[QUOTE="alexh_99"] i have a few options for you. The first two are good ideas for you to think about.
1.) you could cut lawns. Either apply for a job cutting parks etc. Or see what neighbours need help cutting lawns (go for the elderly people). You dont need to talk to anyone, you can listen to music, and i dont think you have to be rushed.
2.) be a painter. apply to a painting company, and go around to peoples houses and paint walls. Same as above you can listen to music etc.
3.) wait until the winter olympics roll around in vancouver, buy the tickets to hockey games. Go to the arena and sell them at the front.
4.)Discover a hidden talent. Singing, acting, painting, instruments.
5.) buy stocks
I cant think of any other jobs that are by yourself. When i do i will post some more.
How about a mechanic?
That first one is actually a good idea...maybe some sort of government job...that would be sweet.
Also, my brother is a painter, so if I need a job I can always get one from him. Thanks for the reminder on that one.
But as for the selling of the tickets, that was actually my plan a year ago. I mean, realistically, Canada will make the final for hockey, and the most expensive tickets are like I think $200 or something...now, if Canada made it to the finals, ticket prices would be through the roof. Only problem is that they'll sell out within minutes, and I don't have the money right now to buy them (they'll go on sale soon). Good idea though.
Hidden talent? Not me. Actually, the money I'm going to be saving up will sort of go towards a talent of mine. That's the business I'm trying to start. I've got a guy I'm going to work with; he'll be the brains, the "business" aspect, and I'll be the creative part. Hopefully that'll go well.
Stocks? Well, you need money to get into that in the first place.
Good ideas, thanks for the suggestions. Definitely some things to look into tomorrow.
Everybody thought Canada would make the finals in 2006. But nope.
Anyway now that they will put Crosby on the team, we willl be much better
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