[QUOTE="ROLFCHANK"]now you, i can buy that you are stupid enough to think that what i said meant that i didnt think businesses should be subject to any regulation of any kind. but not that other guy. murlow12Your immature personal attacks don't change the fact that you either 1) misspoke; or 2) were completely wrong. Either way, I have spent countless hours in a law school listening to people "nitpick for hours about seemingly clear words," and I still don't understand how you can claim that your statement meant something that it didn't. You have been bested, sir. It probably isn't the first time, and it certainly won't be the last. A piece of humble pie would serve you well... not to insult you again, but i believe 100% that you cant see what i meant about businessowners being free to run their businesses how they want not meaning that they should be subject to no regulations or laws. i think one has to be thick in the head to think that my statement, again, meant that businesses should be above the law. i suspect you are siding with him because you dont like me
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