does god NEED proof to be true? it only makes sense that the universe was created and not... just there. things can't just poof into existence.ZumaJones07
Can you see the problem yourself or do i need to spell it out to you?
This topic is locked from further discussion.
LOL, quite hypocritical. On the contrary, people who follow religion "really really want it to be true". Scientists live to prove themselves wrong, if they're not trying to improve they're not a scientist. Religion lives to brainwash and manipulate to cover up its many faults and fallacies. TC's thread title, while a bit over-dramatic, isn't far from the truth. Creationism isn't science and teaching it in a science class is not only a huge intellectual step backwards, it's an insult to science as a whole.^ This is the only argument that has been made in this thread, by the way if you talk like that, you are an idiot. And idiot is a adult who acts like a child. How more condescending can you get? TC, you are a terrible thread creator, your thread titles are so full of bias, and very slanted. Your thread title suggest this bill is about getting rid of science altogether. Lets face it, people who believe in evolution really really want it to be true. Going by the other thread you made, it leads me to the conclusion that you have a world view, and you will believe anything that satisfies that world view.
edit: notice he uses the world "believe".... This shows what he is really thinking. Btw, I have not seen a connection between teaching evolution and the IQ rates increasing, it does not make you smarter to believe in evolution.
[QUOTE="mahlasor"]Btw, I have not seen a connection between teaching evolution and the IQ rates increasing, it does not make you smarter to believe in evolution.cheese_game619I haven't seen a poll that directly tells me that eating strawberry ice-cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner will make me fatter.
My point is that believing/not believing in evolution does not make you stupid or smarter. that is because we do not know the ammount of strawberry ice-cream, and this just proves my point. Anyways, this thread is so bigotted, which is why the TC is one big fat bigot. Remember, being a bigot is about being intolerent of other peoples beliefs. A lot of people in this thread are coming off as bigots. I feel the need to point it out.
edit: I never said creationism needs to be taught, people can find out themselves, honestly I do not think evolution needs to be taught... We have the freakin internet. Everyone should be skeptical, especially of something that is such a hot button issue.
hey, you hear that people born with tails? piss off, you don't exist.
hey dolphin with legs that goes double for you.
hey you lying ass fossil fish with feet quit trying to trick people we are having none of your nonsense either.
hey vestigial organs! go live in some heathens torsos we religious folk are onto your deviltry!
grow up religious peeps, we are sick of saying things like here is some evidence of evolution and you screaming OMG! GOD DOES TOO EXIST!
your own weak faith betrays you. both can exist it's not a one or the other type of situation but you crying and sticking your head in the sand every time some new piece of evidence pops up makes you look like a pack of fools.
[QUOTE="mahlasor"]I haven't seen a poll that directly tells me that eating strawberry ice-cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner will make me fatter.^ This is the only argument that has been made in this thread, by the way if you talk like that, you are an idiot. And idiot is a adult who acts like a child. How more condescending can you get? TC, you are a terrible thread creator, your thread titles are so full of bias, and very slanted. Your thread title suggest this bill is about getting rid of science altogether. Lets face it, people who believe in evolution really really want it to be true. Going by the other thread you made, it leads me to the conclusion that you have a world view, and you will believe anything that satisfies that world view.
edit: notice he uses the world "believe".... This shows what he is really thinking. Btw, I have not seen a connection between teaching evolution and the IQ rates increasing, it does not make you smarter to believe in evolution.
Believing in evolution may not make you smarter, but thinking religion is important seems to suggest it makes you a good bit dumber.
Quantity of knowledge =/= intelligence, if it did Google would be the smartest entity known to man, but it lacks the intelligence to process it's knowledge.
However, there's a certain amount of knowledge required to express intelligence. No matter how smart someone is, if they're not taught, and denied the evidence of something, it is likely they'll believe lies or fairy tales. Religion often does this with 'faith' (non-thinking) by telling you not to think or question, just believe in what this book says. It's anti-critical thinking. And eventually this type of 'non-thought' may pervade someone's thought process causing ~stupidity, regardless of the quality of their education.
And at your(mahlasor) original post about the TC's biased title:
I do think that this legislation is 'anti-science' it subverts the progress science has made by instilling denial of evolution, even though it's an extremely well tested and accepted theory. And as one of the most accepted theories in science, it could open the door to questioning the even more accepted theories (such as the Earth going around the Sun, and the moon reflecting the Sun's light), it's incredibly backwards.
And the TC Should be baised against this bill, Creationism isn't a competing theory, it's a complete fallacy. And anyone who would support this bill would have to be Incredibly ignorant and/or devious towards science. It is also clear that the author of the bill wants to teach 'creation science' and thinks evolution is silly. Creationism is fine to teach in a theology **** but it has absolutely No place in science.
It's not that we 'really really want evolution to be true' it's that it simply IS true. It's religious people who are in the mindset of 'we really really want creationism to be true'
And yet they've NEVER found evidence to contradict evolution.
I haven't seen a poll that directly tells me that eating strawberry ice-cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner will make me fatter.[QUOTE="cheese_game619"][QUOTE="mahlasor"]Btw, I have not seen a connection between teaching evolution and the IQ rates increasing, it does not make you smarter to believe in evolution.mahlasor
My point is that believing/not believing in evolution does not make you stupid or smarter. that is because we do not know the ammount of strawberry ice-cream, and this just proves my point. Anyways, this thread is so bigotted, which is why the TC is one big fat bigot. Remember, being a bigot is about being intolerent of other peoples beliefs. A lot of people in this thread are coming off as bigots. I feel the need to point it out.
edit: I never said creationism needs to be taught, people can find out themselves, honestly I do not think evolution needs to be taught... We have the freakin internet. Everyone should be skeptical, especially of something that is such a hot button issue.
I think the trend is that people who are less intelligent are going to be naturally drawn to creationism because it takes a lack of thougth and devout blind following. It does need to be taught, it's the most fundamental theory in biology and links the entire study. Now we don't need to be falling behind more than we already have on standardized tests.Honestly in the modern age where everybody has the internet and the evidence is pretty overwhelming, you have to be pretty stupid to not believe that it's true.
does god NEED proof to be true? it only makes sense that the universe was created and not... just there. things can't just poof into existence.ZumaJones07The only ones who ever claim anything poofed into existence are creationists, which is why it's hilarious that they insist the other side is the one making that claim.
Evolution is a fact. Evolution does occur, we have observed it, and as tenaka said, it can be repeated in the lab. The theory of evolution is the best we way we currently have to explain how it works. That evolution occurs is not up for debate, it is only a hot topic issue of debate in America and the fundamentalist areas of the Middle East. The rest of the world has moved on and accepted simple reality. Even the catholic church embraced it. How it occurs is also not much of a hot topic anymore, again, except amongst Christians in America, the current theory on that has mountains of peer reviewed material to back it up.never said creationism needs to be taught, people can find out themselves, honestly I do not think evolution needs to be taught... We have the freakin internet. Everyone should be skeptical, especially of something that is such a hot button issue.
You are saying science shouldn't be taught in a science class room because it is not compatible with the religious beliefs of fundamentalist Christians who create a false "debate" on it's validity by spreading lies and misinformation, and generally being ignorant and proud of it on the issue. (see the "it's just a theory" routine) That makes absolutely no sense. If people want to brainwash their impressionable young children into believing this stuff based on faith alone, we can't stop them. Trying to brainwash EVERYONES children in such a fashion and compromising their education in the process is not. We all know why Christians want this stuff taught to children as early as possible, because they want to "get 'em while they're young" before they develop sharp critical thinking skills that make it difficult for faith based religious beliefs to survive.
The only ones who ever claim anything poofed into existence are creationists, which is why it's hilarious that they insist the other side is the one making that claim. Exactly. For all we know this universe could have existed for an infinite amount of time, which is incomprehensible by any human. We all know what infinite means, but we can't possibly imagine an infinite amount of anything. I watched a long documentary on the concept of infinity, made my mind melt a little, but it was worth it. My favorite part was where they mentioned an "infinite monkey hypothesis." If you had an infinite amount of monkeys typing on computers (they'd be hitting random keys because they can't read or write) eventually you'd find one who typed Shakespeare's Hamlet.[QUOTE="ZumaJones07"]does god NEED proof to be true? it only makes sense that the universe was created and not... just there. things can't just poof into existence.Randolph
evolution is only a theory and hasn't been proven whatsoever so it makes sense to include religious teachings in schools, it's only fair.ZumaJones07
No, pretty sure evolution was already scientifically proved. Including religious teachings in schools is fine, trying to pass them as "science" is just absurd.
I just love how these threads automatically turn into "religious people are a bunch of nut jobs and Atheists are geniuses."
Why stop at teaching creationism? I'm sure you can weave superstitious beliefs into all sorts of scientific areas.
For example, science teachers could discuss the scientifically accepted theories of the solar system, or they could teach children about Helios' sun chariot.
Better yet, why not just make up theories on the spot? They'd be just as scientifically valid, surely?
Negative. It is indoctrinating a captive audience. It is illegal, and should always be illegal. One sided teaching of something that has more than one side and is constantly debated should be illegal. Just like "global warming". Evolution is a "theory" and always will be but so will creationism to a lot of people.[QUOTE="nunovlopes"]
Including religious teachings in schools is fineRandolph
[QUOTE="Randolph"]Negative. It is indoctrinating a captive audience. It is illegal, and should always be illegal. One sided teaching of something that has more than one side and is constantly debated should be illegal. Just like "global warming". Evolution is a "theory" and always will be but so will creationism to a lot of people. Creationism is pseudo garbage.[QUOTE="nunovlopes"]
Including religious teachings in schools is finegameking5000
[QUOTE="Randolph"]Negative. It is indoctrinating a captive audience. It is illegal, and should always be illegal. One sided teaching of something that has more than one side and is constantly debated should be illegal. Just like "global warming". Evolution is a "theory" and always will be but so will creationism to a lot of people. Why stop there though? Teach the other side of the coin when it comes to gravity. Also I would like a few of my theories to be taught which include, but are not limited to, the world being flat, the sun being a giant orange Popsicle in the sky given to us by our corporate overlords, and several of our presidents secretly being women.[QUOTE="nunovlopes"]
Including religious teachings in schools is finegameking5000
[QUOTE="Randolph"]Negative. It is indoctrinating a captive audience. It is illegal, and should always be illegal. One sided teaching of something that has more than one side and is constantly debated should be illegal. Just like "global warming". Evolution is a "theory" and always will be but so will creationism to a lot of people.[QUOTE="nunovlopes"]
Including religious teachings in schools is finegameking5000
There is not another side to evolution. The universe and earth are billions of years old and life has evolved over millions of years by means such as natural selection, and punctuated equilibrium. These are facts that are not up for debate no matter how much some dumb f*cking religious zelot tries to tell you otherwise.
[QUOTE="gameking5000"][QUOTE="Randolph"] Negative. It is indoctrinating a captive audience. It is illegal, and should always be illegal.One sided teaching of something that has more than one side and is constantly debated should be illegal. Just like "global warming". Evolution is a "theory" and always will be but so will creationism to a lot of people. Creationism is pseudo garbage.Good-Apollo
No, it's complete garbage. It's a blatant lie perpetuated by religious leaders to help keep control over their heards.
[QUOTE="Randolph"]Negative. It is indoctrinating a captive audience. It is illegal, and should always be illegal. One sided teaching of something that has more than one side and is constantly debated should be illegal. Just like "global warming". Evolution is a "theory" and always will be but so will creationism to a lot of people.[QUOTE="nunovlopes"]
Including religious teachings in schools is finegameking5000
A 10 day bump? Anyway, thre is no debate, there is no proof of creationism, it isnt even a theory.
Also global warming is real. A huge effort has been made by american politicians to debunk it, but they cannot.
[QUOTE="Randolph"]Negative. It is indoctrinating a captive audience. It is illegal, and should always be illegal. One sided teaching of something that has more than one side and is constantly debated should be illegal. Just like "global warming". Evolution is a "theory" and always will be but so will creationism to a lot of people. A 'theory' in science isn't a trivial thing, the theory that the Earth goes around the Sun, the theory of the tidal force of gravity... If something is a theory, in science, then it's been tested to a reasonable expectation of fault, usually something of 99.999% of the results of a test falling into the expected margins, and Evolution has NO conflicting evidence. Creationism isn't a theory, it's a hypothesis, and it's one with absolutely no evidence in support of it.[QUOTE="nunovlopes"]
Including religious teachings in schools is finegameking5000
Science will never give an absolute, only extremely high probabilities. No such thing as 'scientific fact', it's a 'proven' theory. It's sad that the bastardization of the word 'theory' affects the findings of science, it's not a word with only 1 definition, though it really should be to avoid this confusion/stupidity.
Hmmm, I came to this thread expecting to see a bunch a of religious nut jobs without even a basic 6th grade understanding of science.
Imagine my suprise when, instead, I found a bunch fo religious nut jobs without even a 4th grade basic understanding of science.
And here, 40% of the U.S. population believes that the earth is less than 10,000 years old:
evolution is only a theory and hasn't been proven whatsoeverZumaJones07yeah! you hear that dolphin with legs? get the **** outta here!
you kids born with tails! **** you! you don't exist!
you vestigial organs! shadddup already! you are a trick by the debbil! durn'd ol' debbil!
yeah! you hear that dolphin with legs? get the **** outta here![QUOTE="ZumaJones07"]evolution is only a theory and hasn't been proven whatsoeverRiverwolf007
you kids born with tails! **** you! you don't exist!
you vestigial organs! shadddup already! you are a trick by the debbil! durn'd ol' debbil!
He's just trolling.[QUOTE="Riverwolf007"]yeah! you hear that dolphin with legs? get the **** outta here![QUOTE="ZumaJones07"]evolution is only a theory and hasn't been proven whatsoeverInconsistancy
you kids born with tails! **** you! you don't exist!
you vestigial organs! shadddup already! you are a trick by the debbil! durn'd ol' debbil!
He's just trolling. Don't feed him.evolution is only a theory and hasn't been proven whatsoever so it makes sense to include religious teachings in schools, it's only fair.ZumaJones07(Sorry if people have already pointed this out) Evolution is not a theory. How the universe and what not was started/made is a theory. I do agree with you. I don't see what's wrong with having both. And neither should be more required over the other (though I'm sure you need science over religious teachings for a good number of jobs), and the students should decide what they want to study.
[QUOTE="ZumaJones07"]evolution is only a theory and hasn't been proven whatsoever so it makes sense to include religious teachings in schools, it's only fair.jesuschristmonk(Sorry if people have already pointed this out) Evolution is not a theory. How the universe and what not was started/made is a theory. I do agree with you. I don't see what's wrong with having both. And neither should be more required over the other (though I'm sure you need science over religious teachings for a good number of jobs), and the students should decide what they want to study.
I see an issue with having both.Evolution is science. Creatonism is pseudo-science.
Religious beliefs should not be an excuse for ignorance.
[QUOTE="ZumaJones07"]evolution is only a theory and hasn't been proven whatsoever so it makes sense to include religious teachings in schools, it's only fair.jesuschristmonk(Sorry if people have already pointed this out) Evolution is not a theory. How the universe and what not was started/made is a theory. I do agree with you. I don't see what's wrong with having both. And neither should be more required over the other (though I'm sure you need science over religious teachings for a good number of jobs), and the students should decide what they want to study.
If it's not a theory, then why is it called "the theory of evolution"?
(Sorry if people have already pointed this out) Evolution is not a theory. How the universe and what not was started/made is a theory. I do agree with you. I don't see what's wrong with having both. And neither should be more required over the other (though I'm sure you need science over religious teachings for a good number of jobs), and the students should decide what they want to study.[QUOTE="jesuschristmonk"][QUOTE="ZumaJones07"]evolution is only a theory and hasn't been proven whatsoever so it makes sense to include religious teachings in schools, it's only fair.peterw007
If it's not a theory, then why is it called "the theory of evolution"?
Please return when you know the actual meaning of the term 'theory' in the scientific world[QUOTE="peterw007"][QUOTE="jesuschristmonk"] (Sorry if people have already pointed this out) Evolution is not a theory. How the universe and what not was started/made is a theory. I do agree with you. I don't see what's wrong with having both. And neither should be more required over the other (though I'm sure you need science over religious teachings for a good number of jobs), and the students should decide what they want to study.wis3boi
If it's not a theory, then why is it called "the theory of evolution"?
Please return when you know the actual meaning of the term 'theory' in the scientific worldI know full-well what a theory means.
Evolution is a theory.
It has been demonstrated in laboratories countless times.
it's not called the Fact of Evolution so the theory can't be all trueZumaJones07I just call it Evolution lol. If this was last year, I'd be able to throw out some examples from anatomy, but I can't remember any of it too well. All I know is that it involved "things" in our body that we needed to complete basic actions when our species first started out, but because we don't do those actions anymore, we are slowly loosing those "things." I believe our pinkie toe is a good example because, we needed our pinkie toe to help keep us balanced (or w/e) when we were chasing after our prey, or running away from the enemy. So scientists believe that if large generations of people don't run around that much, that it could slowly and slowly lead to loosing their pinkie toe.
[QUOTE="ZumaJones07"]it's not called the Fact of Evolution so the theory can't be all truejesuschristmonkI just call it Evolution lol. If this was last year, I'd be able to throw out some examples from anatomy, but I can't remember any of it too well. All I know is that it involved "things" in our body that we needed to complete basic actions when our species first started out, but because we don't do those actions anymore, we are slowly loosing those "things." I believe our pinkie toe is a good example because, we needed our pinkie toe to help keep us balanced (or w/e) when we were chasing after our prey, or running away from the enemy. So scientists believe that if large generations of people don't run around that much, that it could slowly and slowly lead to loosing their pinkie toe.
There's nothing funny about misunderstanding science.
You do realize that the nature of why gravity works is a theory (not a law) as well?
Thousands of scientists all across the world have disproved the "fallacy of evolution" many, many, many times.
Evolution works like this:
Individuals evolve when procreating individuals pass on the most favorable alleles to their offsprings.
Self-replicating organisms like bacteria rely on an extremely unreliable gene copying mechanism which results in all kinds of mistakes / mutations in the next generation.
That's how we humans (and all organic life on this planet) came to be.
There's no question if evolution exists or not.
I also forgot to mention the relationship between birds and dinosaurs (or raptors as an example).
I'm pretty sure all birds have the same foot structure as raptors did, not to mention the talons.
On TV. there was a scientist showing the bone structure of a newly born chicken, and he showed through x-rays that the bones in it's spine that extended out into it's tail had roughly the same number of vertebrae as a raptor's (he even said that with the help of drugs, he could halt the chickens spinal development, to where it could end up with a much longer tail than normal). And slowly and slowly through development, the number of vertebrae would decrease (I don't think they explained how), until it reached w/e number of vertebrae chickens have.
So from this we can see that all birds share some relationship with raptors, and other dinosaurs of it's kind. Just sayin' lol.
because the people who wrote the bible clearly would have known about the big bang back then (what with God explaining everything he's done) and they would have included it in the their writings. /sarcasmWhy couldn't God have created the Big Bang? :o
I just call it Evolution lol. If this was last year, I'd be able to throw out some examples from anatomy, but I can't remember any of it too well. All I know is that it involved "things" in our body that we needed to complete basic actions when our species first started out, but because we don't do those actions anymore, we are slowly loosing those "things." I believe our pinkie toe is a good example because, we needed our pinkie toe to help keep us balanced (or w/e) when we were chasing after our prey, or running away from the enemy. So scientists believe that if large generations of people don't run around that much, that it could slowly and slowly lead to loosing their pinkie toe.[QUOTE="jesuschristmonk"][QUOTE="ZumaJones07"]it's not called the Fact of Evolution so the theory can't be all truepeterw007
There's nothing funny about misunderstanding science.
You do realize that the nature of why gravity works is a theory (not a law) as well?
Thousands of scientists all across the world have disproved the "fallacy" of evolution many, many, many times.
Evolution works like this:
Individuals evolve when procreating individuals pass on the most favorable alleles to their offsprings.
Self-replicating organisms like bacteria rely on an extremely unreliable gene copying mechanism which results in all kinds of mistakes / mutations in the next generation.
That's how we humans (and all organic life on this planet) came to be.
There's no "question" if evolution exists or not.
Like Einstein's Theory of Relativity lol. Main reason why I hate it when someone says something is false when it does have the word THEORY in it's name, because we don't know if it's false or not. Theories are pretty much the same thing as opinions, it's just that over time, some Theories could be proven right or wrong.[QUOTE="battlefront23"]because the people who wrote the bible clearly would have known about the big bang back then (what with God explaining everything he's done) and they would have included it in the their writings. /sarcasm Lol, well according to the Bible itself, God Himself is outside of time. A moment to Him is a lifetime to us. So the 7 day account could more than likely mean a great deal of time to us, but not that much time for God. I don't understand why creationists can't see that. It makes me frustrated as a Christian... SighWhy couldn't God have created the Big Bang? :o
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