1. If God created everything, who created GOD?
Answer: God created time, thus the beginning does not apply to him, because he created it.
2. If the earth is only 10,000 years old, explain starlight and how it takes billions of years to reach earth
Answer: God created that light in transit.
3. Why is the Old testament God so evil? (I.E why did he maul 42 children with bears?)
You must remember that My god...OUR god is a kind and wonderful God. And like us, our God is a jealous God. He also is a forgiving God. He saw the error of his ways and gladly changed. And those children deserved their wrath. God warned them and they disobeyed God. And so God sent his wrath upon the wicked.
This is a really horrible post. For one, atheists don't use this first argument against god, at least not smart atheists and not in the way you presented it. The correct argument starts with the theist arguing that every effect has a cause, therefore there MUST be a first cause. The atheist then debunks that argument because it is self-refuting. Your premise is fine in theory, but it runs counter to the theist argument. If god created time then not everything has a first cause, ergo god's existence is not necessary. As a further critique, saying "god did it, it doesn't need an explanation," as a rebuttal to every critique isn't very effective. Sure it's possible, but anyone can pull any crazy guess about anything out of their rear ends, doesn't make it a sound argument.
Okay, god created that light in transit so, why, so we would THINK that the universe is billions of years old when it's only thousands of years old, even though he WANTS us to believe that it's only thousands of years old, and even though thinking according to the natural capacities that HE gave us will lead us to believe it's billions of years old and probably to not believe in him, even though he WANTS us to believe in him. Awesome reasoning, there, by a supposedly omnipotent being, sounds a lot more like a spoiled child.
Here's the best one, you say god is kind and then say he isn't kind, way to refute yourself! Makes about as much sense as saying that a kind god would make eternal salvation contingent on our belief in him, then turn around and make all the evidence point to his abscence.
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