXbox for accidentally using the word "***". (I was too young to know that was a racial slur)
[QUOTE="Jaysonguy"][QUOTE="Niff_T"][QUOTE="Jaysonguy"][QUOTE="JordanElek"][QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]Nah lol I think most people that talk to you on here know that you have to moderate them just as much as everyone else but I was wondering if you ever got that one person who really complained like "I thought we were friends"
Never happened.
Well I guess then kudos for associating with people who understand that.
Wait, you can see who moderated you? I don't remember seeing that in my last moderation... Maybe I just missed it...
No, you can't see which Mod moderated you but if I'm in here and Jordan's in here and I get modded I'm like...
For most cases on the forum overall you have to go to "Ask The Mods" and even then it's not a given you'll ever find out. Plus you have to have an issue with the moderation, not like "who did it?"
But Jordan's got a job to do here even though he's friends with members so if one of his friends does something that doesn't follow the rules he has to act on it. He can't be called to the carpet and asked why he didn't moderate someone for saying "I don't know why you spend so much time with your head up your posterior" and reply with "well we're friends and I just beat him 8 out of ten rounds in Smash Bros so........."
I remember getting banned in TeamXbox for accidentally using the word "***". (I was too young to know that was a racial slur)
its just so much easier than typing or saying "japanese"
I remember getting banned in TeamXbox for accidentally using the word "**". (I was too young to know that was a racial slur)
Yeah, I'm shocked about how many people here either aren't wise enough or just plain too ignorant and use that word.
This is kinda random, but I guess that's what this thread is all about. How do you do a double quote? You know, when you have quotes from two different people in one message. AdRock92
I have an easier way than what bob said (sorry bob).
All you have to do is use the quick quote button for the first person you want to quote, type out your message, then hit the quick quote button on the second person you want to quote. Your original text will be copied to the text box with the second quote right after it. Like so:
Wow I havent been on the wii board in a long time. How is everyone? (doubt anyone recognises me)freek666
Don't worry, I recognize you.
I remember getting banned in TeamXbox for accidentally using the word "***". (I was too young to know that was a racial slur)Snyder_Trigger
Yeah, I don't know anyone under 30 who would use that word in an intentionally offensive way. The vast majority of people who say it are just abbreviating. We still don't allow it on the forums, though, because it does have that strong history of being offensive. You wouldn't get banned for a single offense, though, especially if you obviously weren't trying to be offensive.
Hey, fellas. None of you probably know who I am (save you, Jordan), but I was an active member of the off-topic lounge when it was in the GCN forum many years ago (back when it was cool :P).
Anyway, I'm not one for introductions (especially this late at night!) so I'll keep this brief. I'm 18 and I'm currently finishing my final year of high-school. In my free time I enjoy reading, gaming, music, and posting on Gamespot.
Ok so I just got back from our show... we didnt win... it was kind of heart breaking because we really felt we deserved it... we had a great set and we really did pretty well compared to everyone else. We were just too differnt I guess... we had mostly all normal country music but we threw in a "country" version of Crossroads by Bone Thugs and people really liked it but I guess the judges didnt. ag1052
Great song. I wish I could've heard the country version, I bet it was hilarious. My friend once did a set and halfway through one of his songs he forgot the lyrics so he just started singing Who Am I (What's My Name) by Snoop Dogg in the stlye of Johnny Cash. It was all around the best cover I've heard of anything ever.
Sorry you didn't win, by the way. I'm sure you deserved it.
Anyway, I'm not one for introductions (especially this late at night!) so I'll keep this brief. I'm 18 and I'm currently finishing my final year of high-school. In my free time I enjoy reading, gaming, music, and posting on Gamespot.Dutch_Mix
I probably would've pinned you at 18 back in Ye Olde OT Lounge... I didn't know you were such a youngster back then. :P
My Wii STILL isn't back.
Now I know that with the Smash Bros disk read error there might be a longer time then usual that I'm away from the Wii
I mean I haven't been able to play my Wii games in over a week now. I have soccer balls to kick and oceans to traverse and bros to smash and hitman jobs to perform so I can increase rank.
[QUOTE="Dutch_Mix"]Anyway, I'm not one for introductions (especially this late at night!) so I'll keep this brief. I'm 18 and I'm currently finishing my final year of high-school. In my free time I enjoy reading, gaming, music, and posting on Gamespot.JordanElek
I probably would've pinned you at 18 back in Ye Olde OT Lounge... I didn't know you were such a youngster back then. :P
Do you really bann people for being underage?oh and I forgot to mention that last night I injured my hand... I bruised the fleshy area right under my index and middle finger.... Its all swollen and purple now. Someone said they thought I burst a blood vessel but I really think thats a fancy word for a big puffy bruise... I can move the two fingers but not very well. I dont know how Im going to drive (I have a stick shift) because I can cant really hold on to the ballag1052
Stop hitting yourself.
What I do is approach the stick with my palm facing up and make the knob go between my pinkie and ring finger. Then I wrap the rest of my fingers around the top of the shifter. That way I have some hand meat pushing AND pulling the stick.
[QUOTE="ag1052"]oh and I forgot to mention that last night I injured my hand... I bruised the fleshy area right under my index and middle finger.... Its all swollen and purple now. Someone said they thought I burst a blood vessel but I really think thats a fancy word for a big puffy bruise... I can move the two fingers but not very well. I dont know how Im going to drive (I have a stick shift) because I can cant really hold on to the ballJaysonguy
Stop hitting yourself.
What I do is approach the stick with my palm facing up and make the knob go between my pinkie and ring finger. Then I wrap the rest of my fingers around the top of the shifter. That way I have some hand meat pushing AND pulling the stick.
I wasnt playing the set at the time... I was playing the Cajon (if you dont know what a Cajon is its a wooden box with a hole in the side, you hit the center for a bass sound and the edge for a higher sound) you use your hands to play it and I hit the edge too hard. Here is a picture of a cajon but mine is much more solid than the one in the picture.[QUOTE="Dutch_Mix"]Anyway, I'm not one for introductions (especially this late at night!) so I'll keep this brief. I'm 18 and I'm currently finishing my final year of high-school. In my free time I enjoy reading, gaming, music, and posting on Gamespot.JordanElek
I probably would've pinned you at 18 back in Ye Olde OT Lounge... I didn't know you were such a youngster back then. :P
Yeah, I joined Gamespot only a few months after I turned 13.
The NCAA Championship game is on tonight. :) I'm not the biggest fan of college basketball, but I always tune into the last couple games of the tournament. Is anyone else going to watch?
The NCAA Championship game is on tonight. :) I'm not the biggest fan of college basketball, but I always tune into the last couple games of the tournament. Is anyone else going to watch? Dutch_Mix
I forgot about that. I watched the games on Saturday night... kinda. It's hard to pay close attention to blowouts. I'll probably watch the game tonight while I do other things.
Do you really bann people for being underage?epayps2
Yes, but they have to try pretty hard for us to actually know their real age. It's a legal thing. Children under 13 in the US aren't legally allowed to give personal information to a website.
[QUOTE="epayps2"]Do you really bann people for being underage?JordanElek
Yes, but they have to try pretty hard for us to actually know their real age. It's a legal thing. Children under 13 in the US aren't legally allowed to give personal information to a website.
Seriously? I joined this site when I was like 10, or 11.... So, what do they do if you get caught? It's not like you go to jail/get fined for having a myspace under the age of 13, right?my name is shane,and ive been a gamer since the odessey came out,weve come a long way since then,i currently am digging the wii,i have 3 kids,and a wife,so the wii is perfect,i got a lot of vc games,i love showin the kids what daddy grew up playing,my 7 year old loves kirby adventure,as do i,i think the wii is a awsome console,between the old school and new stuff,i love my wiimetallicafan14
That's great!
Don't forget to pick up some new games as well.
ew omg woah!
i just burped...
but it wasnt just any burp. it was LOUD!
that never happens to me! i hardly ever even burp. i think its gross.
but wow....
i almost feel... empowered. but i know i shouldnt because its gross! :cry:
is that bad?
[QUOTE="AdRock92"]This is kinda random, but I guess that's what this thread is all about. How do you do a double quote? You know, when you have quotes from two different people in one message.
Here's how I do it:
First, press "quote" after the first person's post that you want to quote, then once you're taken to the page where you write your comments you have to copy (Ctrl+C) his or her post in full (including the beginning and end where is says "QUOTE"). Then, go back one page and press "quote" on the 2nd person's post that you want to quote. From there, just paste (Ctrl+V) the first post where you wanted to put it in your post.
So, I'll give you an example:
When the card makes it's "exit" it's still going to work (unless it chewed it all to pieces)
Those cards are simply amazing, really all solid state memory is amazing. We're right on the cusp of having the ability to have solid state memory that you can write to forever and it'll never degrade. The memory we have these days is right on the edge of that but it's going to revolutionize the computer industry and cause a massive change throughout the entire industry.
Companies plan on a hard drive failing and you buying more drives. That money goes into the R&D for new drives. Once that chain is broken no one is quite sure about the direction of it all.
What? Don't many people go off talking about memory?
This is kinda random, but I guess that's what this thread is all about. How do you do a double quote? You know, when you have quotes from two different people in one message.
If you press "quote" on me, you can actually see exactly how I did that. That's all there is to it.
[QUOTE="AdRock92"]This is kinda random, but I guess that's what this thread is all about. How do you do a double quote? You know, when you have quotes from two different people in one message. JordanElek
I have an easier way than what bob said (sorry bob).
All you have to do is use the quick quote button for the first person you want to quote, type out your message, then hit the quick quote button on the second person you want to quote. Your original text will be copied to the text box with the second quote right after it. Like so:
Wow I havent been on the wii board in a long time. How is everyone? (doubt anyone recognises me)freek666
Don't worry, I recognize you.
I remember getting banned in TeamXbox for accidentally using the word "***". (I was too young to know that was a racial slur)Snyder_Trigger
Yeah, I don't know anyone under 30 who would use that word in an intentionally offensive way. The vast majority of people who say it are just abbreviating. We still don't allow it on the forums, though, because it does have that strong history of being offensive. You wouldn't get banned for a single offense, though, especially if you obviously weren't trying to be offensive.
Thanks Bob and Jordan, I think I'm getting the hang of it now. I had to use Bob's way because they were from different pages. (There are so many quotes here!:o)
I can't believe i haven't ever posted in here. It's probably because i go to the Gamespot AU forum, which is one big off topic party yeah!!! What a rager etc. etc.Anyway, to those who don't know me, I'm Jared. A lot of people tend to think of me as a lot older than i am. Such is the way of forums.
I'm actually just another teenager boy who plays games really. I can speel though! :P Of course, as all teen's do, i often mis-spell things, or say something stupid, and when somebody quotes me i go "That was on purpose so Na-na-na-na!" .
I visit the Wii forums every now and then. I think most of you will recognise me. Sometimes i feel all this fourm is is repeated topics. So, i don't come here too much. My favourite game on Wii is either RE4 or SMG.
Super Mario Galaxy is the game that love built. Seriously, it is! Put that on the back of the box Nintendo!
Well, that's about it then. End the semi weird rant.
We wanted to let you know that your components are being shipped back to
you. Blah blah blah....
Nintendo of America Inc. strives to maintain the highest standards of
quality. While we regret that a repair was necessary, we thank you
for sending your product to Nintendo for repair.
We hope you enjoy your product.
Nintendo of America Inc.
Consumer Service Department
Go Jason, go Jason, it's your birthday, well not really, but that's how the song goes, so I'm saying it.........
I got that Email last night which means Nintendo's overnight shipping gets my Wii back to Jason TODAY!!!
It's probably on the truck right now coming to my house, the Wii's probably going to be hungry traveling all night
I just heard a news story that 2 guys in Canada tried to rob a bank with SWORDS!! That is BRILLIANT!! Could you imagine standing in a bank and seeing 2 dudes with swords walking in. They probably looked at the teller funny when she gave them standard currency. They probably looked at it and said "Hey!! What is the meaning of this!!! What is this paper you give us? Where is the gald, gil, or rupees?"
By the way, this post was not made to rip on Canada or anything. I just thought the sword this was hilarious and thought I would share.
I just heard a news story that 2 guys in Canada tried to rob a bank with SWORDS!! That is BRILLIANT!! Could you imagine standing in a bank and seeing 2 dudes with swords walking in. They probably looked at the teller funny when she gave them standard currency. They probably looked at it and said "Hey!! What is the meaning of this!!! What is this paper you give us? Where is the gald, gil, or rupees?"
By the way, this post was not made to rip on Canada or anything. I just thought the sword this was hilarious and thought I would share.
:lol: If the security guard were smart, he'd pull an Indiana Jones on those fools. After a good laugh, of course.
Sometimes i feel all this fourm is is repeated topics.jjr10
I know the feeling. That's mostly why I started doing the Best of the Wii Forum thing, mostly. The point is to encourage more creative threads. I'm not sure if it's working or not, but there have been more creative threads lately (except for the couple of Brawl weeks....).
I just heard a news story that 2 guys in Canada tried to rob a bank with SWORDS!! That is BRILLIANT!! Could you imagine standing in a bank and seeing 2 dudes with swords walking in. They probably looked at the teller funny when she gave them standard currency. They probably looked at it and said "Hey!! What is the meaning of this!!! What is this paper you give us? Where is the gald, gil, or rupees?"
By the way, this post was not made to rip on Canada or anything. I just thought the sword this was hilarious and thought I would share.
None of us have guns up here, so we have to be creative.
[QUOTE="roboccs"]I just heard a news story that 2 guys in Canada tried to rob a bank with SWORDS!! That is BRILLIANT!! Could you imagine standing in a bank and seeing 2 dudes with swords walking in. They probably looked at the teller funny when she gave them standard currency. They probably looked at it and said "Hey!! What is the meaning of this!!! What is this paper you give us? Where is the gald, gil, or rupees?"
By the way, this post was not made to rip on Canada or anything. I just thought the sword this was hilarious and thought I would share.
None of us have guns up here, so we have to be creative.
Why not use Hockey Sticks and Goalie masks then?? GO WINGS!!
I almost had a heart-attack this afternoon. How was everyone else's day?Dutch_Mix
Are you being serious?
[QUOTE="Dutch_Mix"]I almost had a heart-attack this afternoon. How was everyone else's day?bob_newman
Are you being serious?
Yep. I was sitting alone in my house watching television while surfing the internet (being productive :P) when suddenly the power went out and the entire place went dark. I thought it was the end of the world or something! 0_o
[QUOTE="bob_newman"][QUOTE="Dutch_Mix"]I almost had a heart-attack this afternoon. How was everyone else's day?Dutch_Mix
Are you being serious?
Yep. I was sitting alone in my house watching television while surfing the internet (being productive :P) when suddenly the power went out and the entire place went dark. I thought it was the end of the world or something! 0_o
so... you mean NO... you werent being serious... being serious would have meant you had shooting pains in your left arm and so on.[QUOTE="Dutch_Mix"][QUOTE="bob_newman"][QUOTE="Dutch_Mix"]I almost had a heart-attack this afternoon. How was everyone else's day?ag1052
Are you being serious?
Yep. I was sitting alone in my house watching television while surfing the internet (being productive :P) when suddenly the power went out and the entire place went dark. I thought it was the end of the world or something! 0_o
so... you mean NO... you werent being serious... being serious would have meant you had shooting pains in your left arm and so on.Yeah no kidding.
anyone just see that TV show "Talent of the Stars"???? George Takei just did some country music... If any one can find a picture online of that preformace let me know. He was wearing the same shirt as my band's lead singer was wearing at our show this past sunday...
If anyone could find a picture let me know and if you could do a photoshop side by side that would be stinkin awesome!!
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