You too seem to be very confused. Do some research into why, exactly, we have the right to bear arms. It has nothing at all to do with "defending your home or going hunting." American education system FTL.
Maybe you should learn to take your own advice. The Second Amednment was included in the Bill of Rights because they never wanted American citizens to be disallowed a way to forcefully rebel against an unjust government or occuyping force. The problem is when the Amednment was drafted firearms were a primitive technology, guns back then compared to today's guns are almost the same as knives compared to today's guns. They took a long time to reload, they were inaccurate and unweildly, and their only useful purposes were hunting and home defense. If a large enough group of people banded together they might be useful in such a situation, but that was also at a time long before our military-industrial complex had advanced as far as it has today.
Handguns today are like personal A-bombs, the A-bomb allowed militaries to kill thousands of people by pressing a button and the gun technology of today allows anyone to kill anyone else with the pull of a trigger. We have gone from having to pack gunpowder into the barrel before every shot to having weapons commerically available that require you only to snap in a round of hundreds of bullets and pull the trigger, there's no comparison between the technology of the eighteenth century and today and no guarantee that the original intent of the Amendment would have included modern firearms. Furthermore, the original intent of the Amendment is a moot point anyways, as anything commercially available is not enough to forcibly rise up against the government given the level of technology employed in the military and intelligence agencies, and the sheer size of our military force. The original intent of the Amendment is moot, today's technology makes it a million times easier to kill citizens and a million times harder to oppose an unjust government.
Saying that small arms would be ineffective against a large mechanized military force demonstrates that you do not have too much military insight (Not meant to offend). Fighting an insurgency in a heavily urbanized country (such as the US) or any country for that matter, is a completely different ball game than fighting a conventional military. Unless a military is willing to engage in a total annihilation policy, they cannot differentiate between civilians and insurgents who dress just like civilians. Because of this they must show retraint in terms of who they kill, in order to gain the trust of the population. That is if they are not trying to kill everyone they see. The insurgents will use hit and run tactics, and make improvised weapons, in order to counter act the superior firepower and numbers of the invading or occupying force. Clear examples of an insurgency are the Soviet-Afghan War, Vietnam War, current Iraq War, current Afghan War, both Chechen Wars, the Boar Wars, etc. So saying "guns don't matter compared to tanks or jets" is ridiculous and COMPLETELY false.
Second, the idea that the American military would be willing to kill their own people and family for some politicians is laughable, so that argument is moot for both sides.
I believe that in most of those rebellions the civilians were supplied with weapons beyond what is commercially available in the United States, such as RPGs. In terms of your last statement, if the American military is unwilling to kill their own people then what is the use of owning guns for that purpose anyways? If there ever is a group that is willing to threaten to use guns to overthrow the military knowing full well that there will be no military resistance then it's a forgone conclusion that the people with the guns will get their way and the democratic process has been subverted. Finally, you're completely ignoring the non-military aspect of this, intelligence agencies, counter-terrorism groups. I doubt very much that any group even coming close to attempting any type of armed insurgency would fly beneath the radar of such government organizations.
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