The Apathetic replies i'm seeing are somewhat disturbing. She should have had thicker skin? Yea real f#cking insightful, I'll be sure to let her know that the solution was as simple as ignoring everything. It's a bit F#cking late for such advice, If such shallow comments could be considered advice. Is sleeping with guys considered a crime now? Last i checked it was a basic human right but i guess OT is just full of judgmental pricks who think she did something wrong and deserved what she got. Suicide is the point you reach not by caring too much but by no longer caring, About anything, Not even about living.
It's easy to say High School doesn't matter when you are no longer in High School but don't pretend like you didn't yourself care when you were.
I didn't give two sh*ts about High School when I was in it. I just saw it as a waiting room for college and real life. Anyone who gets caught up in High School drama is a moron.
Also, nice to see you white knighting. If this chick didn't want to become a bully magnet, maybe she shouldnt' have gang banged the football team. Just a thought. She frankly sounds like she was kind of a tard, and this was just Darwinism at work. Same thing with that earlier chick who exposed herself to complete strangers online and then had a meltdown and killed herself because she was being blackmailed. How dumb can you get?
White Knighting?, Is that what i am for not being a judgmental prick?
Don't pretend like you know what Darwinism is, This has nothing to do with Natural Selection. Bully Magnet? Is that the same sort of excuse Rapists use? If she didn't want to be raped she shouldn't dress provocatively? By what judgmental standard do you assess her as being deserving of bullying? Clearly you are of the opinion that bullying is justified in certain cases?
You Went through High School and didn't care about any of the social aspects? You are starting to fit the picture of a sociopath. That would explain your apathetic attitude, Judgmental tendencies and sense of superiority you feel over those who don't fit within your narrow world view. Clearly anyone who isn't in possession of a mind as powerful as your own is beneath you?
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