Not gonna argue with his resignation because it's probably well-warranted, but it's pretty ironic that you just described 75% of Congress. :lol:Maniacc1
And when they get caught in conduct unbecoming, I'll ask for their resignation as well.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Not gonna argue with his resignation because it's probably well-warranted, but it's pretty ironic that you just described 75% of Congress. :lol:Maniacc1
And when they get caught in conduct unbecoming, I'll ask for their resignation as well.
politics and judgement should end at the bedroom door. while posting a picture of his groin may have been in poor taste i fail to see how this dirties his character, unless you hold people to some sort of unassailable standard.
It's not about what he did, really, though one can argue the chance for blackmail is pretty high. It's about the lies he threw out when this all hit the media.
[QUOTE="scorch-62"]My thoughts: He made a human mistake.airshocker
He LIED to EVERYONE about it for a solid week. I can understand the sexting and pictures and everything, but he shouldn't have lied. If he had just admitted it I doubt this would have happened.
He lied to everyone about something that was none of their damn business in the first place. To me, there needs to be a dividing line about what sort of sex scandal should have consequences beyond simply facing the voters. I would have them fall into two categories: Category Number 1: You should resign or be removed from office. You've broken laws with your sex scandal (David Vitter or Eliot Spitzer) You've misused taxpayer funds in some way over your sex scandal (Mark Samford) You're presented yourself as a moral paragon and have gone after others on moral grounds before (Larry Craig, Newt Gingrich, Mark Foley) Category Number 2: You should face the voters at next election and let them decide (and of course your husband/wife and family) No laws broken No taxpayer funds misused No hypocrisy NO ACTUAL SEX[QUOTE="Firebird-5"]
politics and judgement should end at the bedroom door. while posting a picture of his groin may have been in poor taste i fail to see how this dirties his character, unless you hold people to some sort of unassailable standard.
It's not about what he did, really, though one can argue the chance for blackmail is pretty high. It's about the lies he threw out when this all hit the media.
the public really have no business caring about what he does in his private life
He lied to everyone about something that was none of their damn business in the first place. To me, there needs to be a dividing line about what sort of sex scandal should have consequences beyond simply facing the voters. I would have them fall into two categories: Category Number 1: You should resign or be removed from office. You've broken laws with your sex scandal (David Vitter or Eliot Spitzer) You've misused taxpayer funds in some way over your sex scandal (Mark Samford) You're presented yourself as a moral paragon and have gone after others on moral grounds before (Larry Craig, Newt Gingrich, Mark Foley) Category Number 2: You should face the voters at next election and let them decide (and of course your husband/wife and family) No laws broken No taxpayer funds misused No hypocrisy NO ACTUAL SEXnocoolnamejim
His ENTIRE TIME in Congress is tax-payer funded. So if he's sexting while at work, which is very likely considering the pictures he took were at work, then that makes it my business.
I see what you're saying, but he lied to us about it. That's the biggest thing that bothers me.
the public really have no business caring about what he does in his private life
Yes we do, if he's doing this stuff while he's on our dime. WHICH IS ALL THE TIME.
Either way, he shouldn't have lied.
the public really have no business caring about what he does in his private life
Yes we do, if he's doing this stuff while he's on our dime. WHICH IS ALL THE TIME.
Either way, he shouldn't have lied.
it is quite possibly the most benign form of lying i have ever encountered: he merely wanted to save himself from public embarassment. now, all of a sudden, he's an evil monster eating taxpayer dollars and lying about everything.
You can rest easy now.
All the liars are out of congress.
He lied to our faces on national television, and expected us to buy his story. He's an arrogant, narcissistic. scumbag who deserves everything that's come to him.
Why did he have lie in the first place?
Think about it, we put a man on trial for what he does in the personal life, meanwhile a man like Charlie Rangel who scams the government out of money for his own personal use continues to keep his office in congress? He's tens time more dishonest than Anthony Weiner but because Americans hate SEX and the human body so much, they persecute and individual to the end of the earth for his own human instincts.
You can't stop human beings from lying, so getting on Anthoney wiener is pointless, but we can do something about demonizing people for what they do in their personal lives simply because it doesn't match hypocritical christian moral behavior?
it is quite possibly the most benign form of lying i have ever encountered: he merely wanted to save himself from public embarassment. now, all of a sudden, he's an evil monster eating taxpayer dollars and lying about everything.
A lie is a lie. What would he have done if some lady tried to blackmail him instead? Obviously he cares more about keeping his job than telling the truth.
And those are your words, not mine. I just think he's a scumbag.
it is quite possibly the most benign form of lying i have ever encountered: he merely wanted to save himself from public embarassment. now, all of a sudden, he's an evil monster eating taxpayer dollars and lying about everything.
A lie is a lie. What would he have done if some lady tried to blackmail him instead? Obviously he cares more about keeping his job than telling the truth.
And those are your words, not mine. I just think he's a scumbag.
obviously not seeing as he resigned. why would anyone want to have some dead end job surrounded by people who hate you? oh wait
by your standards the us shouldn't have any form of government
Why did he have lie in the first place?
Think about it, we put a man on trial for what he does in the personal life, meanwhile a man like Charlie Rangel who scams the government out of money for his own personal use continues to keep his office in congress? He's tens time more dishonest than Anthony Weiner but because Americans hate SEX and the human body so much, they persecute and individual to the end of the earth for his own human instincts.
You can't stop human beings from lying, so getting on Anthoney wiener is pointless, but we can do something about demonizing people for what they do in their personal lives simply because it doesn't match hypocritical christian moral behavior?
Um, I wanted Rangel to resign? I think he's as corrupt as they come.
I don't really care what he does in his personal life so long as it has no chance of affecting his job performance and so long as he does this on his personal time.
I don't believe in anything else you said, since this really has nothing to do with Christian values, to me.
obviously not seeing as he resigned. why would anyone want to have some dead end job surrounded by people who hate you? oh wait
by your standards the us shouldn't have any form of government
You're not making any sense. :|
[QUOTE="nocoolnamejim"]He lied to everyone about something that was none of their damn business in the first place. To me, there needs to be a dividing line about what sort of sex scandal should have consequences beyond simply facing the voters. I would have them fall into two categories: Category Number 1: You should resign or be removed from office. You've broken laws with your sex scandal (David Vitter or Eliot Spitzer) You've misused taxpayer funds in some way over your sex scandal (Mark Samford) You're presented yourself as a moral paragon and have gone after others on moral grounds before (Larry Craig, Newt Gingrich, Mark Foley) Category Number 2: You should face the voters at next election and let them decide (and of course your husband/wife and family) No laws broken No taxpayer funds misused No hypocrisy NO ACTUAL SEXairshocker
His ENTIRE TIME in Congress is tax-payer funded. So if he's sexting while at work, which is very likely considering the pictures he took were at work, then that makes it my business.
I see what you're saying, but he lied to us about it. That's the biggest thing that bothers me.
No offense but, come on now. You're falling back he sexted while on the clock and then lied about it? He sent a text message on private business during his 9-5 shift on the hill and based on that he should resign? Given the things that a number of current Republican officials have done and not being called to resign for that's some pretty weak sauce IMO.No offense but, come on now. You're falling back he sexted while on the clock and then lied about it? He sent a text message on private business during his 9-5 shift on the hill and based on that he should resign? Given the things that a number of current Republican officials have done and not being called to resign for that's some pretty weak sauce IMO.
Just to prove a point, before I hit send on this I'm going to open up another browser window and surf to the first porn site that I can find. I will be doing it on my home computer and not my work laptop that I'm neglecting at the moment that's sitting right beside of me that is the property of the company that employees me. In the event that I'm ever asked about whether I surfed or viewed porn during working hours you can bet your ass I'm going to lie and say "no".nocoolnamejim
I believe I already said why he should resign: Because he lied. You asserted it shouldn't be our business, I think it should since we pay for his salary.
You may have no standards for your elected officials. I do, though.
obviously not seeing as he resigned. why would anyone want to have some dead end job surrounded by people who hate you? oh wait
by your standards the us shouldn't have any form of government
You're not making any sense. :|
i'm making perfect sense. you're just blowing this whole thing up way out of proportion. it's as if politicians can't have lives
i'm making perfect sense. you're just blowing this whole thing up way out of proportion. it's as if politicians can't have lives
No you really aren't.
Politicians can have lives. They just can't do certain things while they work.
I couldn't look at porn while on-duty, or have my cell-phone. Why should he? Why should I be held to a higher standard than him?
I don't like him personally. But I think the public in general shouldn't care about politicians' personal lives. To me, its the same about caring celebrities personal lives. Who honestly cares who cheats on who? Is it going to ruin your personal life?
If its not directly affecting the work he does as a congressman, the general public has no reason to care. But thats me. The media blew this story out of proportion, as usual.
And honestly, anything Pelosi or Reed says I would take with a grain of salt at best.
Thank you. 100% true.
Really? I didn't see you calling for the resignations of any of the people on this list.You may have no standards for your elected officials. I do, though.
Really? I didn't see you calling for the resignations of any of the people on this list.nocoolnamejim
I'm sorry, are you my wife? Amanda, is that you?
If not, how do you know who and who I don't call to resign? Ensign, Sanford and Foley are the only ones that come to mind, recently of Republicans I think should have resigned.
i'm making perfect sense. you're just blowing this whole thing up way out of proportion. it's as if politicians can't have lives
No you really aren't.
Politicians can have lives. They just can't do certain things while they work.
I couldn't look at porn while on-duty, or have my cell-phone. Why should he? Why should I be held to a higher standard than him?
while i agree there should be certain standards of behavoir at work, my main problem is that you hold all politicians to impossible standards and expect them to be fired as soon as they step out of line. i'd make a point about compassion, humility, and the sheer mundane nature of it but i suspect you wouldn't care
This is the problem with America. We are more concerned about whether or not Obama is a US citizen and about how Weiner showed his Weiner than about actual problems, like fixing the economy.
This is the problem with America. We are more concerned about whether or not Obama is a US citizen and about how Weiner showed his Weiner than about actual problems, like fixing the economy.
and when you are focused on real problems it's usually like the chicken scene from Rebel Without a Cause
you're right..because people can't not show their shlong on twitter and fix the economy at the same time...This is the problem with America. We are more concerned about whether or not Obama is a US citizen and about how Weiner showed his Weiner than about actual problems, like fixing the economy.
while i agree there should be certain standards of behavoir at work, my main problem is that you hold all politicians to impossible standards and expect them to be fired as soon as they step out of line. i'd make a point about compassion, humility, and the sheer mundane nature of it but i suspect you wouldn't care
Yes, because expecting our congressional leaders not to lie to us is such a high-expectation. :roll:
while i agree there should be certain standards of behavoir at work, my main problem is that you hold all politicians to impossible standards and expect them to be fired as soon as they step out of line. i'd make a point about compassion, humility, and the sheer mundane nature of it but i suspect you wouldn't care
Yes, because expecting our congressional leaders not to lie to us is such a high-expectation. :roll:
i guess my suspicions were right. either way i have already addressed this point
[QUOTE="Netherscourge"]Bill Clinton was president of the US and was married. Yet he managed to avoid resigning. Weiner just didnt have good spin control. Clinton was a master of PR.Clinton was a Swagadon and he could have eaten a baby and people would still love him.1. He's a representative of the US Congress.
2. He's married.
3. He's married to a high-ranking advisor for the Secretay of State.
The court of public opinion finds Mr. Weiner GUILTY.
And public opinion determines the fate of ALL politicians.
[QUOTE="nocoolnamejim"] Really? I didn't see you calling for the resignations of any of the people on this list.airshocker
I'm sorry, are you my wife? Amanda, is that you?
If not, how do you know who and who I don't call to resign? Ensign, Sanford and Foley are the only ones that come to mind, recently of Republicans I think should have resigned.
No I'm not your wife. I'm the guy pointing out that at the time of those scandals you weren't making post after post talking about how they lied and have to go. What about David Vitter? Married, champion of good family values and, apparently, likes to hire prostitutes illegally to dress him up in a diaper and spank him. Currently serving as the Respected Junior Senator of Louisiana after NOT being called to resign by Republican Leadership and running for reelection. (And winning.) Or how about Mark Foley scandal? Boehner and Hastert knew about it for weeks and tried to help cover it up. Don't hear you calling for Boehner to resign. Or Mark Samford? Used taxpayer money to fly to Argentina to "Hike the Appalachian Trail" with his love squeeze. Just about anything you can find on that list is WAY worse than what Weiner did.[QUOTE="Tokugawa77"]you're right..because people can't not show their shlong on twitter and fix the economy at the same time...This is the problem with America. We are more concerned about whether or not Obama is a US citizen and about how Weiner showed his Weiner than about actual problems, like fixing the economy.
If I turn on the news I bet you that I will see a story about some political or celebrity gossip, not about actual news.
i guess my suspicions were right. either way i have already addressed this point
There is nothing mundane about lying to us. You'd sing a very different song if this was a Republican in the hotseat.
i guess my suspicions were right. either way i have already addressed this point
There is nothing mundane about lying to us. You'd sing a very different song if this was a Republican in the hotseat.
not really. i simply come from another world where i understand and can sympathise
Really? I didn't see you calling for the resignations of any of the people on this list.nocoolnamejim
I'm sorry, are you my wife? Amanda, is that you?
If not, how do you know who and who I don't call to resign? Ensign, Sanford and Foley are the only ones that come to mind, recently of Republicans I think should have resigned.
No I'm not your wife. I'm the guy pointing out that at the time of those scandals you weren't making post after post talking about how they lied and have to go. What about David Vitter? Married, champion of good family values and, apparently, likes to hire prostitutes illegally to dress him up in a diaper and spank him. Currently serving as the Respected Junior Senator of Louisiana after NOT being called to resign by Republican Leadership and running for reelection. (And winning.) Or how about Mark Foley scandal? Boehner and Hastert knew about it for weeks and tried to help cover it up. Don't hear you calling for Boehner to resign. Or Mark Samford? Used taxpayer money to fly to Argentina to "Hike the Appalachian Trail" with his love squeeze. Just about anything you can find on that list is WAY worse than what Weiner did. Actually, Samford was promoting health and exercise. He was combating the growing obesity scandal by trying to glorify 'Hiking". By hiking the appalachian trail, one could burn calories and thus lose weight and stay healthy. A truly noble and commendable cause. Plus, he was reaching out and trying to improve US relations with foreign countries. Diplomacy is important. Man, I could be a good spin doctor.....andy our point is?..does that give Politicians Cart Blance to act like complete DBs?...Government really has become the Hollywood for Ugly People....If I turn on the news I bet you that I will see a story about some political or celebrity gossip, not about actual news.
No I'm not your wife. I'm the guy pointing out that at the time of those scandals you weren't making post after post talking about how they lied and have to go. What about David Vitter? Married, champion of good family values and, apparently, likes to hire prostitutes illegally to dress him up in a diaper and spank him. Currently serving as the Respected Junior Senator of Louisiana after NOT being called to resign by Republican Leadership and running for reelection. (And winning.) Or how about Mark Foley scandal? Boehner and Hastert knew about it for weeks and tried to help cover it up. Don't hear you calling for Boehner to resign. Or Mark Samford? Used taxpayer money to fly to Argentina to "Hike the Appalachian Trail" with his love squeeze. Just about anything you can find on that list is WAY worse than what Weiner did.nocoolnamejim
Sorry, I sometimes have a life. I didn't know I was required to post on GS in condemnation to every Republican who did something wrong. Perhaps you should put that in the TOU, to make it clear for everyone.
None of that changes the fact that Weiner lied and is leaving for it. So I'm a happy camper either way. Just further reinforces my belief that some liberals on OT are so completely biased they can't see the wrong in what their party leaders do.
not really. i simply come from another world where i understand and can sympathise
Doubtful. :)
[QUOTE="Tokugawa77"]Government really has become the Hollywood for Ugly People....If I turn on the news I bet you that I will see a story about some political or celebrity gossip, not about actual news.
That is my point entirely, and its something that I believe has no place in politics.
not really. i simply come from another world where i understand and can sympathise
Doubtful. :)
i feel honored to join congressman weiner in the exclusive club, 'judged by airshocker'
The behavior..absolutely...but you're not going to get the press to back off....the press is going to report on what people want to hear..the only way to not have that happen is to not act like a lying PoS.....That is my point entirely, and its something that I believe has no place in politics.
i feel honored to join congressman weiner in the exclusive club, 'judged by airshocker'
Make sure you add everyone else in the country. I'm not alone. :)
[QUOTE="nocoolnamejim"]No I'm not your wife. I'm the guy pointing out that at the time of those scandals you weren't making post after post talking about how they lied and have to go. What about David Vitter? Married, champion of good family values and, apparently, likes to hire prostitutes illegally to dress him up in a diaper and spank him. Currently serving as the Respected Junior Senator of Louisiana after NOT being called to resign by Republican Leadership and running for reelection. (And winning.) Or how about Mark Foley scandal? Boehner and Hastert knew about it for weeks and tried to help cover it up. Don't hear you calling for Boehner to resign. Or Mark Samford? Used taxpayer money to fly to Argentina to "Hike the Appalachian Trail" with his love squeeze. Just about anything you can find on that list is WAY worse than what Weiner did.airshocker
Sorry, I sometimes have a life. I didn't know I was required to post on GS in condemnation to every Republican who did something wrong. Perhaps you should put that in the TOU, to make it clear for everyone.
None of that changes the fact that Weiner lied and is leaving for it. So I'm a happy camper either way. Just further reinforces my belief that some liberals on OT are so completely biased they can't see the wrong in what their party leaders do.
Easy there Tiger. No broad general statements. The liberal party leaders (Obama, Reid and Pelosi) have called on Weiner to resign over what is, in the end, an extremely petty item...particularly compared to the items that conservative party leaders have let slide completely or even assisted in covering up. You're not required to post every time a Republican does something wrong, but you've NEVER done it to my knowledge and I'm perfectly justified in pointing out that fact, particularly when your previous post was "You may have no standards for your elected officials. I do, though." Your standards only seem to apply to Democrats who have broken no laws, shown no hypocrisy and are guilty of no misuse of government funds. I laid out much earlier what my standards for resignation are. If a politician lies about something that is illegal, an abuse of his office or highlights vast hypocrisy based on how he built his career then he/she should resign. If a politician lies about something that we really have no right to know about anyway, and gets caught doing it, then his constituents should decide whether or not he continues to represent them at the next election.[QUOTE="airshocker"][QUOTE="nocoolnamejim"]No I'm not your wife. I'm the guy pointing out that at the time of those scandals you weren't making post after post talking about how they lied and have to go. What about David Vitter? Married, champion of good family values and, apparently, likes to hire prostitutes illegally to dress him up in a diaper and spank him. Currently serving as the Respected Junior Senator of Louisiana after NOT being called to resign by Republican Leadership and running for reelection. (And winning.) Or how about Mark Foley scandal? Boehner and Hastert knew about it for weeks and tried to help cover it up. Don't hear you calling for Boehner to resign. Or Mark Samford? Used taxpayer money to fly to Argentina to "Hike the Appalachian Trail" with his love squeeze. Just about anything you can find on that list is WAY worse than what Weiner did.nocoolnamejim
Sorry, I sometimes have a life. I didn't know I was required to post on GS in condemnation to every Republican who did something wrong. Perhaps you should put that in the TOU, to make it clear for everyone.
None of that changes the fact that Weiner lied and is leaving for it. So I'm a happy camper either way. Just further reinforces my belief that some liberals on OT are so completely biased they can't see the wrong in what their party leaders do.
Easy there Tiger. No broad general statements. The liberal party leaders (Obama, Reid and Pelosi) have called on Weiner to resign over what is, in the end, an extremely petty item...particularly compared to the items that conservative party leaders have let slide completely or even assisted in covering up. You're not required to post every time a Republican does something wrong, but you've NEVER done it to my knowledge and I'm perfectly justified in pointing out that fact, particularly when your previous post was "You may have no standards for your elected officials. I do, though." Your standards only seem to apply to Democrats who have broken no laws, shown no hypocrisy and are guilty of no misuse of government funds. I laid out much earlier what my standards for resignation are. If a politician lies about something that is illegal, an abuse of his office or highlights vast hypocrisy based on how he built his career then he/she should resign. If a politician lies about something that we really have no right to know about anyway, and gets caught doing it, then his constituents should decide whether or not he continues to represent them at the next election.looks like we found a new clubmember
The behavior..absolutely...but you're not going to get the press to back off....the press is going to report on what people want to hear..the only way to not have that happen is to not act like a lying PoS.....Omni-Slash
Fair enough. My point was only that the public should care less about these scandals. They have the actual Hollywood for that. In my opinion, the politician in question shouldn't be forced to resign, if public opinion has shifted that much against him it should show in teh next election. Simple as that, we don't need all this drama.
i feel honored to join congressman weiner in the exclusive club, 'judged by airshocker'
Make sure you add everyone else in the country. I'm not alone. :)
Nor are you everyone else in the country. His constituents don't want him to resign. Poll resultsbut with that standard action would never be matter how heinous the offense....when you've got months or years to have full time PR guys smooth over everything you've could in all honesty probably kill someone and stil lget re-elected....just look at times that dead officials have been re-elected into their position jsut on name recognition and party affiliation......when scumbags act liek scumbags they should be tossed's the only way you're going to get honest people back in matter what your party affiliation is...Fair enough. My point was only that the public should care less about these scandals. They have the actual Hollywood for that. In my opinion, the politician in question shouldn't be forced to resign, if public opinion has shifted that much against him it should show in teh next election. Simple as that, we don't need all this drama.
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