Easy there Tiger. No broad general statements. The liberal party leaders (Obama, Reid and Pelosi) have called on Weiner to resign over what is, in the end, an extremely petty item...particularly compared to the items that conservative party leaders have let slide completely or even assisted in covering up. You're not required to post every time a Republican does something wrong, but you've NEVER done it to my knowledge and I'm perfectly justified in pointing out that fact, particularly when your previous post was "You may have no standards for your elected officials. I do, though." Your standards only seem to apply to Democrats who have broken no laws, shown no hypocrisy and are guilty of no misuse of government funds. I laid out much earlier what my standards for resignation are. If a politician lies about something that is illegal, an abuse of his office or highlights vast hypocrisy based on how he built his career then he/she should resign. If a politician lies about something that we really have no right to know about anyway, and gets caught doing it, then his constituents should decide whether or not he continues to represent them at the next election.nocoolnamejim
B-b-b-ut even if they're true?! What a cruel world.
Just because one doesn't come to GS to condemn someone, doesn't mean the act doesn't occur. As I've already said, in the case of the ones I knew about, I did want them to resign. And I sometimes have a life.
I remember coming here during the whole hoopla with Spitzer. I railed on him pretty hard.
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