In the 11-minute tape, addressed to the American people, bin Laden said Obama is only following the warlike policies of his predecessor George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney and he urged Americans to "liberate" themselves from the influence of "neo-conservatives and the Israeli lobby." Bin Laden said Americans had failed to understand that al-Qaida carried out the attacks in retaliation for U.S. support for Israel. If America reconsiders its alliance with the Jewish state, al-Qaida will respond on "sound and just bases." "If you end the war (in Afghanistan), so let it be," bin Laden said. "But if it is otherwise, all we will do is continue the war of attrition against you on all possible axes." I think this is first I've ever read of Osama Bin Laden being so diplomatic and cordial with his words. I think the election of Obama has showed Osama that even with a President that is friendlier to the Arab countries, forces in this country makes it difficult for him to truly be tough on Israel. The American people need to really start voicing their opinions and demand that the federal government, once and for all sever ties with parasitic cabal of zionist in the US and Israel. America needs to join the world community and stop playing irrational favorites with Israel and get tough. Cutting off aid and stop vetoing UN resolutions directed at ISrael would be HUGE and go a long way to settling grievances and soothing the hatred towards the US. Remember, Israel is not your friend. Israel just needed someone to help them in the early stages. Now that the US is losing its power, Israel has been on a campaign to develop closer ties with the next superpower China, by selling them US military secrets and sending Israeli teachers to teach the chinese about israel and the jewish peoples heritage. The israeli are no doubt trying to gain a foothold with the chrisitians in China and taking advantage of the tensions with the muslims to the north. I laugh at the foolish and treacherous ISraeli's if they think they can find a new host in China. that little insignificant "country" of 6 million offers nothing of importance compared to the oil of the Arab nations. The time is reckoning is coming for those people and they know it. The question is will Americans finally wake up and reclaim some respect as they fall from super power status. Admit the bias of your policies in the middle east, cut off aid to israel, then send more to the palestinian people, lead resolutions rebuking and demand and end to jewish settlements. The age of US dominance is coming to end, do some good before your sorry selves spiral into mediocrity and no doubt fight to keep your country from imploding the next decade. Show the world some humility and apologize and take concrete steps to right the wrongs of 60 years of arrogance and bias in the middle east.
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