[QUOTE="rgsniper1"]Noco - I asnswered your question with a what I consider a good answer, yet you post more on this yet don't acknowledge my post?
I'm sorry. Missed seeing it. Wasn't ignoring you on purpose. (Call me Jim please.) I might accept that explanation if not for the fact that the two words sound nothing alike. "Negro" sounds like "Knee" and Nig*** does not. Listen to the video closely. Unless he plans on pronouncing KNEEgro as "NIGgro", which would be a very odd pronunciation, he really was about to drop the genuine, full flavored version of the N-bomb. And he isn't exactly the first leading Republican presidential contender to say things that can easily be construed as racist. And so I'm prepared if the NAACP invites me, I'll go to their convention and talk about why the African American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps, Newt Gingrich
And then there's the Ron Paul newsletters...I addressed that, I've heard it pronounced as many times as Nihgro as I have the Neegro way. So to me it sounds exactly like the infamous N word when you start to say it. Maybe the part of the country you're in makes a differance? Just like the words Missouri, accessory, refrigerator, drown, foilage, niche, precipitation, vehicle, preventive, sherbet, clothes, asterisk, cache, athelete, Norfolk (good example as some say Norfick and some say it just like it reads), or heck about anything people say that are from Boston or New York/New Jersey and some Chicago sounds diff. when different people say them. Anway, back to the topic... yeah I've heard it as Nihgro many times. Well not that i'm around people who say it a lot, i'm just old I guess :) Are these people prounouncing it wrong, sure they are but look at the list I made above and realize there's a thousand more words you could add to that which people say "oddly". So you asked if there's a word that sounded the same and yeah there is and it fits. I'm not Rick S. so I can't say for sure but in this case i'd give him the benifit of the doubt as by saying what I think he said it would help his campaign in a way. Saying what you think he said would be political suicide. Which do you think is more likely the intent if you're Rick S.?
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