I saw The Dark Knight last night. I agree. Freakin epic. It had at least three plot climaxes, which is practically unheard of for an action movie. The Joker is one of the best villains ever created for a movie. Sure, Ledger did an awesome job, but most of the genius of the character came straight from the script. There were a ton of little details that just fit with what the Joker would enjoy.
With all the psychological stuff in The Dark Knight, I'm hoping that the same writers are on board for a movie with the Riddler as the villain. They'd have a field day with him.
Anyway, did you guys have a favorite moment or scene?
That movie was epic. My favourite scene was the pencil scene or the interrogation scene. Both we're awesome imo.. especially the interrogation scene. It makes The Joker look really, really messed up.
I kind of like how they ended this one and I'm hoping they do not make a sequel because I really don't think it'll be as good as TDK was. However, we'll see I guess.
Anyway, I was going to post this video of Counter Strike for Kids that I just saw on YouTube. It's pretty funny, especially if you play CS.
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