jesus isn't the real lord. He was born from Mary, right, no father. People thought she commited adultury.
when jesus was born, the people were amazed, because he began to speak. He said that if adam was born without any parents and eve was created from his ribs, why can't you believe i have no father?
Allah is jesus creator.
On the day of judgement, the sun will be brought above our heads, and people will drown in their sweat, its height depending on their sins.
50 000 angels will be dragging hell before all of humanity, and if one angel let go of a chain, hell will be released on all of us. Hell begins to speak and says it is hungry for the disbelievers. Truely, it is a horrific sight.
then people turn to the prophets of Allah.
they first go to Adam and ask him for help.
adam tells them move away from me, move away from me, how can i help you when allah has created me like he created you?
today allah is angrier than he ever was and ever will be, and i ate from the tree so how can i face allah?
then they move to other prophets and the same thing is said, but with their sins until they reach jesus.
jesus tells them the same thing, get away from me and allah is at his peak of anger.
he says how can i face allah when people have worshipped me rather than him.
do you see this? Jesus is afraid that he will be punished as a result of christianity. turn to islam before it is too late.
After that, jesus sends the people to muhammad, and he prostrates to allah, along with the believers. Allah comes forward to us and the sky turns black. Those who didn't belive in him AND HIS MESSENGER will fall flat on their faces. For those who think you only need to worship ANY GOD AND YOU'LL BE FINE YOU ARE WRONG!!
then the sky turns black and books start falling, with every deed people have committed and the judging begins.
Allah tells the people there is no death, and this is their place for eternity.
inshaalah, we will all be in heaven
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