Nintendo should add a jump button next time. Some might think its a bad idea, but I think it would really help expand everything (Combat strategies, level designs, puzzle, boss battles).
Also, alot of the items in TP sort of controlled the same. With the new wii controls, I think nintendo should try to give each item a different feel. I have some ideas, but first I'll go through a possible control scheme:
Button Layout:
Z- Lock-on
C- Look around
B- Special Action (Changes depending on active items) *Explained below*
A- Jump, Dodge, Roll
Direction Left, Right, Down- Take out Items (Press the item's direction again to put away)
Direction Up- Unsheath, Sheath Master Sword (No Sidekick this time...)
Motion Controls:
Wiimote- Control Weapon
Nunchuck- Control Shield
Pointer- Aim
*Okay, so the action button works a bit different. Basically, when you don't have an item out, it would do the traditional actions (Talk, open, check...). When you take an item out, it will change into a special action that depends on the item. Get it?
Items: * I'm only listing SOME items*
Master Sword- This one is obvious. Press UP to take it out. Swing the wiimote, and Link will slash his sword. No 1:1, but you can slash up, down, sideways, or stab (The latter two can distinguish height as well). Theres also more complex moves, like the spin attack (done by twirling the wiimote) or a heavy overhead slash (done by holding the wiimote backward and then slashing downward in an arc). Hold B to charge the sword (Uses up magic) then use different motions for special attacks (Sideways for Great Spin, Up and Down for Jump Strike...). Press UP again to put away.
Shield- Always active, unless unequipped. Tilt the nunchuck to change the angle of your shield, and swing it to bash enemies.
Bow- Press the corresponding direction to take it out, aim with the pointer, and press B to fire. This time the analog stick will be used to move, and the pointer will move the viewpoint. *Some people have suggested pulling the wiimote back for shooting, but doing this while aiming makes the cursor go nuts...*
Boomerang- When its out, make a throwing motion with the wiimote to throw it. It will automatically go after the nearest target. After throwing it, you can hold B, and the camera will zoom in on the boomerang and you can guide it with the wiimote. *This works alot like Heavenly Sword, escept that guiding a magical boomerang makes more sense than guiding a cannonball...*
Hammer- Simple as well. Shake or twirl the wiimote to do a continous spin attack (spinning too much will make Link dizzy). Raise it up, then swing downward to smash down and crush anything in front of you. As for the B button, well, I haven't really thought of anything (maybe activate an elemental power?).
Grappling hook- Hold down B and make a throwing motion (direction is IMPORTANT) to throw the grappling hook. It will go in that direction and hit the nearest grappleable(?) target. When you have attached to a small object, you can pull the wiimote to pull that object toward you. If it's too heavy, you can press A to pull yourself towards it. Let go of B to detach it.
Spinner- Press the corresponding direction to board the spinner, and press it again to put it away. Press A to "Spin." This item is a bit different from others, since you toggle it on and off (like the iron boots) and can use other weapons while using it (Sword. Spinner. Think about it....)
...Oh Wow that was longer than I thought it would be! Gosh I'm such a nerd...Anyway what do you guys think?
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