I have read that and take it into account along with refutes to it. This is the thing. You can teach evolution but it is not solid. I understand people think that creation and intelligent design means God. I dont think you canscientifically proveGod. I do think that people that dont believe in God would think that evolution disproves God. That is not true though the Christian God is my only God but that is not the case with everybody that believes in God. I have a problem with people that believe that because it is scientifically decided to be the answer, even though it is far from solid, would not want other scientific theories investigated. It would make sense to look for alternative answers. Science always changes with new findings and it is because of different research. At the same time if you teach only one side of a theory that has not been solidified, is that not indoctrination? Why not give other possibilities for them to consider. It is not like you are teaching the Bible to kids, you are opening the door to other perspectives that deserve thought.
"this is the thing", creationism does not deserve to be in a science cl@ss Ever. It is not a scientific theory, and before you respond with "its' just a theory", I might remind you that gravity is a theory, and some scientists agree that there is enough evidence for the theory of evolution than there is for the theory of gravity.
If you want to believe God guided evolution, thats fine. But know that is not scientific. If you want to believe that God created life, fine, but again, thats not scientific, because it can't be proven through observation and emperical data/research.
And no one says evolution disproves God, not unless you like to take the Bible literally.
You are so mixed up here. I am talking about atheist think that macroevolution disproves God. Creation, intelligent design are science wether you acknowledge it or not. Scientist study these things. Just because the theory of evolution is factual does not grant truth to other theories. The fact that you say "some" scientist says a whole lot. Also if you would just read what I said you would know that I said that science will not prove God. Pay attention.
Here's a little thing about science: it's not scientific just because it's studied by people who call themselves scientists, its science if it is observable and supported by empirical data, and guess what? Creationism/Intelligent design fails to be observable and is not supported by empirical data. I don't know what "scientists" you think actually takes this seriously, but they are clearly not real scientists, since they are trying to hammer something that can't be proven into the scientific community as a valid theory.
Also, I never said the theory of evolution grants truth to other theories, you're just putting words in my mouth. I said the theory of evolution has a lot of evidence going for it.
And why atheists think macroevolution disproves God has nothing to do with the validity of the theory of Evolution or Creationism. They believe something that can't be proven, just like how creationists believe something that can't be proven. Science does not approach such things.
No, they are Scientist with major credentials. To be honest you are so close minded it is hard to even discuss this with you. this is a quote for you "since they are trying to hammer something that can't be proved into the scientific community as a valid theory." Are you serious? If it cant be proved so it is not a valid theory. Theories are not necessarily fact. To dismiss other theories is ignorant.
There is no evidence for creationism. It is not a theory, we are not dismissing it as a theory, because it's not a theory.
Until you can rpove that there is a higher force that created life with emperical data and can be observed, its not a theory, and never will be. I know its hard to let your faith be questioned, but real scientists won't compromise scientific integrity so they can hammer their beliefs into it so they can feel their opinions are valid.
my faith is not in question at all. You fail to acknowledge the false ideas in science as fact. life comes from life ask any scientist.
False ideas in science? :lol:
So observing phenomenon and researching with emperical data are false ideas? :lol:
First off, The Theory of Evolution does not explain where life comes from at all. ;)
Second, "life comes from life ask any scientist" is not proof. And you never actually gave proof as to why Creationism coud be a theory, only pointing at the holes in the broad, and yes, imperfect theory of evolution. What does creationism have going for it? Nothing. You have not shown in any way how creationism is a theory, regardless of how many holes there are in the theory of evolution.
Lets break it down shall we? ;)
1) Creationism has no evidence in it's backing, therefore it does not qualify as a scientific theory.
2) The Theory Evolution is imperfect, but has much evidence backing it, and therefore it qualifies as a scientific theory, which means it will be continuously in the process of becoming perfect.
So, do we teach creationism, a faith based concept, relying on a being whose existance cannot be proven through observation or emperical data in our schools?
No. Because as people have said, there is no evidence backing Creationism.
And if you're faith is not in question, why bring this up? :lol:
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