[QUOTE="MindFreeze"][QUOTE="HAZE-Unit"] Ask yourself this question , why do a universe exists?
The universe is one of the biggest proofs of existing deity, a god. and the overall meaning of the universe is the management.
Management necessarily requires the existence of organized systems. And the universe is a very orginized basis because it shows a good arrangement, installation and purpose in everything. Which indicates a sane might that orginized this systems. This organism is God.
So I guess the millions of galaxies which have absolutely no chance of ever baring carbon-based lifeforms due to cosmic radiation, immense black holes, etc. are all examples of an organized universe as well? You can't take one side of the story and ignore the rest: "three kids in my flat died today due to a fire, but what a miracle it is that the fire didn't claim my life!" kind of thinking.
And as to your rhetorical question, there is no why. It just is. The universe doesn't care if it exists or not, similarly to its indifference to your existence.
I was talking about our universe and I will bring an example of how orginized our universe is.
The eye, for instance, is complete than all examination instruments ever produced, in compatibility for the light laws, as it has nerves widespread across its retina to sense lights and colors and the light enters the eye from the iris, and it constricts if light increased and widen if decreased, the iris operates automatically, without submission to the will, for the sole proprose for eyesight adjustment.
If light enters a hole, it is not enough to draw pictures and clear visual fee, but must be passed in order to develop convex break-ray and congregate in the center.These two conditions are provided in the eye.
I could go on explaining about how the eyes works but I think you got the picture of what I meant by my original post and this is only one example of millions of other examples.
That being said I will go back to your original question and I hope my answer pleases you also.
Astronomical evidence of the existence of a creator of a great sane might capable are too many to mention. But I recall that Watching the greatness of this universe, the divine life of celestial which can not be counted, the turn-around uniformly Astronomy in one century after century and it's speed, and the balancing Between the two driving forces of gravity in space is something extraordinary.
Maybe this whole universe is created to protect us from alot of dangers. ;)
All you've been doing is ramble on, and honestly I have no clue what you are saying half the time. You tried to explain to me the way an eye works. Well thanks, but that only proves that our eyes work for what they are intented to do. It isn't helping your argument in any way. Saying there is 'so much evidence', but then say the reason you aren't showing it is that there is too much to mention, is also known as BS.
I realize you were talking about our universe. Those galaxies I was talking about are in that same universe.
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