Obama has no respect for the constitution. Ever since he was inaugurated he has used every legal loophole he can to get around the limitations placed on his office by the constitution, rather than simply work within them as the founders of this country intended. His presidency has been criminal and he should be impeached. The only two congressmen who would even dare to consider that (Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich) are gone now. That is why is it time to show the rest of congress that we will not put up with his increasingly unchecked authority anymore.
There are 19 states that allow recall elections of state officials: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisianna, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin.
All that is needed to initiate a recall election is a petition signed by at least 25% as many people as voted for that official in his previous election. That should not be difficult to achieve unless a congressman or senator won his previous election by a landslide. If everyone who voted against him petitioned for a recall election, then that would generally be easily enough to initiate one.
Most of congress is not even trying to keep Obama in check. Their job is to keep him in check. If they cannot do that, they should be recalled. If they refuse to consider impeaching Obama, they should be recalled. We need to organize a movement to initiate recall elections for every senator and congressman from those 19 states who do not publicly call for his impeachment.
Once recall elections start happening across the country that will make congress understand that we will not put up with them not doing their jobs anymore. That they must follow the constitution and the original intent of its writers, or find a new job.
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