This topic is a serious matter, I would not joke about this.
I believe in God, in Jesus Christ as Lord. This topic is so massive there is no way to logically explain religion, and there is no way of pursuading everyone to believe a certain religion. For example if Jesus came to earth in one way or another and everyone saw him there would still be some that would refuse to believe.
In my opinion it is sad, in todays world religion and God are being pushed out of peoples lives, people are just refusing to believe in any of this "jargon". In the past like a thousand years ago up until now religion was a part of everything and how poeple lived their lives, but now as I have stated religion is being pushed away.
So topics like these are interesting, you get to see what peoples take on religion are but it hurts more than helps, because people will argue and refuse to believe.
People don't believe because there is no evidence. There is nothing to believe in because it cannot be defined in the first place.
Yes that is a true fact. many people like tangible things they can touch and see so that is one reason why people have a hard time believing in something they can not see or touch. But people should go beyond what they see and feel, they should go beyond the logic and evidence of explaining things. Don't get me wrong thinking things out logically is excellent I do it all the time.
That is why they call people in religions Living, by "faith", they choose to believe in things that has no scientific evidence and cannot not be defined by human standards. As I said they "choose", no one is forcing them to believe in anything. the same goes with Atheists no one is forcing them to believe in anything, I certaintly am not forcing anyone.
So I say that even though believing in things that you can see and touch and prove logically with evidance and facts are good, people should go beyond that to think in ways that can't be proven. Why you may ask why should I do that when I can easily believe in something that I can prove with tangible evidence and facts, well I can not give you a reason why you should, thats the thing. We are only human and we cannot comprehend what it means to have faith in something that is totally unlike us. That is why so many refuse to believe because they cannot understand or refuse to because their is no "real" evidence.
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