Bills like these are intoduced by people who have never used a gun and have no clue what they are talking about. I don't mind a 9 round magazine, but if you want to carry 45 rounds you must buyfive magazines for $45 a piece when you can just by 3 15's for $45 eachprice. Assuming they are top notch magazines.
Therewould beso many pre-ban magazines stock piled in warehouses that it would take like 30-40 years for the bill to restrict anyone from getting high cap magazines. There are millions of magazines from world war II still floating around. They weren't subject to prior capacity bans WHICH was part of the reason why thecapacity ban was lifted about seven or eight years back.
It's also stupid because all you have to do to enable a magazine to carry more rounds is to make a simple modification to the follower and you can put as mamy as the housing will allow you to fit. Most Manufactures don't make a single stack version nor a double stack magazine with ashort housing and a solid extension. They just make the follower longer. To fix that you just smiply cut the follower down to re-enable a maximum capacity. It's not legal but does someone who will be going on a shooting spree care? NO.
It takes meabout a second to drop a 7-9 round magazine, insert a new one and load the chamber. I can do it just as fast with arevolver if I have speed loaders.
I prefer a single stack anyway.So I just get a large caliber. A 6+1, 7+1, 8+1, or9+1.38 or .45 Auto Colt. If you have less rounds use a caliber and loadthat is more likely to kill andrarely wound. Because that's what you are trading with capacity. It's less lethal but you get more rounds. More lethal ammunition isless rounds with maximum killing potential. Plus anyone who know their ballistics and ammo is goig to choose the best ammunition for the job. Not get a 32+1 magazine just to load the gun with 9mm light loads (spit balls) If you hit someone in the head with a good 9mm round it will tear their will be no recovery from the wound.
What if they were to pass a law. I have personal guns that have High cap magazines. So say the law passess. They coulcn't legallytake them fromme since they would bepre-ban fiearms and accessories. So what would be prevented if Iwere to sell them and theyend up at a gun show of flea marketwith thousands just like it. So some nut goes in there and busy five 9mm pistols with 20ish or 30ish round magazines then goes to some public place and shoots it up. So a new magazine bill won't prevent anything.
If they ban high cap magazine or guns you just buy a pre-ban gun or magazines. Meaning it's not subject to the ban because it was put into circulation before the ban. Hence pre-ban. So you can ALWAYS get high-cap magazines no matter what bills they pass. You just think they are actually do something because you nothingof it to begin with. You think they are doing something but that's because you don't know how the system works. But it makes them look good to you.
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