Did you just ignore my point about how many non-Christians use Christmas as the excuse for getting more stuff? Why can't Christmas be mostly about Christ's coming for the majority of Christians? Why do you so assuredly assert that Christmas no longer holds any Christian meaning?
Your logical fallacy: the sweeping generalization which you assert in every one of your posts, even though the only observation which brought you to that conclusion was observing the shopping habits of the general public. I said that the first time I mentioned the logical fallacy.
What point about the essence of Christianity did you make?
I am merely reporting what I experience. Maybe in your community the majority celebrate Christmas for the religious aspects... but where I live I barely hear anyone even talking about it being Christ's "birthday" let alone being a religious holiday.
Saying something is something doesn't make it something. I observe more people worrying about presents and spending money than people worrying about religious aspects of a holiday. It is logical to assume from my perspective that the majority (at least in my area) care more about the commercial aspect than the religious aspect. Ergo, the only LOGICAL conclusion I can reach is that the majority prefers materialism over religion. I never claimed it to represent the entire Christian population of the world, merely the large majority of Western countries. If anyone is making a logical fallacy here, its you in presuming things about my argument that just don't exist.
That its essence is about bettering the community rather than oneself... and not the divinity of Jesus, his miracles or the dogma of the organized tradition.lol...
Then our argument is of now almost pointless.
You did not make it clear through your wording that you were only talking about where you live. You should have specified. You said "most Christians" but failed to include the part about "in my area." lol
Sorry, though, I was probably still riled up a bit about earlier. For that I apologize.
Anyway, about the community thing, bettering and helping the community by showing Christ through works does point people to the divinity of Jesus. And I'm pretty sure Christianity has always been about loving God, loving others, etc.
It was nice debating with you, sir. Honestly I've had enough for an evening. lol
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