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Republican David Vitter actually had sex behind his wife's back by illegally using prostitutes and he got to keep his job, plus he's one of those hypocritical family values politicians. He only went public after another family values politician, Republican Rick Santorum, tipped him off to get ahead of the media. Another family values Republican, John Ensign, was engaged in acts of corruption too numurous to name. He resigned not after getting caught, but two years later when he was about to be thrown out for ethics violations after his buddy, family values Republican Tom Coburn, helped to covered for him.
I have no problem with Weiner being forced out for taking inappropriate pictures of himself, but at least be consistent by forcing out everyone guilty of misconduct on the same level or greater. All elected officals should be held to the same standard instead of the rules of morality only applying to some.
His actions wouldn't have been a big deal if the media didn't make it a big deal. He did nothing illegal and the situation should have been handled as such: not at all. Everything else in my post matters because you were calling for Weiner's resignation the moment you caught wind of this "scandal," despite the fact that he did nothing illegal (unlike everyone I posted).scorch-62
Do you have proof that I've been calling for his resignation since the media started covering it?
Lets say that you did? What would your response be? Most likely every one elses.. Deer in head lights.. This isn't saying he is fit to lead or defending him specifically for partisan reasons. I just find it awful to think that people suddenly can't trust the politician because he was trying to prevent something from extremely embarrassing from coming up..Lol embarrassed to speak his mind? You mean on subjects in general.. That is alot different from being asked if thats your erect penis publically.. He was of course a idiot for ever posting such things, no argument here.. But the mere fact people expect that any one is going to come clean about this isn't living in reality.. People lie about embarrassing stuff all the time.. And this is usually only to a small group of people.. Not a entire nation.
Depends what it is, I guess. Most of the time I'm a big believer in telling the truth because the pain is over quicker.
We can't trust him now! If he was willing to lie about this, what else is he willing to lie about?
Just calling you out on selectivity is all.scorch-62
I'm not being selective.
Not posting on GS in condemnation doesn't mean I'm not condemning politicians who act wrongly.
What's the point in telling you how I feel about those Republican politicians now? You're just going to think I'm posturing.
Sorry, but "maybe", "might", "could" don't cut it. If you want to argue why he should have resigned (against the will of his constituents I'll add) then come up with a sold argument, not speculation.
Sorry, but they do. :)
Republican David Vitter actually had sex behind his wife's back by illegally using prostitutes and he got to keep his job, plus he's one of those hypocritical family values politicians. He only went public after another family values politician, Republican Rick Santorum, tipped him off to get ahead of the media. Another family values Republican, John Ensign, was engaged in acts of corruption too numurous to name. He resigned not after getting caught, but two years later when he was about to be thrown out for ethics violations after his buddy, family values Republican Tom Coburn, helped to covered for him.
I have no problem with Weiner being forced out for taking inappropriate pictures of himself, but at least be consistent by forcing out everyone guilty of misconduct on the same level or greater. All elected officals should be held to the same standard instead of the rules of morality only applying to some.
I'm with you on that note. There should be much more pressure on politicians still in ongress who have partaken in actual corruption and/or illegal activity. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening in the near future.Until it becomes political advantageous to do otherwise, you're going to have a problem with everyone holding any sort of political office. Collectively, Americans seem to punish any politician that tells the truth, yet we only selectively punish those who lie.Sorry, I have a problem with anybody who gets up in front of the country and lies straight to our faces.
Until it becomes political advantageous to do otherwise, you're going to have a problem with everyone holding any sort of political office. Collectively, Americans seem to punish any politician that tells the truth, yet we only selectively punish those who lie.-Sun_Tzu-
Not all politicians stand up and lie straight to our faces like Weiner did. And even if they do it's so hard to call someone a liar when they can whip out some obscure poll or report proving otherwise.
[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"]Until it becomes political advantageous to do otherwise, you're going to have a problem with everyone holding any sort of political office. Collectively, Americans seem to punish any politician that tells the truth, yet we only selectively punish those who lie.airshocker
Not all politicians stand up and lie straight to our faces like Weiner did. And even if they do it's so hard to call someone a liar when they can whip out some obscure poll or report proving otherwise.
Unfortunately, it seems almost all of them do according to resources like Politifact.[QUOTE="worlock77"]
Sorry, but "maybe", "might", "could" don't cut it. If you want to argue why he should have resigned (against the will of his constituents I'll add) then come up with a sold argument, not speculation.
Sorry, but they do. :)
No, they don't. Mere speculation is not a good argument.
Lets say that you did? What would your response be? Most likely every one elses.. Deer in head lights.. This isn't saying he is fit to lead or defending him specifically for partisan reasons. I just find it awful to think that people suddenly can't trust the politician because he was trying to prevent something from extremely embarrassing from coming up..Lol embarrassed to speak his mind? You mean on subjects in general.. That is alot different from being asked if thats your erect penis publically.. He was of course a idiot for ever posting such things, no argument here.. But the mere fact people expect that any one is going to come clean about this isn't living in reality.. People lie about embarrassing stuff all the time.. And this is usually only to a small group of people.. Not a entire nation.
Depends what it is, I guess. Most of the time I'm a big believer in telling the truth because the pain is over quicker.
We can't trust him now! If he was willing to lie about this, what else is he willing to lie about?
There is a huge difference between lieing about something having NOTHING to do with his job and embarrassing as well as costing his marriage.. Than anything about his job specifically.. People lie all the time, if you think that people in general are some how are beacons of light.. Then the jokes on you.. This isn't some simple thing or had anything to do with his job, this was a EXTREMELy embarrassing thing.. Much like dreams a perosn has of being naked infront of a crowd of people kind of moment.. And as people have said there are people who have odne far worse that are still in office.. Now this isn't suggesting that he is fit or unfit for leadership but this kind of logic is ridiculous.. This had nothing to do with his job.. With your unrealistic perspective on things we should really trust NO one, because people have lied about their personal lives all the time at one time or another.
Fidelity and honesty are overrated virtues and shoud not expect or hope for elected officials to demonstrate either. Everyone cheats and everyone lies therefore its ok. To expect more is to be unreasonable. You're only fooling yourself if you think any politician should or will have integrity.
Fidelity and honesty are overrated virtues and shoud not expect or hope for elected officials to demonstrate either. Everyone cheats and everyone lies therefore its ok. To expect more is to be unreasonable. You're only fooling yourself if you think any politician should or will have integrity.
Well I think PROFESSIONAL intergrity is a must. But this is in the realm of personal life that has nothing to do with his job.
[QUOTE="sonicare"]I think it is absurd. A guy just resigned over a sex scandal in which he had no actual sex. (That we know about yet.) From what I've seen: 1. He broke no laws 2. He did not misuse taxpayer resources or otherwise abuse his office 3. He isn't guilty of hypocrisy by building his career on being a defender of traditional moral values 4. Polling of the people in his district want him to remain Unless there is some other shoe that Obama, Pelosi and Reid know about that hasn't dropped yet (such as sending pictures of his junk to underage girls) I think their pushing him out the door is, frankly, cowardly and stupid. Contrast this with Senator David Vitter who had actual sex with actual prostitutes down in Louisiana which broke laws and not only didn't resign but ran for reelection and won by 20 points or so.I guess when the President of the country calls you out, you got no where to run. Weiner's chances of staying in office shrunk after being criticized by Obama, Pelosi, and Reed. What are your thoughts? He committed no crime but was guilty of poor conduct. Doyou say. "Hey everyone does it, no big deal" or "We should expect more from our elected officials?" I'm going neutral on this.
yeah, I really have lost faith in our legal system/sense of justice in this country, especially as far as the public goes.
Just because you dont like a guy or approve of his actions does not make him a criminal, nor does give you the right to ruin his life.
He should have kept his office, and let the voters at the next election decide his fate.
So Charlie Rangel stays in office, even gets re-elected after all that fraud, and Weiner has to leave for taking/sending naked pics? Makes sense.imaps3fanboy
Exactly, nothing more scandalous to the media than sending non nude provocative pictures. Go go them ratings yo!
[QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"]So Charlie Rangel stays in office, even gets re-elected after all that fraud, and Weiner has to leave for taking/sending naked pics? Makes sense.Meat_Wad_Fan
Exactly, nothing more scandalous to the media than sexting. Go go them ratings yo!
careful, I was modded for saying the s-word...
careful, I was modded for saying the s-word...
great so why did you quote me:shock: I just edited my post.... but for realio that is lame, I hear the word 100 times a day on news channels.
careful, I was modded for saying the s-word...
great so why did you quote me:shock: I just edited my post.... but for realio that is lame, I hear the word 100 times a day on news channels.
im sorry lol I was joking :lol:
should have put a :P emote after my post, my bad
it's too bad really. Given his famous outbursts in Congress he probably never convinced a single Republican to vote for any legislation proposed by a democrat, but he probably rallied democrats who were on the fence to vote for something they may not previously been willing to do.
I'm gonna miss his outbursts in Congress and calling BS on Republicans when it was apparent becuase it was incredibly fun to watch.
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