[QUOTE="Omni-Slash"]This.... At the same time their Christian closed-on-Sunday thing led to this cultish following of Christian chicken fans, they hold these public prayer sessions and have created this environment where fundy Christian types are trying really, really hard to get a job frying fast food. It a weird way there identity has given them a dedicated customer base. Of course now that they are starting to get political, on a dwindling stance no less, they'll probably see a hurt in profits.[QUOTE="Netherscourge"]
It's really strange to have a business openly discriminate against a group of people who would be potential customers.
Not only do you lose their business, you lose the business of everyone who supports them too.
We're I an owner or shareholder at Chic Fila, I'd be demanding the resignation of anyone at the company who was openly discriminating against potential customers.
Never mind the morality stuff - It's just bad business.
I doubt it'll hurt their profits that much. Their main customer base has pretty much always been conservative Christians. Hell, if anything they'll probably see an increase in profits as more Christians with a persecution complex start eating there out of support.
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