[QUOTE="Lethargika"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Nope. Once you agreed with my posts.....you pretty much gave me the argument.LJS9502_basic
WOW, can't believe I just read every post of your guys' argument for the last few pages. I thought for sure there would be at least some form of resolve at this point......I'm ******* exhausted.. lol
Have a cookie for quick energy. I'm awaiting his response which should end the discussion.:P
"The Cure is not repetitive.......and he posted a song by AA....which was repetitive. You might want to listen to how they do an intro to a song vs the way AA repeated themselves in theirs."
"Both The Cure and Amon Amarth are repetitive. Anyway, repetition isn't a bad thing if it works."
"I think you are confusing melody with what that song he linkied did. Yes a melody will repeat but not with only a chord or two....which is what the linked song did.
Because when all is said and done if we consider the melody to be repetitive then all songs are repetitive. However, I wasn't talking about melody...and the repetition should not be constant even with that said. One of the worst offenders for repetition is AC/DC....all their songs are alike but even they don't repeat such a minor chord/progression continually in a short space of time."
"The Cure is far too strophic. Many of their songs are nothing but verse and chorus, repeated over and over. There's minor variations in the composition, but nothing that saves it from repetition. I used to listen to them a lot back in the day, they aren't a bad band, but yeah I'm going to have to call them out as repetitive."
Then as I said....all songs are repetitive. However, the song linked was repetitive for almost the first minute....and then the change up was repeated.
Song structure...which you are talking about is in every song. It's even used in cIassical music. Structure will repeat....but that is not what I meant when I called that song repetitive. Did you listen to it?You think I didn't know this? A musician of 12 years?
Maybe all the songs you listen to, but not ALL songs are repetitive in the same way as others. There are many bands that use more sophisticated structure and lots of change throughout the songs. Here's a few examples:
Now to end it once and for all.
"If there are 20 or so DIFFERENT sections in one song, versus 2 sections that repeat over and over in another song. Which one is less repetitive? It's that ****ing simple. That was my argument, yet you took it completely out of context and did nothing but provoke me this whole time."
Again, Compare it to:
"Maybe all the songs you listen to, but not ALL songs are repetitive in the same way as others. There are many bands that use more sophisticated structure and lots of change throughout the songs. Here's a few examples:"
So therefor YOU ARE WRONG!
The Cure is in fact much more repetetive than the songs I listed due to its overly conventional song structure.
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